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Dragonflight 10.1 Best Tanks, Healers, Melee & Ranged DPS - WoW Dragonflight Season 2 PvP Tier List & Ranking

4/11/2023 4:57:47 PM

We are fast approaching World of Warcraft Dragonflight season 2. With a new patch comes new balance tuning, what are the best Dragonflight 10.1 tanks, healers, ranged, and melee DPS to run when season 2 comes? To gauge the impact of the spec changes introduced in Patch 10.1, we'll examine the first three Mythic+ resets after the patch went live. Therefore, this Dragonflight 10.1 Season 2 PvP tier list is based on 10.0.7 week 3 Mythic+ performance and rankings.

WoW Dragonflight 10.1 PvP Tier List - Dragonflight Season 2 Best Tanks, Healers, Melee & Ranged DPS 

Blizzard confirmed Patch 10.1, Embers of Neltharion, would arrive on May 2. Today, we have the update on our Mythic plus situation Dragonflight season 2, to see who is op right now, but more so to see who is positioning quite well to be a powerful and popular spec for Dragonflight season 2 M+ PvP tier list. For the question of what should I play in season 2, what looks op in season 2, and who is the flavor of the month in season 2, let's start by looking at our prediction for the WOW Dragonflight 10.1 PvP ranking Tanks, Healer, and DPS.

Read more: Dragonflight 10.1 Healer Tier List For M+ & Raid

                   Dragonflight 10.1 2v2 & 3v3 Comp Tier List

                   Dragonflight 10.1 Raid DPS Tier List

Dragonflight 10.1 M+ Tanks Tier List

All Levels

1. Protection Warrior (26.5%)

2. Protection Paladin (21.1%)

3. Blood Death Knight (15.3%)

4. Vengeance Demon Hunter (14.8%)

5. Brewmaster Tank (13.8%)

6. Guardian Druid (8.4%)

The question for the tanks is quite simple according to WoW Dragonflight season 2 Tanks ranking. We were surprised to see how much optimism there is towards Guardian Druids. They are surprisingly populated at all key levels and Protection Warrior still retains some pretty good popularity in all key levels. 


Level 20 & Up

1. Protection Warrior (26.7%)

2. Protection Paladin (26.4%)

3. Blood Death Knight (17.4%)

4. Vengeance Demon Hunter (12.3%)

5. Brewmaster Tank (9.3%)

6. Guardian Druid (7.9%)

As soon as you enter the competitive side of keys, Guardian Druid for example becomes the least popular spec. We have almost because it's not happened yet, but almost Protection Paladin and Protection Warrior are not quite fighting the time. Surprising, but welcome still the stable position of Blood DK which just remained on the side to watch Protection Paladin and Protection Warrior overtake each other and Blood DK stayed in the 18 ish% popularity. So it's pretty healthy overall.

Level 25 & Up

Then you have the highest level of keys where we do see the massive growth of Protection Paladin which is now reaching nearly 50% of the tanks in this very high level of the key. 


Dragonflight Season 2 Best Tanks

The general idea for the best Dragonflight tanks season 2 is obviously Protection Paladin. It is in pole position and is the first tank you are looking toward when going into the next season. It's a very clear situation.


Dragonflight 10.1 M+ Healers Tier List

All Levels

1. Restoration Druid (26.5%)

2. Preservation Evoker (19.1%)

3. Discipline Priest (14.0%)

4. Restoration Shaman (13.1%)

5. Holy Paladin (11.2%)

6. Holy Priest (8.8%)

7. Mistweaver Monk (7.4%)

This is where things start getting a little bit more interesting. Because of healers at all levels, the situation is somewhat okay. We all must have all the classes above 10% representation. The only one that is slacking behind is Mistweaver Monk, but that's not news anymore. We still see Evoker being quite popular but not nearly as popular as in the good old days before they got significantly nerfed. Restoration Druid remains the most popular healer of the expansion overall.


Level 25 & Up

1. Restoration Druid (34.9%)

2. Preservation Evoker (28.0%)

3. Restoration Shaman (18.9%)

4. Discipline Priest (6.5%)

5. Holy Paladin (5.8%)

6. Mistweaver Monk (2.4%)

Once you look at the very competitive level of keys, we see that for the first time in a while, Preservation Evoker goes below 30%. Now also Restoration Shaman gets to roughly 19% of popularity so it keeps growing as well in the very high level of keys. None of the other healers has really changed their position in Mythic plus.


Dragonflight Season 2 Best Healers

The overall situation for healers is much more questionable to try to guess or try to pick correctly which is the best Dragonflight season 2 healer you should play. It will be defined more by the balanced tuning before the next season by the tier set tuning before the next season. We'll have to wait a bit more to see how it shapes up for season two.


Dragonflight 10.1 M+ Melee DPS Tier List

All Levels

1. Havoc Demon Hunter (14.4%)

2. Fury Warrior (13.5%)

3. Retribution Paladin (11.3%)

4. Windwalker Monk (9.5%)

5. Enhance Shaman (8.2%)

6. Subtlety Rogue (8.1%) Assassination & Outlaw (5.5%) (2.5%)

7. Unholy Death Knight (7.3%)

8. Arms Warrior (7.2%)

9. Feral Druid (6.2%)

10. Frost Death Knight (4.3%)

11. Beast Mastery Hunter (1.9%)

For the melee, there might be also something quite interesting here given what we have seen with Retribution Paladin and the Ret going through the rework. If you see all the key levels, it's not really that surprising that Ret Paladin is the third most popular spec overall. Even getting close to passing Fury and getting close to Havoc Demon Hunter. So this is a clear sign that the rework has pushed a lot of Paladin players towards trying Ret Paladin.


Level 20 & Up

1. Havoc Demon Hunter (14.9%)

2. Retribution Paladin (12.0%)

3. Fury Warrior (10.6%)

4. Subtlety Rogue (9.8%)

5. Windwalker Monk (9.7%)

6. Enhancement Shaman (8.8%)

7. Arms Warrior (8.1%)

8. Unholy Death Knight (7.4%)

9. Feral Druid (5.4%)

10. Frost Death Knight (2.3%)

11. Beast Mastery Hunter (1.2%)

If you look at the more competitive level of keys, it's still not bad. Because in the 20-plus range, Ret Paladin goes from being the third most popular to being the second most popular. It is still behind Havoc Demon Hunter but it's above everyone else. You can argue that once you put Warriors together and once you put Rogues together, they are far above Ret Paladin. But if you are looking at the individual spec, Ret Paladin is also doing quite well in this higher level of keys.


Level 25 & Up

The situation doesn't stay that positive for Ret Paladin once you look at the 25 plus range where he loses out not just to Rogue not just to Havoc but also starts losing out to Enhancement Shaman. This might be something that has to do with time, there might simply take too much time for many Ret Paladins to suddenly become one of the top Mythic plus pushers, given the short amount of time, they have to change the meta essentially.

Dragonflight Season 2 Best Melee DPS

When you look at the melee DPS and you start thinking what should I be rolling, and what should I be re-rolling if I want to play season 2? Obviously, the ones that don't really seem to be changing that much for now, are Rogues and Havoc Demon Hunter. There are also quite some positive vibes around Enhancement Shaman which has grown for the entire expansion and the tier set as well for season 2 is looking very good and of course the rework of Ret Paladin. If you are a masochist, you might still be pushing for Feral, Survival, Frost, and Unholy DK. If you are a flavor of the month chaser, play Retribution Paladin. If you are a hipster, play Warrior.


Dragonflight 10.1 M+ Ranged DPS Tier List

All Levels

Not much has been changing recently since all of the specs are quite balanced and even at all key levels. You can see most players are enjoying playing all of the specs right now

1. Beast Mastery Hunter (13.8%)

2. Devastation Evoker (10.7%)

3. Balance Druid (9.7%)

4. Demonology Warlock (9.5%)

5. Shadow Priest (9.4%)

6. Frost Mage (8.5%)

7. Destruction Warlock (7.6%)

8. Enhancement Shaman (6.4%)

9. Fire Mage (4.1%)

10. Affliction Warlock (3.3%)


Level 20 & Up

1. Beast Mastery Hunter (14.7%)

2. Shadow Priest (11.9%)

3. Demonology Warlock (10.3%)

4. Destruction Warlock (9.1%)

5. Fire Mage (8.8%)

6. Devastation Evoker (8.0%)

7. Enhancement Shaman (4.5%)

8. Frost Mage (4.5%)

9. Arcane Mage (3.3%)

10. Affliction Warlock (3.3%)

As you enter the plus 20 and over range, you start seeing a bit more of a divide in certain choices of the player base. You still have the continued growth at this level of the two previously buffed specs Balanced Druid and Shadow Priest which ended up dominating the very high-end level of Mythic Plus. You still have some of the outlier choices for the range DPS for example Destruction Warlock has been growing continuously to now become one of the more popular picks in M+ compared to before, the same goes for Fire Mage. Frost Mage is the default choice for many Mages. But as soon as you enter the more competitive level of keys, for example, Fire Mage grows a lot as well as we already mentioned Destruction Warlock.


Level 25 & Up

Once you start looking at the future, once you start looking at wanting to be predicting what you might be playing in the next season, there is not too much to be excited about given the current state of Devastation Walker as well as Elemental Shaman at the moment given the changes of Arcane and Affliction Warlock. You still have the possibility of getting the mini rework to balance through it, so we don't quite know exactly how that will be playing out as well as the full rework of Shadow Priest.


Dragonflight Season 2 Best Ranged DPS

At the moment, Balance and Shadow are the two main picks of Mythic Plus for ranged DPS and these are the two specs that will be reworked. It might end up in a disaster for both, so new specs will rise to be the strongest ones or it might end up making them even stronger or continue their current power level and keep them at this stage of being the more popular ones. Who knows!

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