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FIFA 23 Best Meta Team For Rank 1 & Elite Division - Best Squads for 250K, 500K, 750K, 1 Million Budgets

10/26/2022 2:44:57 PM
Tag: FIFA Squad

We've got some squad builders for you today all the way from 900k or 1 million, 250k, 500k, and 750k, we give you our choices of the squad for different budgets so that you can get for FIFA 23 FUT Champions!


250K Team

Let's get started straight away though into the first one which is a 250k team, and this is the 250k team we wanted a strong defense, so we have Godfrey and tomorrow two of the best center backs if not in the game, especially Godfrey card, try to get something new cards in as well we have to put the Son and we think he has to be in any team under 200k, to be honest.

4-2-2-2 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Godfrey(84), Tomori(84)

LB - Estupinan(83)

RB - Cuadrado(83)

CDM - Barella(86), Tonali(84)

CAM - Son(89), Antony(82)

ST - Muriel(84), Deulofeu(83)

4-3-2-1 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Godfrey(84), Tomori(84)

LB - Estupinan(83)

RB - Cuadrado(83)

CM - Barella(86), Tonali(84), Antony(82)

ST - Son(89)

CF - Muriel(84), Deulofeu(83)

3-5-2 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Godfrey(84), Tomori(84), Cuadrado(83)

CDM - Barella(86), Tonali(84)

CAM - Deulofeu(83)

LM - Estupinan(83)

RM - Antony(82)

ST - Son(89), Muriel(84)

4-2-3-1 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Godfrey(84), Tomori(84)

LB - Estupinan (83)

RB - Cuadrado(83)

CDM - Tonali(84), Barella(86)

CAM - Deulofeu(83), Son(89), Antony(82)

ST - Muriel(84)

4-1-2-1-2 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Godfrey(84), Tomori(84)

LB - Estupinan (83)

RB - Cuadrado(83)

CDM -Tonali(84)

CAM - Deulofeu(83)

LM - Antony(82)

RM - Barella(86)

ST - Son(89), Muriel(84)

4-1-2-1-2 (2) Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Godfrey(84), Tomori(84)

LB - Estupinan (83)

RB - Cuadrado(83)

CM - Antony(82), Barella(86)

CAM - Deulofeu(83)

ST - Son(89), Muriel(84)

500K Team

Going over now to the 500k team, this would be the next upgrade you can keep the players like Son we've gone with a more you kind of take a bit of a hit on the back line, but you still replace them with good enough players, like Lacroix you better than Godfrey, very good defense awareness medium-high work rate, it's probably one of the best center backs in the game as well, then Kounde has got very good Guillotine balance which is kind of a direct kind of replacement for Godfrey.

4-4-1-1 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Lacroix(85), Kounde(84)

LB - Davies(84)

RB - Jesus Navas(86)

LM - Son(89)

CM - Can(82), Goretzka(87)

CF - Mane(89)

RM - Dembele(83)

ST - Nkunku(86)

4-2-3-1 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Lacroix(85), Kounde(84)

LB - Davies(84)

RB - Jesus Navas(86)

CDM - Goretzka(87), Can(82)

CAM - Nkunku(86), Mane(89), Dembele(83)

ST - Son(89)

4-1-2-1-2 (2) Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Lacroix(85), Kounde(84)

LB - Davies(84)

RB - Jesus Navas(86)

CDM - Can(82)

CM - Goretzka(87), Nkunku(86)

CAM - Mane(89)

ST - Son(89), Dembele(83)

4-3-1-2 & 4-2-3-1(2)Squad Team

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Lacroix(85), Kounde(84)

LB - Davies(84)

RB - Jesus Navas(86)

CM - Can(82), Goretzka(87), Nkunku(86)

CAM - Dembele(83)

ST - Son(89), Mane(89)

4-4-2(2) Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Lacroix(85), Kounde(84)

LB - Davies(84)

RB - Jesus Navas(86)

CDM - Goretzka(87), Can(82)

LM - Mane(89)


ST - Son(89), Dembele(83)

3-5-2 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Lacroix(85), Kounde(84), Davies(84)

CDM - Can(82), Goretzka(87)

CAM - Mane(89)


RM - Jesus Navas(86)

ST - Son(89), Dembele(83)

750K Team

Now going to 750k, we got this for 700k, and this is where it kind of comes we're making some upgrades, and we've got Adam at a Tau, it's a very good card, the problem is that we have a problem with the attack we can't get Ronaldo in because the team will only have 200k so we don't want to break the teams we've got Mendy the best left back, won the best ride backs, won the best center backs, the only weakness here probably say is the goalkeeper, but to get sun on chemistry is definitely worth it, we get Valverde, we definitely pack a punch with Valverde arguably the best CDM, best gold card CDM inside the game, both on New Gen and all gen.

4-2-3-1 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Lacroix(85), Eder Militao(86)

LB - Mendy(83)

RB - Jesus Navas(86)

CDM - GORETZKA(87), Valverde(84)

CAM - Nkunku(86)

CAM - Mane(89), Son (89)

ST - Dembele(83)

4-3-2-1 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Lacroix(85), Eder Militao(86)

LB - Mendy(83)

RB - Jesus Navas(86)

CM - Son(89), Goretzka(87), Valverde(84)

CF - Dembele(83), Nkunku(86)

ST - Mane(89)

4-4-2 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Lacroix(85), Eder Militao(86)

LB - Mendy(83)

RB - Jesus Navas(86)

CM - Valverde(84), Goretzka(87)

LM - Dembele(83)

RM - Nkunku(86)

ST - Mane(89), Son(89)

4-1-2-1-2(2) Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Lacroix(85), Eder Militao(86)

LB - Mendy(83)

RB - Jesus Navas(86)

CDM - Valverde(84)

CM - Goretzka(87), Nkunku(86)

CAM - Mane(89)

ST - Son(89), Dembele(83)

1 Million Team

Then we go over to the million coin team here now, this is where we made some changes, we got just under a million FIFA 23 coins, which does push it over the budget.

4-4-1-1 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Eder Militao(84), Rudiger(87)

LB - Estupinan(83)

RB - Jesus Navas(86)

CM - Valverde(84), Llorente(84)

CF - Keane(86)

LM - Son(89)

RM - Dembele(83)

ST - Ronaldo(90)

4-2-2-2 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Eder Militao(84), Rudiger(87)

LB - Estupinan(83)

RB - Jesus Navas(86)

CDM - Llorente(84), Valverde(84)

CAM - Son(89), Dembele(83)

ST - Ronaldo(90), Keane(86)

4-3-2-1 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Eder Militao(84), Rudiger(87)

LB - Estupinan(83)

RB - Jesus Navas(86)

CM - Llorente(84), Valverde(84)

CF - Dembele(83), Keane(86)

ST - Ronaldo(90)

3-5-2 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Eder Militao(84), Rudiger(87), Estupinan(83)

CDM - Llorente(84), Valverde(84)

CAM - Son(89)

LM - Keane(86)

RM - Jesus Navas(86)

ST - Ronaldo(90), Dembele(83)

5-1-2-2 Squad Info

GK - Lloris(87)

CB - Eder Militao(84), Rudiger(87), Jesus Navas(86)

LWB - Son(89)

RWB - Estupinan(83)

CM - Dembele(83), Llorente(84)

CDM - Valverde(84)

ST - Ronaldo(90), Keane(86)


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