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How To Max Out Reputation In WotLK - Best & Fastest WoW WotLK Classic Reputation Farming Tips

11/3/2022 6:50:14 PM

Today we are going to be presenting a WotLK reputation farm guide and showing you the fastest way to max out every reputation in WoW WotLK Classic, so you can get big rep rewards like the green Proto Drake and the Kaluak fishing pole. Then we are also covering a method to increase your reputation gains by 10%.

WotLK Classic Reputations Guide

Throughout your travels in Northrend, you will contact with many different groups and factions, and your reputation with each of them is an important and influential part of the game. Reputation points can be earned and lost through participation in a variety of activities. By increasing the reputation level, the faction or organization becomes more loyal to you, and you can purchase various valuable items, you can even be you will be rewarded with valuable Profession recipes, mounts, and gear to rival that of early Raid drops!

Farming - How To Max Out Reputation In WotLK Classic

Classic WotLK reputation farming methods can help you quickly get exciting rewards from each of Northrend‘s new factions. Those rewards range from crafting designs to titles and even mounts. Now let’s check these fastest max reputations in Wrath of the Lich King. 

Alliance Vanguard / Horde Expedition

These are the famous reps that unlock the Mekgineer's Chopper and the much cooler Mechano-hog. Just take off your Tavern and hit some heroic dungeon world tours. And you can do icecrown dailies to get 625 more rep per day as well as free WotLK gold.

Kaluak Reputation

If you want a sweet pool to fish underwater or to raise a cute penguin, you'll want to max out your kaluak rep. Starting out, you'll want a quest in Kaskala, Moa’ki Harbor and Kamagua, then hit up the three daily quests and you'll hit exalted in two weeks or win the kalu’ak fishing derby for 5000 rep.

Kirin Tor Rep

The Arcanum of Burning Mysteries is insane for spellcasters, but this rep is also your way into the fancy mammoth club. You can cut the price down by a whopping 4000 gold and if you still haven't gotten your Kirin Tor ring for a second Hearthstone, exalted will save you 1700 gold too. Your fastest route to max is running heroic dungeons while wearing the Tabard of the Kirin Tor. We also do the fishing and cooking dailies for extra free rep too. Don't forget you get sweet 400 rep commendations from the daily dungeon quest.

Knights of the Ebon Blade

Melee want their ebb and blade maxed out as quickly as possible for the best Arcanum of Torment. Luckily, Knights of the upon blade is the easiest faction to max in Wrath. We can start by doing the icecrown bay Shadow Vault chain which unlocks extremely simple dailies. All 6 quests are in daily 600 gold route. The dailies give you 1500 rep per day, so we wouldn't use Tabard of the Ebon Blade in dungeons unless it's the only rep you need.

The Oracles the Frenzyheart - How To Get The Green Proto-Drake

Pump your way through the part-time Hunter Quest chain and at the end, you'll have a big decision to make. When you do the final quest the Hero's Burden, you have to choose between the Oracles by killing Zepic or the Frenzyheart by killing Zaloot. Then do your three dailies each day for max rep gains. We are maxing out the oracles rep for the mysterious egg which can contain pets or the green Proto Drake. The frenzyheart reward is a little less popular, we'll pass on that ooze. Each side also offers a trinket at exalted, the oracle's talisman trinket is amazing for farming and you can even run two of them.

Spirit of Sharing

The spirit of sharing buff from Pilgrim's Bounty is the best ways to max out reputation in Wrath of the Lich King. You get a full week of 10% rep bonus buffs starting November 25th. You just need to eat five helpings of everything on the table outside major cities which takes less than 90 seconds.

Argent Crusade

Every tank wants to max out their Argent Crusade rep for the tanking helmet enchant. But we also want the Sapphire Spellthread pattern which is best for Resto Druid. Doing the Zul’drak and Icecrown quests like the Crusaders Pinnacle to get quick rep and emblems of heroism. Then just use your Tabard of the Argent Crusade in level 80 dungeons to get exalted fast and make sure to do Slaves of Saronite every day for extra rep. 

Sons of Hodir Rep

Sons of Hodir Rep is such an important investment. The bind on account shoulders will be pumping you all the way through ICC. Start off your rep Journey with they took our man from Gretchen Fzzlespark. After the chain, doing all the extremely fun daily quests for an entire month or spend under 2000 gold on relics of Ulduar and get exalted in under 30 minutes.

Wyrmrest Accord

Starting out, you'll want to do quests at the warm rest Temple Hub. Don’t do the dailies, instead, you can use the tabard of the Wyrmrest Accord to pump your reputation in level 80 dungeons. The Arcanum of Blissful Mending is arguably the best healer head enchant in the game. 

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