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Top 10 Elden Ring Best Builds 2023 (PvE/PvP) | Elden Ring Best Builds 1.08

2/9/2023 2:28:15 PM

We update the Top 10 Elden Ring Best Builds 2023 for the upcoming DLC, featuring the most OP bleed, mage, int, faith, str, stealth builds for both PvP & PvP after the 1.08 patch!

Elden Ring Best Builds 2023 - Top 10 OP Builds After 1.08 Patch

It's been one year since the release of Elden Ring, and we think the DLC we've been waiting for a long time is coming soon, so what are the overpowered PVE/PvP builds to set up for the new content in Elden Ring now? With the nerfs and changes brought by patches continuing to refresh the gameplay of character builds, we've sorted up the 

Top 1 - Best Bleed Build: Scavenger's Curved Sword

The bleed build on the Scavenger's Curved Sword turns out they're awesome, you will have an absolute blast doing an entire run on the max scaling of the game and it is an entire run through the game. These bleed builds are fantastic not only do they proc bleed at a good amount with their innate bleed and the Occult Affinity giving them additional damage. The damage in addition to the bleed is where it's really at with these Scavenger's Curved Swords are excellent, they're incredibly powerful and can absolutely shred the majority of bosses in the game. Even bosses that are bleed resistant, do a lot of general damage with the jump attacks (each jump attack doing around 2,000 damage) which makes them awesome all around.

Build Setup

  • Weapons: Scavenger's Occult Curved Sword+25 (Right Hand), Scavenger's Occult Curved Sword+25 (Left Hand), Giant's Seal (Left Hand)

  • Armor: White Mask

  • Tailsman: Claw Talisman, Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, Millicent's Prosthesis, Lord of Blood's Exultation

  • Flask of Wonderous Physick: Throny Cracked Tear, Faith-knot Crystal Tear

  • Stats (150 Level): 50 Vigor, 15 Mind, 21 Endurance, 16 Strength, 50 Dexterity, 7 Intelligence, 25 Faith, 60 Arcane

Top 2 - Best Mage Build: One-Shot Lightning Build

The lightning build has a one-shot of all the main bosses on the max scaling of the game. Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike is a super powerful incantation and it's the commodizer of Faith builds. With this incredibly powerful build, we are able to one shot both Radagon and Eldenbeast without any issue on 1.08. For people that were saying or just thinking that it's not consistent or relies a lot on RNG, well we'll tell you this will only take you about three and a half hours to one shot all of the bosses on the max scaling of the game. This build could carry you through each New Game Plus cycle in two to three hours with ease, it does a ton of damage.

Build Setup:

  • Weapons: Golden Order Seal+10 (Right Hand), Weathered Blood Straight Sword (Right Hand), Jellyfish Shield (Left Hand), 

  • Armor: Mushroom Crown

  • Talismans: Lightning Scorpion Charm, Godfrey Icon, Red-Feathered Brachsword, Kindred of Rot's Exultation

  • Flask of Wonderous Physick: Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Opaline Bubbletear

  • Stats (300 Level): 45 Vigor, 40 Mind, 24 Endurance, 20 Strength, 42 Dexterity, 99 Intelligence, 99 Faith, 14 Arcane

Top 3 - Best Int Build: Wing of Astel Build

Wing of Astel's Ash of War scale is pretty much purely with intelligence and magic damage, it's highly buffable and very easy to use. This build does a lot of damage when all the Buffs are together on it and the Wing of Astel is really an epic weapon that turn out to be a lot of fun - it's an awesome sidearm for a mage that keeps things interesting, it does additional gravity damage to gravity type enemies. What's more, the weapon comes with a beam that doesn't cost FP yet - you can shoot off with the charged attack that actually has kind of a medium range.

Build Setup:

  • Weapons: Wing of Astel+10 (Right Hand), Finger Seal (Left Hand)

  • Armor: Spellblade's Armor Set

  • Talismans: Ritual Sword Talisman, Magic Scorpion Charm, Shard of Alexander, Dragoncrest Shield Talisman

  • Flask of Wonderous Physick: Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Opaline Bubbletear

  • Stats (200 Level): 40 Vigor, 40 Mind, 26 Endurance, 20 Strength, 28 Dexterity, 84 Intelligence, 33 Faith, 8 Arcane

Top 4 - Best Faith Build: Magma Blade Fire Build

You can absolutely destroy Millennia with the Flame Pillars, Giants Flame and it's just everything is so buffable.  We get to use the Magma Blade too and fortunately for us the Magma Blade's Ash of War scales almost purely with faith so you can go with the minimal requirements there if you plan to just spam the Ash of War which does a lot of damage and you can do this entire build. Another good thing about this is if you want to try this build and the lightning build, they actually have similar stats even at 150 you can kind of switch them on and off - get to 80 Faith and the minimum requirements you need for the weapon, you can spam The Ash War for a lot of damage do a lot of fire stuff, and then if you want to just change talismans, you can switch to the lightning build as well. The Magma Blades are notoriously hard to find in the sense that the drop right is abysmal but they're worth actually farming for, when you do get them on your main character, they're highly damaging and leave a lava pool below them and the attack itself pretty much all scales with faith, get you a lot of damage on this Ash of War and you're going to be able to shred bosses with this. 

Build Setup:

  • Weapons: Magma Blade+10 (Right Hand), Giant's Seal+25 (Right Hand), Magma Blade+10 (Left Hand), Giant's Seal+25 (Left Hand)

  • Armor: Fire Monk Armor Set

  • Talismans: Shard of Alexander, Godfrey Icon, Ritual Sword Talisman, Fire Scorpion Charm

  • Flask of Wonderous Physick: Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Thorny Cracked Tear

  • Stats (150 Level): 40 Vigor, 25 Mind, 22 Endurance, 15 Strength, 15 Dexterity, 9 Intelligence, 89 Faith, 14 Arcane

Top 5 - Best Arcane Build: Marias Executioner Build

Marias Executioner's Sword is an incredible sword, it's honestly one of the most fun weapons to use and one of the legendary weapons in the game. This legendary weapon does all live up to the hype, it's highly buffable. Its Ash of War benefits from the consecutive attack bonuses and it can absolutely shred bosses, it also benefits from the Godfrey Icon because it is a charge skill and you can do a ton of damage with this. You can absolutely obliterate bosses with this, it's an incredibly awesome melee weapon. Another great thing about Marias Executioner's Sword is that you can get it around the mid game and the ash of war is going to scale primarily before it's being boosted by anything the weapon damage itself, so the more you invest in Arcane and strength the higher damage output you're going to get on the Ash of War Eochaid's Dancing Blade. Another benefit is Melania could be an exception for a lot of different builds, but for this build she is no exception, Marias Executioner's Ash of work will literally knock her down by stacking tons of damage with the consecutive attack bonuses, so it's very easy to solo her with this weapon.

Build Setup:

  • Weapons: Marias Executioner's Sword+10 (Right Hand), Giant's Seal+25 (Right Hand), Finger Seal (Left Hand)

  • Armor: Black Dumpling, Night's Cavalry Armor Set

  • Talismans: Kindred of Rot's Exultation, Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, Godfrey Icon, Shard of Alexander

  • Flask of Wonderous Physick: Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Thorny Cracked Tear

  • Stats (150 Level): 40 Vigor, 26 Mind, 26 Endurance, 50 Strength, 15 Dexterity, 9 Intelligence, 33 Faith, 50 Arcane

Top 6 - Best Int Build: Darkmoon Greatsword Slayer Build

The Darkmoon Greatsword has gotten a lot of Buffs since the original release of Elden Ring, all the consecutive Buffs that it has received makes it one of the most buffed weapons in the entire game, this has spiraled the weapon out of control. It went from being a pretty powerful weapon to a contender for an absolute strongest weapon in the entire game. How the sword works are that you cast the Ash of War Moonlight Greatsword and in turn, your Dark Moon Greatsword gets imbued with the light of the Dark Moon. Functionally speaking this means that it buffs your sword giving it an extra 65 magic damage and 15 extra frostbite build-up to the already innate frostbite build-up that the sword has. But most importantly it gives you a new extremely destructive skill, your charged attacks with the sword can now fire off these magical Moonlight projectiles that deal a lot of damage if they hit your opponents. And since this is a ranged attack with a pretty good range, it has the benefit of you just destroying your enemies from a distance without having to worry about anything. But it gets better because these Moonlight blasts have amazing poise damage so after shooting a few projectiles that he can chain very easily,  it will in fact stance break whatever you're fighting and every time you stance break anything in any fight it pretty much means the end of that fight.

Build Setup:

  • Weapons: Dark Moon Greatsword+10 (Right Hand), Giant's Seal+25 (Right Hand), Finger Seal (Left Hand)

  • Armor: Spellblade Armor Set

  • Talismans: Magic Scorpion Charm, Godfrey Icon, Shard of Alexander, Ritual Sword Talisman

  • Flask of Wonderous Physick: Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Cerulean Hidden Tear

  • Stats (150 Level): 60 Vigor, 15 Mind, 20 Endurance, 20 Strength, 12 Dexterity, 80 Intelligence, 7 Faith, 9 Arcane

Top 7 - Best Mage Build: Moonville Build

Moonville is a really fun weapon to use as a mage and also very good on its own. With this build, we can easily take down early-game bosses and even use them on later Journeys. Now a lot of people ask if the damage tappers off a little bit as you go into New Game Plus cycles and Yes, that is one of the problems that Moonville has even so it can do posture damage with the R2 in the weapon special and it also can do a little bit of damage with the beam and whatnot. We're able to come up with a good build for it at 150 level that we're able to buff as well a little bit and get some decent damage from it while also doing some posture damage if you stay close to whatever you're fighting.

Build Setup:

  • Weapons: Moonveil+10 (Right Hand), Giant's Seal+25 (Left Hand)

  • Armor: Jar, Hoslow's Armor, Malformed Dragon Gauntlets, Maliketh's Greaves

  • Talismans: Shard of Alexander, Magic Scorpion Charm, Ritual Sword Talisman, Gragoncrest Shield Talisman

  • Flask of Wonderous Physick: Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Faith-Konot Crystal Tear

  • Stats (150 Level): 50 Vigor, 22 Mind, 20 Endurance, 16 Strength, 45 Dexterity, 50 Intelligence, 15 Faith, 11 Arcane

Top 8 - Best Faith Build: Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike Build

This full ancient dragon lightning strike build is a one-shot and one of the most overpowered builds in the game at a meta level. For this build though since we're doing this at 150, we're going to be using the Gravel Stone seal and the 15% boost we get to lightning incantations. But at 150 level and max scaling, we're still able to one-shot a lot of the bosses in the game and even the Golden Shade boss with zero lightning resistance.

Build Setup:

  • Weapons: Gravel Stone Seal+25 (Right Hand), Warhawk's Blood Talon+24 (Right Hand), Jellyfish Shield (Left Hand)

  • Armor: Black Dumpling, 

  • Talismans: Godfrey Icon, Lightning Scorpion Charm, Red-Feathered Branchsowrd, Kindred of Rot's Exultation

  • Flask of Wonderous Physick: Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Opaline Bubbletear

  • Stats (150 Level): 50 Vigor, 21 Mind, 20 Endurance, 20 Strength, 20 Dexterity, 7 Intelligence, 80 Faith, 11 Arcane

Top 9 - Best Strength Build: Strongest S-Tier Brick Hammer Build

There is nothing better than feeling so strong in Elden Ring when you're smacking around foes and all the different bosses, Melina is getting tortured by this pure strength build - the strongest S-tier Brick Hammer build. Brick Hammer is the best strength weapon be dealing a huge amount of damage which is going to be at this time 215 with a 434 bonus damage. This weapon comes with the skill Barbaric Roar, which increases the player's overall attack. And with the previous patches, strong charges attacks and special animations can be done much faster. Also, we will pair it with the Heavy Rotten Battle Hammer which adds additional scarlet rot build-up status on enemies. With this Braggart's Roar skill, the hammer alone will do a large amount of damage, with each hit having a high build-up of scarlet rot. 

Build Setup:

  • Weapons: Heavy Brick Hammer+25 (Right Hand), Heavy Rotten Balttle Hammer+25 (Left Hand)

  • Armor: Beast Champion Helm, Raptor's Black Feathers, Beast Champion Gauntletes, Beast Champion Greaves

  • Talismans: Gragoncrest Shield Talisman, Claw Talisman, Green Turtle Talisman, Shard of Alexander

  • Flask of Wonderous Physick: Strength-knot Cracked Tear, Stonebard Cracked Tear

  • Stats (150 Level): 40 Vigor, 25 Mind, 40 Endurance, 70 Strength, 11 Dexterity, 9 Intelligence, 25 Faith, 9 Arcane

Top 10 - Best Stealth Build: Powerful  Invisible Assassin Build

Patch 1.08 and many previous patches have slowly and consistently buffed daggers, but this build has kinda just snuck around under the rader, undetected. It's God-Tier and really powerful.  Rather than using any of the invisibility spells that are very gimmicky and don't last very long, we opt for specifically physical optical camo, so there are two armor sets to use to camouflage in the environment - dark set and light set, both of these are combined with the host trick mirror so that when we're invading we don't appear red. This stealth assassin build makes you virtually invisible to enemies, so you can easily avoid unnecessary battles or surprise powerful foes.

Build Setup:

  • Weapons: Reduvia+10 (Right Hand), Blood Miserricorde+25 (Left Hand)

  • Armor: Page Hood, Highwayman Cloth Armor, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots (Dark Set) / Confessor Hood, Foot Soldier Rabard, Battlemage Mandchettes, Leather Trousers

  • Talismans: Millicent's Prosthesis, Dagger Talisman, Furled Finger's Trick-Mirror, Concealing Veil

  • Flask of Wonderous Physick: Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Cerulean Hidden Tear

  • Stats (150 Level):  58 Vigor, 18 Mind, 18 Endurance, 40 Strength, 40 Dexterity, 19 Intelligence, 19 Faith, 85 Arcane

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