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WOW Dragonflight PVP Gear Guide - How To Get Full PVP Gear Fast In WOW Dragonflight?

12/1/2022 10:58:06 AM

One Battleground is a piece of gear literally, and a single Battleground is a piece of pre-biss PVP gear. This guide will show you how you can get full PVP gear incredibly fast in WOW Dragonflight.

WOW Dragonflight PVP Gear Guide -  How To Get Full  PVP Gear Fast In WOW Dragonflight?

Get max level in WOW Dragonflight

All you have to do literally is all you have to do, number one get max level which is easy, you can just follow the main campaign, and you can do some of the side quests on your main character. 

And then for your alt, you can literally, once you unlock the main campaign, once you do not have to do it again, everything is unlocked for your Alt, it's amazing, you can just cue dungeons luckily gear up, and you can even do Battlegrounds.

How to get WOW Dragonflight gear? 

If you want a gear, there are a couple of different ways, you can acquire gear.

Bloody tokens

The first one is through bloody tokens and you get bloody tokens from doing World PVP, those World PVP quests that you can do, there's also World PVP chess that drop, this is like a world PP Quest right here, it gives you some WOW gold and that probably gives you some bloody tokens and stuff like that too. That's the first way you can gear.

If you notice this gear has 366 item levels, if you look down at the bottom, the most important thing is 408 in arenas and Battlegrounds, so that's basically close to the max level, now so that's just from doing bloody tokens.

Honor gear

Now if you walk over here to the honor vendor, you will notice something, all the honor gear is insanely cheap, and pieces of gear are like 500 on Earth that's like two or three Battlegrounds per piece of gear.

Maybe less like every couple of Battlegrounds, you're getting a piece of gear and you may notice here, this gear is upgradable, but the upgrades do not matter in PvP, a lot of people hate upgrades, they hated that they had to you know to get the conquest, and then buy the honor gear, and then upgrade it with more honor and upgrade it again.

They still have the upgrade system, but the upgrade system doesn't do anything in PvP immediately.

All you have to do is get tier one of every single piece of honor and you're ready for the season, so literally, all you have to do for the PVP gear and have the best gear is buy the honor gear, buy your trinkets which are going to be the best, because of the set bonus, you don't even have to upgrade it, you're just ready to queue Arena and the gear is 411 item level which is close to Mythic item level.

Conquest gear

Just a base honor gear that's cheap as is almost Mythic item level in PvP, and then there's the conquest gear, so you'll be able to slowly earn Conquest gear, and Conquest gear is like 420 item level or something 421 going from Full honor to full Conquest is 10 item levels which is nothing, just dinged he already has the weapon, he already has the chest and he already has the shoulders, this is the easiest time in the history of wow to just log on quickly level, and then PVP.

There are no legendaries, there are no tour ghast, and there's nothing you literally don't have to do anything, you're just ready to go, you're ready to PVP. To gear up Mage and BG's, and then to the level monk in Dungeons and level up or get the honor gear on the monk. The season does not start for two weeks, even if you're behind, you'll be able to fully gear a character, all you have to do is just cue Battlegrounds.

WOW Dragonflight is going to be absolutely sick, but this is the system that like you don't have to rate anymore, and you don't have to do mediclus anymore. You can literally just PVP, you just use PVP gear and PVP, it's going to be pretty much.

The best the only annoying thing is you're still going to have to get a tear, but for spec, for example, for frost Mage. To use tear so unlucky, but a tear is going to be annoying, all you're gonna have to do, it's just time-gated, if you don't want to raid, you're just gonna have to wait six weeks to get your four pieces that are all which is a pretty long time, but what can you do a few moments later.

What are the most expensive pieces in WOW Dragonflight? 

Look at the chest by the staff Pace versatility is very nice, 346 PVP item level already, got two sets which gives 105 more versatility sweet easy, another piece of gear easy brawl, another piece of gear ladies and gentlemen turn in that Quest. Another piece of gear is this. 

What boxes are you getting in WOW Dragonflight? 

You get boxes when you do things in PvP, so it's another great thing that's one more great thing is you get these boxes, you get the strong boxes, you can open up, and they have materials in it, so the last one primal chaos in it, it had an ore in it, it had marks of Honor in it.

This is going to be the best PP expansion ever, just because of gearing, so nice you have to do anything, at a level in BG's apparently, you just get full honor gear, just gonna do.

Strategy is just for alters, just gonna cue BG's and do world-class, and then Chunley, that's what he did to level, and when he got max level, he just bought full honor gear instantly, and that is actually a really good way to avoid being super weak at the max level.

Do World quests and you'll just acquire enough honor to buy basically full honor gear when you hit max level sweet, and then you're not behind at max level, because one problem right now is if you keep BG's, like you ding max level your qbgs, you're way behind.

Just gonna level in BG's, just like the last expansion, except for this time, it's gonna be a little bit better even easy. One Battleground on alt leveling up and actually got a piece of max-level gear worth of Honor.

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