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WOW Classic Hardcore Server Guide: Release Date, Locations, Rules, Addons & Preparations

5/17/2023 10:00:05 AM

Official World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore worlds, where players create one-and-done characters, have recently been confirmed by Blizzard.  This will hopefully be a quick introductory guide to Classic Hardcore the permadeath community on WoW Classic. In this WOW Classic Hardcore guide, we talk about the release date, locations, rules, addons, and preparation! 

WOW Hardcore Server Release Date & Preparation Guide

It's been 5 months since a small group of people tried to reignite the passion for Classic WoW on December 15, 2022. We decided to play hardcore on the Hydraxian Waterlords server and on the Bloodsail again. Although with little interest at that time and with a dead genre, people were skeptical. But we kept on doing and two days later we had about 96 people online on the Hydraxian server and about 80 people on the line on the Bloodsail Buccaneers. The sole purpose of the movement was to make Blizzard do official hardcore servers and here we are guys five months later, that has been achieved. We will be going over where to play, the hardcore addon, and the rules, and cover some frequently asked questions.


Classic WOW Hardcore Server Release Date

As last night blizzard announced official hardcore servers later this summer. Within a couple of weeks, we're going to have a PTR up to see exactly what the servers are going to be about. We don't have a lot of information about what is going to mean in this. We know for a fact that it's going to be a one-life server, so if you die you're not going to be able to use your character. Normally just in ghost form, you're going to be able to interact with the world in ghost form, maybe whisper friends or maybe ask guild leadership.

WOW Classic Hardcore Locations

Due to the nature of the challenge being primarily a personal achievement, you can play anywhere you want. However, if you want to see death alerts, find other hardcore players to do dungeons with or potentially do hardcore raids. It helps to join one of the community-picked servers. The hardcore challenge is primarily located in classic era, the 1-60 vanilla servers. There is a smaller but sizable group of players playing hardcore on Wrath of the Lich King as well. For the classic era, you'll be looking for Bloodsail Buccaneers for North America and Hydraxian Waterlords for EU. Horde and Alliance are both active, however, Alliance tends to have the most players. Mostly due to the rating scene being active on Alliance. For Wrath of the Lich King, you want Maladath horde for North America and Giantstalker Alliance for Europe. Unfortunately, due to the small player pool only one faction is populated on these Realms. Both regions currently have an ongoing rating scene with EU recently killing kel'thuzad unhardcore characters.

WOW Classic Hardcore Rules

So you've picked your server, probably made a really cute character and you're dying to log in. Before you do that, you need to get the hardcore addon. Make sure you understand our rules to avoid invalidating your run. We have a verification system built into the hardcore addon to ensure all players follow the rules. While you are free to ignore certain rules if you don't like them, this will make you an unverified character and unable to join the hardcore dungeons and hardcore raids. Additionally, you will not be listed on our Hall of Legends for players that reach max level. At the end of the day, it's a personal challenge and you decide how hard or easy it should be and what rules to follow. The hardcore addon does all of the verification automatically and even blocks certain actions that can invalidate your run, just make sure you log out of the game normally and do not alt f4 or press exit game. 


WOW Classic Hardcore Addons

You can grab the Hardware ad from your usual preferred addon websites such as curseforge, wowup, or the hardcore GitHub page. For those of you doing a manual installation, the addon stores all of your character data that is used for run verification in the WTF folder, not the interface folder. So you can safely replace and update files in the interface folder without ruining your run. If you ever need to reinstall well, make sure you back up your WTF folder to save your run data. Once you have the hardcore addon, you can now log in and start your verified character. 

How To Prepare For The WOW Hardcore Server

Tip 1

To prepare for the official Classic WoW hardcore servers to make sure that you're going to get 60 without dying. Even the most skilled people will die in the hardcore challenge because hardcore challenge is not based on skill, it's mostly based on knowledge. So one of the things that you can do to prepare for the hardcore challenge is to watch some of the YouTube guides and YouTube videos regarding this subject.


Tip 2

The second thing how you can get ready and prepare for WOW Classic official hardcore servers is to start playing hardcore right now. We have two servers on the classic era servers. For EU, Hydraxian Waterlords. For NA, Bloodsail Buccaneers. You can download the hardcore addon and you can start playing and practicing a bit. People die mostly around level 15, so if you manage to get past 15 and then past 20 people usually get above 30 and have a lower chance to die. Because above level 30, you start getting new spells, better talent points, better gear, better weapons and so on from quests and dungeons. Deadly levels are between 10 and 20 of course there are other quests and mobs there, but by doing practice on the era servers right now, you can increase your chances to succeed in leveling a character to 60 on the official hardcore servers.


Tip 3

Another way to prepare for the upcoming WOW Classic official hardcore release is to get your hands on one of the rest of the XP guides. It's one of the best leveling guides on the market and it's free from 1 to 20 now you can test it out and if by any chance in the future you decide that you want to purchase one. A rest XP currently has an era version that can be used on the Season of Master, it can be used on the normal leveling vanilla, but also has a hardcore option where you can turn on from being blue, the addon to being red which is the Hardcore option. In this addon, you can find dozens and tens, and hundreds of examples of how to avoid getting killed by a specific quest because it's too hard or about a specific mob that hits too hard, and so on. It gives you a lot of skips and a lot of other features too. Having one of those addons will definitely give you an advantage compared to other people while playing the hardcore challenge. Also soon they're going to develop a WOW official hardcore addon which you're going to have way more details than the current one that we have. 

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