This guide discusses the best healers for ToC/ICC raids in Phase 3 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic, analyzing the pros and cons of each.
WotLK Classic Phase 3 Healer Ranking (Best Healer for ToC Raids)
It's important to remember that Phase 3 is not solely focused on DPS, as having a strong healing team is crucial for keeping your raid alive and obtaining maximum loot from the trigger chess. During heroic raids, it's recommended to bring between 3 and 4 healers for speed runs, while normal runs may have up to 5 healers. Dual Spec is especially valuable in Ulduar, where being able to swap between Restoration Shaman, Resto Druids, Boomkins, and Elemental Shaman is crucial. Additionally, since Blizzard wants to keep all healing classes viable, it's advisable to be able to run with just 2 or 3 healers to speed through the raid. So without further ado, let's dive into the WotLK Phase 3 Healer Tier List and determine the most powerful healing specialization for ToC and ICC!
1 - Disc Priest (S Tier)
Disc Priests are considered S Tier healers and are scaling incredibly well in Phase 3. Borrowed Time provides a 40% flat increase to shields from spell power, making them incredibly powerful and somewhat obnoxious for other healers as they blanket the entire raid with shields. While a single Holy Paladin can probably function in a raid, if there isn't at least one Disc Priest, the raids would be a complete disaster. However, one issue with Disc Priests in Phase 3 is having too much haste. While faster Prayer of Healing procs are useful, they don't help Power Shield. Additionally, their set bonuses are not particularly useful. Disc Priests would benefit more from the 20% increase for every organic buff, and the 4-set bonus of a 10-buff to Divine Aegis isn't that compelling.
2 - Holy Paladins (S Tier)
Holy Paladins are categorized as S Tier healers and are a must-have for every raid due to their incredible buffs, such as the Blessing of Kings, Divine Sacrifice, and excellent healing capabilities. However, there are a few things that make them slightly less powerful in Phase 3. For instance, their set bonuses are underwhelming. The two-set bonus, which increases the duration of judgments by 10 seconds, provides only a small HPS increase. Moreover, Holy Paladins arguably benefit the least from Solace, which is the best trinket in the phase. As a result, you may be stuck with the Meteorite Crystal instead of Solace. While it may seem silly, if you already have Val'anyr, you won't be able to upgrade your weapon in Phase 3, unlike other healers who will receive better weapons. Nevertheless, we recognize that Holy Paladins are incredibly powerful in Phase 3!
3 - Resto Shaman (A Tier)
Resto Shaman falls under the Tier category due to their impressive scaling potential. In the TBC endgame, they had so much spell power and regeneration that they were absolute monsters. This scaling potential is starting to come into play again in Phase 3. Resto Shamans are also emerging as the best solo healers in the game, which is valuable since a lot of good loot comes from 10-man raids. Resto Shamans are even better without trash mobs. Additionally, Resto Shamans can bloodlust in every fight in ToC, which is a significant advantage. Another advantage of Resto Shaman in Phase 3 is that they have two extra totem options. The Totem of Calming Tides is especially useful since every time you cast a chain heal, there's a chance to get 234 spell power, similar to the Druid's Idol of Flaring Growth. Finally, Resto Shaman is an excellent dual-spec choice, as being able to switch between big heal and big damage at any moment is a huge asset.
4 - Resto Druid (A Tier)
Resto Druids are categorized as A Tier healers. While they may not be a typical choice for a ToC roster, Resto Druids are still a solid option, especially if you're running with 4 healers. However, if speed running, you may prefer to bring two Holy Paladins or a Holy Priest instead. One challenge with Phase 3 Resto Druids is that it's easy to hit the haste cap, which can make it difficult to optimize their gear. Additionally, their two-set bonus from 9.5 is not very useful since it increases the Critical Strike chance of Nourish, a spell that isn't used very often. On the other hand, their four-set bonus unlocks the ability for Rejuvenation to crit, but it's challenging to get critical strikes in Phase 3. One advantage of Resto Druids is that the Idol of Flaring Growth is an excellent item for them, providing a nearly permanent +234 power bonus. Furthermore, Resto Druids are particularly strong when paired with Solace of the Fallen.
5 - Holy Priest (B Tier)
The Holy Priest falls under the B Tier category. While they may not be considered top-tier for speed runs, we believe in the scaling potential of Holy Priests. Holy Priests scale exceptionally well with haste and spell power, and their Force at 9.5 is excellent. The two-set bonus, which increases healing done by the Prayer of Mending spell by 20%, is particularly valuable for Holy Priests since much of their healing comes from this ability. Additionally, the four-set bonus provides an extra 10% instant healing from the empowered renew, making it a great option.
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