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WOTLK Classic Phase 3 DPS Tier List - Ranking Best DPS Specs & Classes In WOTLK ToC

3/23/2023 11:04:26 AM

Wrath of the Lich King phase 3 is coming and if the leaks are accurate we might be seeing ToC in April. Today we're going to be answering the only question that people actually care about in this game, what are the best DPS in Wrath Classic ToC phase 3? So not only have we got you the WOTLK Classic phase 3 DPS rankings, but also we've got the best five pieces of advice for DPS players that'll change how you approach phase 3 and beyond.


Wotlk Phase 3 DPS Tier List - Ranking Best ToC DPS Classes & Specs In WOTLK

We’ve made a WotLK Classic ToC DPS tier list phase 3 based on the most recent Warcraft log data, also based on the top 5% players in the game across you know all the bosses, but we're also going to look at what DPS is pumping on a buster boss basis. The truth is there's absolutely no way to get an accurate Wrath phase 3 DPS tier list before the raid actually comes out. It is inaccurate and it also just simply isn't quantitative enough to get accurate results. So when you see a tier list before the raid actually comes out, you really have to take it with a pinch of salt. Since raiding doesn't change, if you want to see which DPS will top the meters in phase 3, these are our predictions for the Wotlk ToC DPS rankings.

Read more: Wotlk Classic Phase 3 Release Date & Preparation: Epic Gems, Raids, Loots, Events & More Items

WOTLK Classic ToC DPS Ranking Phase 3

Since the raiding in phase 3 will be so similar to the current phase. If your class tops the meters now, you'll still be topping in ToC. Affliction Warlocks, Assassination Rogues, and Holy Death Knights, some things just never change. Meanwhile, if your class struggles now, things really won't be changing when you're rushing through nerfed Ulduar in a month. But that's not to say the DPS landscape won't be changing. Ret Paladins, Warriors, and Rogues are still creeping up the meters and their positioning for ICC. Your favorites like the Elemental Shaman and the Boomkins are still going to be trending downwards. In this WOW WOTLK ToC phase 3 DPS tier list, we’re ranking every DPS from the S tier all the way to the F tier.


S Tier

-Affliction Warlock

-Unholy Death Knight

-Assassination Rogue

-Demonology Warlock

-Frost Death Knight

A Tier

-Fire Mage

-Enhancement Shaman

-Combat Rogue

-Arcane Mage

-Survival Hunter

B Tier

-Balance Druid

-Shadow Priest

-Elemental Shaman

-Fury Warrior

-Marksmanship Hunter

-Retribution Paladin

C Tier

-Destruction Warlock

-Feral Druid

D Tier

-Arms Warrior

F Tier

-Frost Mage

-Blood Death Knight

-Subtlety Rogue

-Beast Mastery

Wotlk Classic Phase 3 Tips & Tricks For DPS

1. ToC Is Secretly The Ultimate Catch-up Raid

When Trial of the Crusader was first launched the gear score upgrade was so massive that people felt that running Alduar was a waste of time. Even the easy 10-man mode gave 232 item-level gear while the 25-man gave 245. So this time around blizzard decided to make Alduar way more relevant so that it would last into phase 3. But all those big buffs to all of our gear come with a downside to ToC. Ultimately the new ToC loot just isn't that much of an upgrade compared to phase 2. The best thing you can do is treat ToC like the ultimate thrift shop, but we’re using it to catch up on characters in just a week or two. Practically, every single piece of ToC loot would be the top three bits right now. So this is the best time to catch up with a DPS all. This might as well be the Trial of the Raider phase because you'll be seeing so many new characters gearing up.


2. Raiding Really Doesn't Change That Much 

Blizzard really wants people to go back and kill bosses like Algalan every single week. So basically you'll still be running Alduar for 252 pieces and Val’Anyr fragments every single week like clockwork. At the same time, you'll be running ToC every week for a few hours for those 258 pieces. Speaking of Boomkins, it is relevant to note that there aren't any trash mobs in ToC. If you get a lot of enjoyment from star-falling mobs and topping the meters temporarily, we have some bad news for you. 


3. ToC Is The Ultimate Alt Raid

Blizzard is practically begging you to play multiple characters in ToC. So if you want to maximize your fun, you'll have to oblige. The crazy thing is that blizzard seems to want you to do ToC and Alduar on all your alts. While saying the dreaded gdkp words might freak you out, it has to be mentioned. With the raid being so short if you could make 10 to 20 000 gold in just an hour from TLC would, you really turn? That down and that leads into our fourth and most important point.


4. ToC Is Going To Be Really Short

ToC may be an hour or two at most to run, but the duration of the tier itself will be important as well. We’re expecting ToC to last less than two months in duration, which means everything you're doing at ToC should be setting you up for success in ICC. We all remember the data from back in 2009 with those Fury Warriors and the Fire Mages pumping an ICC. 


4. Legendary Shadowmourne

So far, this really hasn't been the best expansion for physical DPS, but things are about to really turn around. If you want to wield the legendary Shadowmourne and you'll obviously have to be a Warrior or a Death Knight or a Paladin. So if you want the only legendary DPS weapon of Wrath, you may have to re-roll to claim, it is rightfully yours. But the only way, you'll ever be touching that Shadowmourne is by farming at least 200 000 WOTLK gold.

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