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Elden Ring 1.10 Poise Breakpoints (PvP & PvE) | Elden Ring Damage Spreadsheet

8/1/2023 11:41:57 AM

Considering the significant adjustments that have been implemented regarding poise in the latest update, it's time to update the Elden Ring PvP/PvE Poise Breakpoints for the 1.10 patch across all weapon classes and spells!

Elden Ring 1.10 Poise Damage Breakpoints (PvP & PvE)

Poise in Elden Ring stands as a crucial defensive mechanism within the game. While the system involves intricate calculations, its fundamental purpose lies in determining the magnitude of damage a character can withstand before succumbing to staggering. Specific breakpoints further ascertain which weapon attacks, or their strengths, have the potential to send you reeling.

Notably, Poise has undergone adjustments in various patches, and its significance is particularly pronounced among PvP players. Patch 1.10 breathed new life into Elden Ring, where the primary alteration centers around Poise. It has been augmented for certain attacks, now offering damage reduction upon activation. However, in an effort to maintain balance and curb its potential overuse in PvP, all weapons and some spells now deal increased Poise damage.

Here, we present a concise overview of the major Poise damage values in Elden Ring, accounting for changes introduced since patch 1.10. As updates continue to roll out, these poise breakpoints may evolve, and we'll make sure to keep this information up-to-date.

Elden Ring 1.10 Poise Breakpoints Chart
Weapon Type (Class)Attack Type
Poise Breakpoints
Dagger (Small)1h R141 (64 for 2nd hit)
1h running/backstep/rolling/crouch R141
1h running R282
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R161
1h jumping R2 / Stuns>133
2h R153 (82 for 2nd hit)
2h running/backstep/rolling/crouch R153
2h running R290
2h R2(uncharged/charged)>133
2h jumping R179
2h jumping R2>133
Powerstance L1 (3 hits)
>133 (33+57+57)
Powerstance running L191
Powerstance rolling/backstep/crouch L155
Powerstance jumping L1>133
1h Guard Counter>133
Claw (Small)1h R1109 (55 for 2 hit)
1h running/backstep/rolling/crouch R1109
1 h running R2>133
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1131 (60 for 2nd hit)
2h running/backstep/rolling/crouch R1131
2h running R2>133
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)
2h jumping R1/R2
Powerstance L1 131
Powerstance running/rolling/backstep/crouch L1131
Powerstance jump L1 / Stuns>133
1h Guard Counter>133
Whips1h R1>109 (55 for 2nd hit)
1h running/backstep/rolling/crouch R1
1h running R2>133
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2
2h R1>133 (71 for 2nd hit)
2h running R1/R2>133
2h backstep/rolling/crouch R1>133
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)
2h jumping R1/R2
Powerstance L1 131
Powerstance running/rolling/backstep/crouch L1131
Powerstance jump L1 / Stuns>133
1h Guard Counter>133
Fist1h R1>133 (68 for 2nd hit)
1h running R1/R2>133
1h backstep/rolling/crouch R1>133
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1>133 (131+33) / >133 (33+131)
2h running R1
>133 (33+131)
2h running R2>133
2h backstep/crouch R1
2h rolling R1>133 (82+82 or 33+131)
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
2h jumping R1/R2>133
Powerstance L1>133 (33+131)
Powerstance running/rolling/crouch L1
>133 (33+131)
Powerstance backstep L1>133
Powerstance jumping L1>133
1h Guard Counter>133
Small Thrusting Swords
1h R1109 (55 for 2nd hit)
1h running/rolling/crouch R1109
1h running R2>133
1h backstep R1>133
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1>133 (71 for 2nd hit)
2h running R1/R2
2h backstep/rolling/crouch R1
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
2h jumping R1/R2>133
Powerstance L1>133 (104+26)
Powerstance running L1>133 (26+104)
Powerstance running/rolling/crouch L1
>133 (33+131)
Powerstance backstep L1>133 (>133+25)
Powerstance jumping L1>133 (109+109+109)
1h Guard Counter>133
SS, CS, Katana, Axe
1h R1>133 (68 for 2nd hit)
1h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1>133
1h running R2>133
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1>133 (88 for 2nd hit)
2h running R1/R2
2h backstep/rolling/crouch R1
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
2h jumping R1/R2>133
Powerstance L1>133
Powerstance running L1>133 (SS/Axe 33+131, Kat 22+ > 133
Powerstance rolling/rouch/jumping L1>133
Powerstance backstep L1>133 (Kat 44+87, Axe 33+131)
1h Guard Counter>133
Spears1h R1>127 (62 for 2nd hit)
1h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1127
1h running R2>133
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1>133 (82 for 2nd hit)
2h running R1/R2
2h backstep/rolling/crouch R1
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
2h jumping R1/R2>133
Powerstance L1>133
Powerstance running/rolling/rouch/jumping L1>133
Powerstance backstep L1>133 (31+ >133)
1h Guard Counter>133
Twinblades1h R1>101 (51 for 2nd hit)
1h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1101
1h running R2>133 (51+ > 133)
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1>133 (41+71) (56 for 2nd hit 21+36)
2h running/rolling/crouch R1
>133 (51+88)
2h running R2>133
2h backstep R1131
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
2h jumping R1
>133 (66+101)
2h jumping R2>133
Powerstance L1>121 (31+91)
Powerstance running/rolling/rouch L1>121 (31+91)
Powerstance  backstep L1
Powerstance  jumping L1>133
1h Guard Counter>133
Heavy Thrusting Swords1h R1>133 (69 for 2nd hit)
1h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1>133
1h running R2>133
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1>133 (90 for 2nd hit)
2h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1
2h running R2>133
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)
2h jumping R1/R2>133
Powerstance L1
>133 (133+34)
Powerstance running/backstep/jumping L1
Powerstance rolling/crouch L1>133 (133+34)
1h Guard Counter>133
1h R1>133 (79 for 2nd hit)
1h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1>133
1h running R2>133
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1>133 (103 for 2nd hit)
2h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1
2h running R2>133
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)
2h jumping R1/R2>133
Powerstance L1
>133 (38+>133)
Powerstance running/backstep L1
>133 (38+>133)
Powerstance rolling/crouch/jumping L1>133
1h Guard Counter>133
1h R1>133 (73 for 2nd hit)
1h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1>133
1h running R2>133
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1>133 (94 for 2nd hit)
2h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1
2h running R2>133
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)
2h jumping R1/R2>133
Powerstance L1
>133 (24+>133)
Powerstance running/backstep L1
>133 (24+>133)
Powerstance rolling/crouch/jumping L1>133
1h Guard Counter>133
1h R1>133 (88 for 2nd hit)
1h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1>133
1h running R2>133
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1>133 (115 for 2nd hit)
2h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1
2h running R2>133
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)
2h jumping R1/R2>133
Powerstance L1
>133 (55+>133)
Powerstance running/backstep L1
>133 (55+>133)
Powerstance rolling/crouch/jumping L1>133
1h Guard Counter>133
Reapers1h R1>133 (88 for 2nd hit)
1h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1>133
1h running R2>133
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1>133 (115 for 2nd hit)
2h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1
2h running R2>133
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)
2h jumping R1/R2>133
Powerstance L1
>133 (55+>133)
Powerstance running/backstep L1
>133 (55+>133)
Powerstance rolling/crouch/jumping L1>133
1h Guard Counter>133
Gaxe, CGS, Greatswords1h R1>133 (103 for 2nd hit)
1h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1>133
1h running R2>133
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1>133 (133 for 2nd hit)
2h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1
2h running R2>133
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)
2h jumping R1/R2>133
Powerstance L1
Powerstance running/backstep/jumping L1
Powerstance rolling/crouch L1>133 (Gaxe 62+ >133)
1h Guard Counter>133
Greatspears1h R1>133 (97 for 2nd hit)
1h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1>133
1h running R2>133 (11+11+8+8+>133)
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1>133 (127 for 2nd hit)
2h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1
2h running R2>133 (12+12+9+9+>133)
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)
2h jumping R1/R2>133
Powerstance L1
Powerstance running L1
>133 (11/11+11/11+8/8+8/8+105/105)
Powerstance rolling/crouch/backstep/jumping L1>133
1h Guard Counter>133
GHs1h R1>133 (117 for 2nd hit)
1h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1>133
1h running R2>133
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1>133
2h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1
2h running R2>133
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)
2h jumping R1/R2>133
Powerstance L1
Powerstance running/backstep/jumping L1
Powerstance rolling/crouch L1>133 (70+>133)
1h Guard Counter>133
Colossal (& Variants)1h R1>133
1h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1>133
1h running R2>133
1h R2 (uncharged/charged)>133
1h jumping R1/R2>133
2h R1>133
2h running/rolling/backstep/crouch R1
2h running R2>133
2h R2 (uncharged/charged)
2h jumping R1/R2>133
Powerstance L1
Powerstance running/backstep/jumping L1
Powerstance rolling/crouch L1>133
1h Guard Counter>133


- R1, running 1 and crouch r1 have the same value

- R2 and running r2 have the same value 

- Shield poking and one-handed R1 share the same value

- There could be an error margin of 1 Poise because when you test in the game you don't see the decimal numbers, so Sometimes decimal numbers can introduce an error of one Poise. Although all the numbers you see here have been tested in games, so they are different definitely some combinations that will grant you the correct amount given the number, which basically means that most likely every number that you see here is going to be accurate but there might be some of them where you need one more Poise depending on your armor and your decimal values in your armor combination. So basically all the numbers here should be accurate but there could be sometimes an error of point something which gives an error of 1 Poise. 

- Not all attacks within the same weapon class share the same values. Some weapons have different animations for a particular R2 or something and can change here and there, but for the most part, all the numbers you see here are for the standard attack.

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