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WoW Dragonflight 10.1 Most Fun DPS Tier List - Most Fun DPS Specs Ranked In Dragonflight Season 2

5/1/2023 6:26:59 PM

We are back with another WOW Dragonflight 10.1 DPS tier list for PvP and PvE. But this time we are ranking all the DPS specs based on how fun they are and it's not based on the power of the spec at all. It is Dragonflight tier list season after all!


WoW Dragonflight 10.1 DPS Tier List - Most Fun DPS Specs Ranked In Dragonflight Season 2

"Fun DPS" refers to the role of a damage dealer that is enjoyable and entertaining to play. The specs at the bottom of our WOW Dragonflight 10.1 DPS tier list are going to send you to sleep. The specs on the top that feel like you’re on top of the world. There are still a few weeks left until season two of Dragonflight, so there's definitely room for improvement in terms of fun for the specs. At this current moment, this is where we would rank these specs for now. A fun DPS class is one that offers a diverse range of abilities and playstyles, allowing you to experiment with different strategies and approaches to combat.


Dragonflight 10.1 Most Fun DPS Ranking

S - Enhancement Shaman, Demonology Warlock

A - Fury Warrior, Feral Druid, Windwalker Monk, Retribution Paladin,  Unholy Death Knight,  Shadow Priest

B - Elemental Shaman, Outlaw Rogue, Arms Warrior,  Fire Mage, Survival Hunter, Frost Death Knight, Subtlety Shaman, Affliction Warlock, Arcane Mage, Frost Mage, Balance Druid, Beast Mastery Monk

C - Devastation Evoker, Marksmanship Hunter, Havoc Demon Hunter, Assassination Rogue


Dragonflight Most Fun DPS Tier List In Depth

Fury Warrior (A Tier)

Prior to the nerfs that they received where you were able to generate max stacks on your bloodthirst from the tier set. Every time you rampage it made for a really fun and engaging gameplay loop. However, they have nerfed that recently and now it's every two or maybe even three rampages that you use that will actually max stack your bloodthirst. So it's not going to be that cyclical playstyle of bloodthirst and rampage which felt very good. It felt very fun and still feels fun to see bloodthirst actually doing some damage. You have unlimited amounts of cooldowns that you also can get a lot of cooldown reduction on through your anger management talent. So being able to blast in every single pack in Mythic plus feels great, especially with the cleave damage and also prior damage that the Fury Warrior. For this, we are going to chuck it straight in the A tier in this Dragonflight season 2 DPS tier list.


Feral Druid (A Tier)

If you could pick any class in the game, Feral is the best Dragonflight season 2 DPS. It’s definitely up there with the most complete specs in the game. You have an amazing AOE rotation which you can also funnel into a huge single target as well through the Apex procs that you're getting. So the more targets with a rip on them, the better it feels. You have great cleave as well with spreading your rakes even quicker with your double clawed rake talent. The only problem with this spec is the fact that you're stuck in cat form the whole time. We are going to place the Feral Druid behind Fury because Fury does have a bit more engaging tier set.


Retribution Paladin (A Tier)

A lot of hype around the spec recently with obviously the rework that they've just had. You will be loving every second of it, you do however have a pretty boring tier set. The two sets is damaging and you have hammer of wrath hitting nearby enemies. The four sets could make your wings feel even greater, just because of those hammer of raps cleaving. It is already a very fun button to press. Having that one-minute damage profile as Ret feels insane and this is just going to beef up that even further, make it more fun to press, generate more holy power, do more damage, and apply more judgments.


Frost Mage (B Tier)

For Frost Mage, the tier sets are kind of a bit boring. It's just basically a recycled legendary from Shadowlands. Just using a different ability instead, that one being the glacial fragments legendary. With the tier set, you're also getting extra brain freeze procs which is always welcome. However, there is room for the cold front build to be opened up with this tier set. Generally, the rotation for Frost is pretty bland. It feels quite nice on single target because you're going to be shattering your frost bolts into your flurries, into the double isolances, it's quite a nice little gameplay loop you've got there. But in AOE, it pretty sleeper.


Frost Death Knight (B Tier)

The tier set of Frost DK for next season makes it look even more fun than it normally is. You can never go wrong with frostworms fury as a Frost DK, that button feels amazing to press. The more times you can proc or line up a frostworms fury, the better. With the ice cap talent, you can reduce the cool down. So every 40 seconds, you're going to have a massive burst and pump window for your frostworms fury. Frost DK sounds like a lot of fun to use. The biggest advantage of Frost is you basically just press the button that lights up. The abilities hit hard, they do big damn and that equals big dopamine. Frost DKs are going to be in a very good spot in Dragonflight 10.1 DPS tier list.


Havoc Demon Hunter (C Tier)

Demon Hunters aren't too happy with their tier set and for good reason as well. It is just a purely passive tier set, you gain a little bit of eye beam damage here and there, but you're not going to play around with it, so it's not going to change your gameplay. It is just purely passive, you won't even notice it. This tier set really does feel uninspired. Outside of that, it is still a very fun spec and probably the most played DPS class. However, momentum does kill this spec. It's not in the greatest spot right now fun wise, so we’re going to put it in the C tier.


Balance Druid (B Tier)

Balance Druids are losing probably the best tier set. They've ever had in terms of fun, gameplay, strength, power, and all of that. In patch 10.1. it's just going to be purely passive for the Balance Druid. It's really not looking like a good time for the bastard especially in single target, as this is mainly catered towards AOE. There are things that do save the spec although, it's going to be a lot worse than it was in season 1 just in terms of pure fun. It's going to be so brain-dead in AOE.


Subtlety Rogue (B Tier)

It doesn't seem like the most interesting tier set, you're going to get a lot more uptime on your symbols of death potentially even perma-up time. So that's going to feel great, you're going to get a lot of fine weakness procs on the mobs, especially in mass AOE as well. Subs always had a great feedback loop, especially on a single target. Getting into those shadow dances as often as you can big old burst in those shadow dance windows. It is slightly more boring on AOE but also if you do have a funnel target, then you can turn that AOE into prior final damage and just nuke down a big ad to get rid of it quicker, so that feels great. Sub is quite a fun spec it's just a shame that the tier set isn't doing too much for its next patch.


Marksmanship Hunter (C Tier)

The Marksmanship Hunter is going to get an extra chance at procking your death blows which are just your free kill shots at any percent health. So that is quite fun, however, the 4 set definitely needs some work. You're really not going to notice that 0.5-second CDR that it's going to give you as well. Tier sets do open potential new talent builds for the specs. Even with that, we don't know how valuable that's going to be. Because you're going to want to molly short whether it's going to be to spend your precise shot stacks or just get the damage out because Multi shot is also getting a damage buff so that's going to be big damage, especially in Mythic+. Most importantly, you can get a 70 to 80 uptime on your true shot in a single target so that feels amazing. But unfortunately, the massive thing is the loss of double tap, lack of visuals as well just firing off arrows.


Demonology Warlock (S Tier)

With the tier set, Demonology Warlock is looking insane power-wise but also fun wise. Because you're basically getting a melee tyrant, it seems unreal. You're getting the cooldown reduction on your Grimoire: Felguard which always feels nice. Now this is also going to line up with your demonic tyrant so you're going to have two tyrants out at the same time. Buffing your damage, buffing your imp's damage, doing damage themselves, and doing prior damage all of that. It's just going to feel unreal and also really feeds into the whole class fantasy of Demo which is by the way probably one of the best class fantasies in the game. Demo S tier spec!


Windwalker Monk (A Tier)

Windwalker mains don't seem to be too happy with the tier set for next season but that's probably more from a power standpoint. Because going over on your rising sun kick sounds pretty cool. It was definitely worse when it was based on RNG because you weren't pressing it in AOE. It is unfortunate with the four sets because it is just basically flat damage but it does play back into the two sets. Generally, the Windwalker Monks have always had a fun rotation, never pressing the same button twice, always keeping you thinking on your feet, you've got unlimited amounts of mobility as well, you're summoning spirits, doing backflips and unreal.


Devastation Evoker (C Tier)

Going into season 2 of Dragonflight, you are losing quite a frontier set. Procing lust from your four sets in season 1 was a great time so that's definitely going to be missed. In place of that, you're getting purely passive damage which is buffed when you use your dragon rage and also when you use your empowered abilities, still boring. It's basically just ignite, you're not doing anything. It's just purely passive damage, never a good thing for a spec. It's just so boring but it is looking strong at the moment. We’re going to put the Devastation Evoker at the top of C. It's flashy, it has a lot of nice visuals. But once you've got your burst out of the way, it's just a very boring simple rotation.


Beast Mastery Hunter (B Tier)

Beast Mastery Hunter is a pretty bland and boring spec. This spec has a lot of CDR, you're getting 12 seconds off of your main cooldown every time you press the barb shot. You're getting even more CDR with the tier set for next season, but when you press bestial wrath, nothing really happens. There is a lot of potential for the spec. We’re going to put this one at the bottom of B tier along with a Balance Druid. There are a few fun talent combinations and also the fact that you get to do your full rotation on the move. It's pretty underrated for the spec on how fun it is.


Survival Hunter (B Tier)

Going into 10.1, they've changed lungs which is your extra melee range on your attacks. They've actually changed that to reduce the cooldown of your fire bombs by one second as well. You get even more CDR as well from your four set which is actually a quite respectable amount of CDR that you're getting on your bombs. You can pretty much just spam them, especially in AOE. The two sets are also going to buff up your kill command damage as well, so that's a nice little interaction. For the Survival Hunter, we’re going to put this one at the top of the B tier, probably the most fun hunter spec in WOW Dragonflight season 2.


Unholy Death Knight (A Tier)

Unholy DKs are not too happy with their tier set going into the next patch, although it has been reworked and buffed here and there. You're going to get instant 20 stacks of master of death when you summon your army of the dead, that's going to be nice for some on-demand burst. Unholy is definitely one of the more fun specs in Dragonflight 10.1. You have lots of frequent mini cooldowns as well. You've got a dark transformation, buffing up your pet and doing big damage. You can spread out all your diseases, pop all your wounds, and burst them all at the same time with massive damage. Even if it didn't do massive damage, it would still be very fun.


Arcane Mage (B Tier)

The cooldown phases of Arcane do look very fine. It's also very unique in its play style as well as being one of the only DPS specs that actually uses mana as a resource. In the two sets, you're going to get increased cooldown duration, so that's always a positive and you're going to get increased mana regeneration outside of it. Arcane echo is one of the best-looking abilities in the game. If you can execute the insane burst properly, then that feels unreal. However it is quite hard to pull off that burst perfectly especially when you've got affixes, mechanics, and mobs all around. For the Arcane Mage, we’re going to put it just slightly in front of Frost but not too high.


Assassination Rogue (C Tier)

Assassination Rogue is another spec that seems to be trying to bridge the gap from inside and outside their cooldowns next season with their tier set. The two piece and four piece do feed into each other with the extra nature damage so that is nice. Assassination Rogue has a slow gameplay style, especially on a single target. The only other drawback of this spec is the fact that, a lot of work for average results when you could just respect Outlaw or Sub. So we’re going to put the Assassination Rogue at the bottom of the C tier.


Fire Mage (B Tier)

The tier set is not looking great for this spec. The big splash damage you do get from the buffed phoenix flames could feel okay, but phoenix flames aren't something that you really want to play around with. It's on the global cooldown whereas fire blast isn't, it doesn't always guarantee a crit, so it can mess up with your hot streaks and it also has travel time as well. So it just feels quite clunky for the spec. The other drawback lack of playing Fire Mage specifically in Mythic+ is the fact that you can't really have fun until you get to about a plus 22 key. But that also is counted by the fact that it makes it a very good class at taking down those prior mobs and then cleaving for massive damage at the same time. All in all, we’re going to go for the top of the B tier for Fire Mage. It definitely needs a rework or even just a buff at this point to make phoenix flames feel rewarding to press. 


Shadow Priest (A Tier)

The tier set of Shadow Priest seems to be feeding much more into the psychic link gameplay which again pitching holding people into a build isn't too amazing. It's a really fun talent feeding those spells into your prior target and then passively cleaving with the rest of it. It feels great and it also makes for some min maxi play style. The four set is pretty boring basically just damage your devouring plague and buff up your shadowy apparitions. The combination of dots and bursts together and the off fields utility that it brings really fleshes out the spec and makes it fun. Extra instant costs mind blast from the two sets as well that sounds quite fun. With the rework, Shadow is going to be in a good spot in Dragonflight 10.1 DPS tier list season 2.


Arms Warrior (B Tier)

The tier set at first buffing up the slam damage seemed really lackluster and also clunky but we're not even pressing slam at this point. We're dumping our rage in to ignore pain instead. They changed it to Mortal strike cleaving which was already a massive portion of your damage as well, so that feels even better to press and also doesn't bloat your rotation out too much. Because you're probably going to press it anyway especially with sweeping strikes up, so that's a W change for the Arms Warrior. For the Arms spec, we’re going to put this one at the top of the B tier. Unfortunately, it is just that single target holding it back.


Outlaw Rogue (B Tier)

Outlaw Rogue is quite close to the Fury Warrior. Going into season 2, the tier set doesn't seem too fun for the Outlaw Rogue. Outlaw is another one of those specs that will class in the same bow as Beastmaster with the CDR not really mattering too much. Although the perk that Outlaw has is that everything gets cooldown reduction on it, so that does feel great. But Adrenaline Rush other than speeding up your rotation a little bit doesn't really do too much, so getting the CDR on that doesn't feel too impactful. One thing that does draw us back from this spec is the lack of animations and also the boring sound effects. But really fun gameplay, you've got that gambling aspect which is always fun. When you do get that fire buff, Outlaw is definitely an S-tier fun spec but obviously, you're not always going to get that. The only other issue is that your rotation doesn't really change.


Elemental Shaman (B Tier)

Their tier set from a design perspective and a fun standpoint is peak tier set performance. Getting a free storm keeper every 40 seconds is going to feel unreal, big damage, big AOE, and big zaps everywhere. You're going to generate some extra Maelstrom from your 4 sets in a single target scenario so that's going to feel nice although it's too necessary. You're going to get some extra crit damage from your AOE abilities which is passive and pretty boring. But overall an amazing tier set in terms of design. The only thing with the Elemental Shaman is it kind of feels a little bit clunky. The audio and visual feedback these specs give you could carry these specs alone even if they did nothing outside of that.


Enhancement Shaman (S Tier)

In the tier set, you're getting a mastery bonus from your two sets which aren't too fun. It’s pretty passive, pretty boring but it is making sundering into a mini cooldown which you're going to have pretty much up for every single pack in Mythic Plus. That's going to feel amazing. The little gameplay loop there every 40 or 45 seconds whatever sundering cooldown is feels amazing on top of the already amazing rotation the Enhancement has. We put it S tier above everything else because the gameplay was just amazing. You have so many different varieties of builds that you can play as well. You've got the Elementalist, you've got the physical build as well. Even if the rotation was just pressing crash lightning, you'd have an absolute blast because that visual feedback is amazing so big W.


Affliction Warlock (B Tier)

Affliction's tier set for next season looks quite nice. You're getting some CDR on your frequent burst and this makes it line up better with your other cooldowns as well, so that's huge for the Affliction Warlock. Helping increase the ramp time as well which Afflictions always struggled with. You're basically just getting flat down from the four sets. To be fair, this is quite a fun spec, you can min max all your different dots on multiple targets and it feels very rewarding keeping up your dots 100 uptime on a multitude of targets. Spamming out those seeds of corruption for massive AOE damage that we've seen from the Affliction Warlock in season 1. You can snipe extras soul shards from dying mobs which allows you to really min-max your gameplay and take it to that next level, so it is a really high skill ceiling for the spec.


Destruction Warlock (C Tier)

Destruction Warlock is probably one of the specs that people are most unhappy about regarding the tier set for next season. It's horrible to build on and pigeonhole people into playing talent but that is exactly what Demo and Affliction Warlock have done but they've just done it with better talents. Destro is being forced to play channel demon fire next season which nobody plays at the moment. It feels clunky to play you have to sit and be stationary which Destro has to do anyway and it doesn't look that powerful either. All it does is increase your damage by a flat amount so it's very passive and very boring. In AOE, Destro isn't the most fun spec in the world either. Single targets are a bit better. C tier for Destruction Warlock on this Dragonflight WOW Season 2 DPS tier list 10.1.

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