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Elden Ring 1.08 Strongest Strength Weapon Tier List - Best High Damage Str Build Weapons

12/20/2022 4:15:49 PM

Naturally with the new patch, we have changes to the meta of the Elden Ring wepaons and runes, various weapon types being improved and also nerfed in certain ways, this plays a noticeable role for strength weapons specifically, because smaller weapons now have lower Poise damage, meaning heavy big weapons further have Poise priority, that's how it should be the cost of the way and the slow nature of these Elden Ring weapons should get some perks like bigger damage of one hit and Poise, more and more over time, we have changes and updates that reflect that after strength weapons having that rough start in 1.0, as well as the new modes of the Arena, benefiting big surprise damage and strength weapons are also fantastic, here is the list, then we have some changes to weapons and their standings and a couple new additions based on suggestions and feedback.


S Tier: Greatsword, Giant-Crusher


This weapon has become more populous patch somehow, in the arena, you can run two of these in power stance and run a jump attack build, you can one shot players for 2 000 damage easily using just that, whether you're one-handing it and making use of The Versatile, incredibly strong options with those ashes like giants Han or Lion's claw which were buffed in the previous patch or you're power stancing it for outrageous damage in one hit, we believe this weapon is pushed over the edge compared to the other colossal weapons, due to the buffable nature and the variety of options you have you, can enhance its damage with an element or status that your enemy is weak to, making this web happen perfect in every situation, colossal swords and colossal weapons have got better and better, and better Poise as a concept has been balanced better and better and colossal swords and weapons stand at the top of that, this stands at the top of the Colossal weapons thanks to the variety in its moveset the range and ways you can run it in different builds, it is the king of the strength weapons, and somehow it has been made slightly better this patch.


It's still the one shot weapon, and it remains unchanged in 1.08, even though in 1.07, colossal weapons had some attack speeds increases and better recovery time, somehow it was slightly improved, and that shocks me, you could argue that it's got better utility in this patch in the arena specifically, because just like invasions if you can surprise a foe with a single big hit that works well there, ultimately though, it's like the highest hardest hitting weapon in the game, and really is the essence of strength weapons, big hits in one swing.

A Tier: Nightrider Glaive, Magma Wyrm's Scalesword, Royal Greatsword, Maliketh's Black Blade, Ruins Greatsword, Serpent-Hunter, Prelate's Inferno Crozier

Nightrider Glaive

It's a very strong strength weapon but just because it's the best of a type, doesn't mean it competes with the other Str weapons and what they do and what they bring to the table, it's a solid pick and extremely buffable, and you can use various halber-based ashes of War which are both cool, and very effective because of the speed they come out for a heavy hitting strength weapon.


Magma Wyrm's Scalesword

Magma Wyrm's Scalesword, with no changes in 1.08, it remains a strong weapon thanks to the previous patches, especially though in this patch with the arena and surprise attacks, because you don't want to trade with this weapon, especially when it's buffed up, if you can sneak up on someone or interrupt a fight, during free-for-all or Team Deathmatch, using either its unique Ash of war or the heavy attack that can be incredibly dangerous, it became great over the last two patches with curved great swords being improved in 1.06, with better motion speed and Recovery while in 1.07, they improved the ash specifically to have better Poise and stamina, that was what pushed it into a very solid spot, and that's where it remains this patch, but it's sneakily better due to the arena modes.


Royal Greatsword

Royal Greatsword, benefiting from those colossal sword, poke Buffs, and The Colossal sword Buffs in general with their higher Poise damage, these weapons have long range and high damage per hit, and all of them that use that poke attack have of course been improved, the key to this weapon though and what makes it stand out from the others is the ash of War dealing Frost damage, but having a bit too much hyper armor at this point, you can simply spam the wolf's assault and laugh and it's been made faster in previous patches with great hyper armor at that point, but in 1.07, they gave it even more hyper armor, so you truly can just blindly spam this in PVE, and be very pleased with the output that you'll get, let alone in PvP where it will be nasty thanks to its surprising range of that AOE, and the fact that it'll be a trading machine.


Maliketh's Black Blade

Another colossal sword also in a fantastic Place, benefiting in the same ways, but it also had specific improvements in 1.07, the Destin death effect lasts a good minute now which is a major time increase so that 10 Health reduction is going to be constant in boss fights and honestly in PvP too, thanks to the motion speed being increased though, that's the big deal here we can trade much better and consistently land the blows, it's a three-part swing around, slam down and destined death a week, the AOE has a reasonable range, so that's good in the arena, and we find extremely fun to use, especially in combination with other destined death effects like the dagger for a quick Swap and change of pace even stacking up the deaths and death effect.


Ruins Greatsword

Ruins Greatsword, once again benefiting from 1.07 and 1.08 colossal sword Buffs, they're all great options now just for different reasons and purposes, this weapon has remained unchanged though compared to the others, despite that it is brilliant in the arena, like the Blasphemous blade Ash of War, you've got a wide long-range high damage option which is just stupid, you can snipe people from Far, completely unexpected and it's always going to be strong in that context, it also has a unique heavy attack which is cool, but we do think it's Max DPS is lower than say the Royal Greatsword, and it brings less utility, because it doesn't have any side effects like frost status or Destined Death.



Serpent-Hunter, a very unique weapon useful for much more than just that Riker boss fight, since it requires very low stats to use any build can use it because they need to be able to for that boss fight meaning, it's very easy to run it is another great spear though meaning its moveset is fantastic, it has long range heavy hits the brilliant running heavy or even light or jump attacks, it's got a lot of options from impressive range only made worse when we realized that somehow, it still has the op colossal sword poke from before its Nerf, that can be combined with the running heavy the jumping lights leading through a variety of poke attacks with high damage and making a nightmare situation in PvP or quick burst in PVE, it is honestly a very strong weapon that people are starting to take notice of, it's reached more meta levels than ever before, so we think that reason puts it into A tier.

Prelate's Inferno Crozier

No changes to this weapon, makes it no more competitive with say Giant's Crusher, because it is the same thing but worse, in terms of raw output and unique ability, however, it does look really cool, and it hits really hard and it serves the same reasoning to use the Giant's Crusher even if it is slightly weaker. if you want to use it, it's still a great option, and you don't need to use the best thing at all times statistically just use what you enjoy by no means is this weapon weak and that's why it's innate here if just barely.

B Tier: Rusted Anchor, Beastclaw Greathammer, Great Stars, Axe of Godfrey, Siluria's Tree, Starscourge Greatswords

Rusted Anchor

You can easily give it great scaling and apply various brilliant ashes of War like Lion's claw or storm caller, making it very deadly in trade using those in 1.07, the Poise rating of gray axes which this weapon actually is was improved, and for a surprisingly quick weapon despite how big it is, this moveset really works for this weapon, you could run a shield with it or another weapon and off and or seals for encants and so it's also not as heavy as you might expect which allows for that easier, it's also an unusual one because it has sort of pierce aspects to it, so you can benefit from the spear talisman.


Beastclaw Greathammer

Beastclaw Greathammer which has worked its way into a reliable standing, thanks to the Hammer Buffs to its Poise damage, you'll stagger much more consistently now, as well as the attack speed buff, making a huge difference in its viability, then specifically, it's actually what was also buffed to hit harder, we recently did a full build on this weapon and showcased just how much better this weapon actually is especially in PVE, we do think it requires other aspects to help it work best, especially in PVP like beastial incants which makes sense for this weapon, with many of those being improved over the last patches as well, now it doesn't hit super hard, but it does work in unison with many other options, and its Ash is very strong in the new Arena modes where you can spam it from range and AOE people down when they're not expecting it.


Great Stars

Great Stars, also not on the list before, but certainly should be in 1.08, thanks to the fact that again just like the Rusted anchor, it can take a variety of Ashes of war and change scaling based on what you need, Lions claw stormcaller also great picks, but this one works really well with pre-lates charge to maximize the ticks of damage and therefore healing, because this weapon comes with passive lifesteal on the weapon which is always very strong, this is insane in AOE situations or just in general getting held back while you fight, in the same way that we have the hammer Buffs for the other weapons though, there's poised Buffs faster attack speed and it also works in unison with say another one in power stance or great as a shield option, much like other gray hammers, it's never really going to hit massively hard like a colossal weapon, but it's also going to swing much faster than you might expect pretty versatile fitting into any build with just a bit of strength and worth considering this patch.


Axe of Godfrey

Godfrey's ax which is back after 1.07, actually finally relevant after multiple Buffs in various patches, it became a bit of a Powerhouse, thanks to the ash of War providing a massive AR boost, it was always close to power but just falling short, now they've given it options, the new stamp combo is way faster and Regal raw actually benefits from the raw Talisman, meaning it deals high damage when it does hit that combined with the hyper armor and general Poise of the weapon, it becomes a bit of a trading machine, the follow-up hit of the slam combo is slow as hell and finally the regular Heavies as well they're really slow it does work now certainly viable with its new improved toolkit but we keep it at a beta.


Siluria's Tree

Siluria's Tree which I even could consider an eight-tier weapon based on its Astro 4 performance in the arena, technically this one was nerfed at 1.08 though, as a thrusting Weapon, It's counter-attack damage which reduced this patch, but that's not the only aspect of this weapon, it's a great spear so with all the benefits of the range the pokes and the running heavy featuring a two-part Ash of wall that was improved in the last patch to be much faster and had an attack power buff and poised to help secure the attack, we can either tap slam it for a quick slam close range for burst or charged up as a ranged spare shot with solid range to it and big damage that's fantastic in the arena in any free for all or team situation where you can catch someone out and surprise them while shooting at them from far away off screen because it pierces it can hit multiple targets and it's going to do a lot of damage there, it's also insanely good in PVE where the enemy is a bit more, predictable and you can kind of spam, this type of stuff especially if the enemy is weak to Holy damage in any way, it is really good this patch especially in Arena.


Starscourge Greatswords

Starscourge Greatswords, it doesn't actually benefit from that colossal sword poke buff this patch, but can contextually, it's better this patch because of the Arena, another weapon with big slow heavy hitting hits, but the ash of War which has a two-part pull in Hit and then a massive slam AOE that works incredible in the arena where you're in a free-for-all situation where people are paying less attention you can sneak up on them or best when they're against a wall or in a corner, in 1v1s, this ash is still good in terms of the damage it does obviously, but it's very predictable and therefore easy to avoid and even punish, it's always been a good Poise based weapon for trading in general, but it does have a simple move set, because of the nature of forcing you to use both weapons at once while only really relying on light attacks to use both of them, they're fun to use and have extra utility as a weapon thanks to the new PVP modes, but we don't think that raises its rating this patch all the same.

C Tier: Grafted Blade Greatsword, Staff of the Avatar

Grafted Blade Greatsword

Let's begin down and seat here, we once again have the Colossal sword, the Grafted Blade Greatsword, technically improved this patch, the incredibly broken stupid colossal sword Crouch poke spam, the people overly relied on that was nerfed into Oblivion, to the point where it's now an impossible to land due to its reduced range and overly nerfed motion speed, but they walked that back in 1.08, specifically it is faster, not as fast as it once was but still better now, does that make the grafted blade a good weapon, well it helps, but no, it doesn't raise it from sea tier clearly, it's got nice damage a specifically improved Ash in the last patch and it looks cool the problem is the AR is noticeably lower than the other colossal sword options and that remains an issue.


Staff of the Avatar

Still in City even though its Ash was specifically improved less patch as well, dealing more damage in a funny and effective way, like the other colossal weapons with a hammer style moveset, it has a high AR to start with and big hammer slams, The problem is the ash just isn't very good, we would like to see it be improved with the range of the slam being wider or a multi-part combo like two or three slams in a row, that'd be cool, but now it's an AR stat stick with a relatively easy to avoid moveset contextually.

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