Over the years, NBA MyTeam has had a ridiculous amount of overpowered players (from 2K13 to 2K23), just shouldn't be as good as they are whether it be based on a broken mechanic in a game or the card's playing way better than they should. And in this guide, we're going to look at 10 cards that might have been a little bit lower overall came out a little bit earlier in the year, and just took as much advantage as possible of their games mechanics to become some of the best players in the game, despite being nowhere near the most expensive.
Note: We are not going to just be showcasing the best and most overpowered cards from NBA 2K23, but one from every single NBA 2K MyTeam (This guide is from the video shared by DBG).
Top 10 Most Op Players in NBA 2K MyTEAM History (NBA 2K13 - NBA 2K23)
1. NBA 2K13 Gerald Green
There was a player who's a perfect 2K player could shoot super fast and was the best dunker in the game. Basically he became the cheapest player in the game and every single person around Gerald Green. If you knew what you were doing with Gerald Green, he was better than LeBron, he was better than Michael Jordan, the original overpowered Beast Gerald Green. He was in everyone's team, you couldn't get play a game without facing Gerald Green because of the whole salary back then from VC, because in a way MyTeam was back in 2K13, you literally faced Gerald Green every single game and there was nothing you could do to stop him no matter who you had.
2. NBA 2K15 Lavine
You get Zach Levine, you got a guy in his very first 2K game, the guy won the dunk contest that year and the next year. Basically being better than LeBron James, forget LeBron, forget KD, forget Steph Curry who would win MVP that year, it didn't matter the best player day one in 2K15 was Zach Levine. Until they patch this which took maybe two months. Levine was the best player in the game and he was a 71 overall also. He had to respect his jump shot and that basically just meant that he could dunk on everybody, every single possession and you couldn't do anything to stop it.
3. NBA 2K16 Frye
Back in NBA 2K16, it was kind of more so realistic basketball, there weren't that many stretch bigs. However, during that summer, there was a Channing Frye that was released. One of only like three players in that game with limitless range and Channing Frye was always one of those 2K Gods. He was the best shooter in the game where a lot of the centers where guys at 25-3 balls like Hakeem and Kareem and stuff, people were running Channing Frye with the best cards in the game because he was the single best popper in the game and he got block shots and rebounds. So with this Channing Frye, he was in MyTeam from the day that he came out until the day 2K17 came out, he was an 85 overall. And like this was an ERA where there was a lot of 93 94 95's 96, this 85 overall who would just shoot from anywhere was probably the most broken power forward in the game especially if you paired him up with like a Porzingis at center, pretty much like the positionless find out basketball we play now in 2K, but back in 2K16.
4. NBA 2K17 Thon
In 2K17, the game mode was a little bit less realistic especially towards the end. But when this card came out, it was still a lot of realism in the game. Emerald Thon maker had the ability of a point guard, he ran like a point guard, he shot like a point guard, he dribble like a point guard, he had the ball control of a point guard back when that was really rare. And it was the first real Point Center we'd ever seen in MyTeam that could shoot the ball. Emerald Thon was about like 20 to 30K MT at the time which was really expensive for an emerald, but he was like the first real demigod. He just felt like he was going to be one of the best cards in the game from the second you use them, he moved like a guard, he shot like a guard, couldn't really buying it inside, but with that game's reliance momentum cross, he was just spectacular.
5. NBA 2K18 Isaac
2K18 had one majorly broken player, but he was a couple of million MT and it was pink diamond Giannis or maybe he was a million MT. But we also got a guy that came out a week before that Giannis, it was basically the same card Jonathan Isaac. Jonathan Isaac had the stats of a diamond, the issue was maybe he didn't have the greatest badges. The way this game played he had a jump shot that was good enough that you had to respect it, not the craziest jump shot in the world, but he had that herky-jerky movement where he was tough to stop, he just ran faster than everyone else because of his height and with the blow by animation in that game, he was unstoppable and offense. He was the only player in the game that could go toe-to-toe with that pink diamonds. He was a top 10 player in that game up till the day 2K19 launched.
6. NBA 2K19 Hedo Turkoglu
Before the days of the database, there were sometimes cards that didn't look good, but 2K would just suit them with the best animations in the game and that's what Hedo Turkoglu, a guy who at one stage when he came out was 8000 MT was the most unguardable player in that game. He also was the best dribbler in the game, one of the best dunkers in the game. he had every single op mechanic in NBA 2k19, so that 2K had to literally nerf the card a few months later. A guy who was the best player in the game who started off at 8K became 80K MT, was just one of the most broken cards we'd ever seen after that point.
7. NBA 2K20 Wade
For the majority of the year in 2K20 before people figured out the real most broken mechanic to Tween, there were two things that ruled the game. And it was the Pro 3 behind the back and the Dwyane Wade slash base 98 jumper into a peekaboo. This card had both of them and was the only player in the game to have both of them and he was 4000 MT. There was a better version of him before that that was 100K, but when this card came out, you faced Dwyane Wade in almost every single game. 2K20 had a mechanic where you would often get sucked into screens, which basically meant that you didn't have time to recover Hugo sucked into a screen for a Dwyane Wade jump shot. If he got open, he was getting he was basically greening 95% of the time.
8. NBA 2K21 Bol
Anyone who played 2K21 on Next Gen knows about this guy. So this is a card that on the day he came out was between 60 and 80K MT, but then a month after he came out, he was 200K MT. This was bauble, this guy was broken, and up to this point, you could argue he might have been the most broken card we'd ever seen in a 2K game.
9. NBA 2K22 Luka
and now the best till last I don't think there's a player that has defined a game as much as NBA 2k22 Luka doncic because again taco and Yao Ming were a lot less common than this because there were three versions of Luka doncic and again I'm somebody that bought Luca today he came out for 200K, he went up as high as 500K, Luka's jump shot and shoot around didn't seem like it was up to much. It wasn't the easiest to time, it was super quick but it wasn't the easiest to time, and then people realized you just couldn't contest it. The best way to play with Luca was to just ignore the defense and shoot it in the face. If you could time with Luca, it was basically unguardable, the guy didn't have dribble cigs, the guy wasn't good at anything other than shooting, he wasn't a good defender. But yet every single player used them, because you were putting yourself at a huge, just imagine not using. You literally shot the ball in people's faces and you scored every single time with him.
10. NBA 2K23 Taco
Taco was 250-300K when he came out and hovered around that price for a long time, there were guys with budget squads with the Taco. Taco was just unguardable, played power forward. Taco's literally just scoring every single possession because there is nothing the opponent can do and this year, his pink diamond is absolutely hel
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