Here we talk about the top 5 meta formations in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team, covering the best custom tactics & player instructions for 4-4-2, 4-3-1-2, 4-2-2-2, 4-3-2-1, and 4-2-3-1 lineup!
A few things have changed after the latest live tuning patches and official Patches from Esports, dribbling is a bit better and gameplay has changed a bit, so we have updated our top 5 meta formations - 442, 4312, 4222, 4321, 4231. The recommended tactics and player instructions for these formations below can be used both in the FIFA 23 Ultimate Team in online matches, as well as in Career Mode in solo matches.
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4-4-2 is universally good in FIFA 23, FIFA 22, and FIFA 21. It's been always a very well-balanced formation and it is also great to use this season. In the Ultimate Team, you start with this formation, which you should definitely try out for a few games. It offers, similar to the 4-3-3 (2), a good balance of offense and defense. In addition, it is particularly easy for you to find suitable players for the positions – so it is especially suitable for newcomers.
With the below custom tactics and play instructions setting, we have a defensive style a balanced team:
Best 4222 Tactics
Defence Style
Width: 50
Depth: 60
Build Up Play: Balanced
Chance Creation: Direct Passing
Width: 50
Players In Box: 6 Bars
Corners: 1 Bar
Free Kicks: 1 Bar
It is important to remember that here: the better your defense the higher you can go with depth maybe even 70-72, the better your defense. If your defense is average 50-60 at depth, we're going to have build-up play balanced and chance creation direct passing team with 50, players in the box at 6. Corners and Free kicks, there are two techniques to score from corner kicks, you either do a direct cross if you practice that go here with two or three at the corners, or if you haven't practiced that and you know how to do it with a short pass and the build up go Corners with 1 and Free Kicks at 1.
Best 4222 Player Instructions
Striker Instructions
Support Runs: Balanced Width
Attacking Runs: Get In Behind
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Defensive Support: Basic Defence Support
Central Mid. Instructions
Attacking Support: Stay Back While Attacking
Support On Crosses: Balanced Crossing Runs
Interceptions: Normal Inspections
Positioning Freedom: Stick To Postion
Defensive Postion: Cover Center
Winger Instructions
Defensive Support: Come Back On Defence
Chance Creation: Balanced Width
Support Runs: Balanced Support
Support On Crosses: Get Into The Box For Cross
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Full Back Instructions
Attacking Runs: Stay Back While Attacking
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Run Type: Mixed Attack
Defensive Position: Stick To Position
With the 4-4-2 you don't need to screw much on the tactics. Only the depth should be adapted to your preferred playstyle, everything else is relatively balanced. Again, the two full-backs and one of your ZMs should "stay behind in attacks", the other ZM can calmly intervene in the offensive. In a striker, it is still advisable to give the faster of the two the instruction "Defense overflow". This often results in better options in the offense. It is important to mention that you can save four different lineups in the tactical settings, between which you can then switch left or right in the game by pressing a button on the D-pad. Although they are marked with "Very defensive" to "Very offensive", you can still set your favorite four formations here, which do not necessarily fit the names. So you are very flexible and can react to almost all playing styles of the opponent in the best way.
The 4-3-1-2 formation is super fast passes between the trio of players in front of the CAM and the Strikers. If you prefer to break through the middle of the opposing defense, the 4-3-1-2 could be a good formation. Even against opponents who place themselves deep in their own half or act with a chain of five, this line-up is strong. With two strikers on offense, it should be easier for you to get through the defensive chains. Running with a single striker against a strong defense is hardly possible in FIFA 23. It is important that two of the three back midfielders stay behind in attacks.
We have a defensive style balanced team, with the below custom tactics and player instructions setting:
Best 4312 Custom Tactics
Defence Style
Width: 41
Depth: 55
Build Up Play: Long Ball
Chance Creation: Forward Runs
Width: 52
Players In Box: 5 Bars
Corners: 2 Bar
Free Kicks: 3 Bar
Best 4312 Player Instructions
Striker Instructions
Support Runs: Balanced Width
Attacking Runs: Mixed Attack
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Defensive Support: Basic Defence Support
Central Mid. Instructions 1
Attacking Support: Stay Back While Attacking
Support On Crosses: Balanced Crossing Runs
Interceptions: Normal Inspections
Positioning Freedom: Stick To Position
Defensive Position: Cover Center
Central Mid. Instructions 2
Attacking Support: Balanced Attack
Support On Crosses: Balanced Crossing Runs
Interceptions: Normal Inspections
Positioning Freedom: Stick To Position
Defensive Position: Cover Wing
Winger Instructions
Defensive Support: Come Back On Defence
Chance Creation: Balanced Width
Support Runs: Balanced Support
Support On Crosses: Get Into The Box For Cross
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Attacking Mid. Instructions
Defensive Support: Stay Forwards
Support On Crosses: Balanced Crossing Runs
Positioning Freedom: Stick To Position
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Full Back Instructions
Attacking Runs: Stay Back While Attacking
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Run Type: Mixed Attack
Defensive Position: Stick To Position
In terms of instructions, stay back while attacking is standard for the fullbacks and you can change this, also manually in-game by having them join the attack by just pressing up on your d-pad and then to the left, it's nice to have this available, so you can start to stay back and change super fast in-game when you want them to always join the attack. We have stay back or attacking cover center for the CM who will act like a CDM, have cover winger here for one of our right Central midfielders balanced at attacking support, and have cover center for the other one. Now there are two ways you can play the 4312, you can have come back on defense basic for the CAM and it will change into a 4-4-2 but then you will lose that Trio of players up front to counter attacks, this is why we have stayed forward and also put a get in behind for both of our Strikers.
Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as the best formation in FIFA 22. Finally, you have to include your own playstyle and also the available player material in the tactics. Nevertheless, some strong formations among the best players in the world quickly emerge. One of the best lineups this year is the 4-2-2-2. The formation is very offensive and requires high pressing, but the defense is always compact. You take advantage of the full width of the field and stand very high to disturb the opponent early and give him hardly any space for passes – you literally constrict him at your own sixteen when you have the ball. The players on the outer lanes should often hit sharp flanks because these exploit your players in FIFA 23 particularly effectively.
Best 4222 Custom Tactics
Defence Style
Width: 40
Depth: 70
Build Up Play: Balanced
Chance Creation: Forward Runs
Width: 50
Players In Box: 6 Bars
Corners: 2 Bar
Free Kicks: 2 Bar
Best 4222 Player Instructions
Striker Instructions
Support Runs: Balanced Width
Attackging Runs: Get In Behind
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Defensive Support: Basic Defence Support
Central Mid. Instructions 1
Attacking Support: Stay Back While Attacking
Support On Crosses: Balanced Crossing Runs
Interceptions: Normal Inspections
Positioning Freedom: Stick To Position
Defensive Position: Cover Center
Central Mid. Instructions 2
Attacking Support: Balanced Attack
Support On Crosses: Balanced Crossing Runs
Interceptions: Normal Inspections
Positioning Freedom: Stick To Position
Defensive Position: Cover Wing
Attacking Mid. Instructions
Defensive Support: Come Back On Defence
Support On Crosses: Get Into The Box For Cross
Positioning Freedom: Stick To Position
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Defensive Mid. Instructions
Defensive Behaviour: Balanced Defence
Attacking Support: Stay Back While Attacking
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Defensive Position: Cover Center
Positioning Freedom: Deep Lying Playmaker
Full Back Instructions
Attacking Runs: Stay Back While Attacking
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Run Type: Mixed Attack
Defensive Position: Stick To Position
In terms of instructions, we have to stay back while attacking for both of our fullbacks, stay back while attacking, cover center, and deep lying playmaker for both of our CDMs. For the right attack in midfielders, left attack and midfielder come back on defense, you want to put also get in the Box for cross to get that extra support in attack. For the two Strikers, we have to get in behind.
For a 4-2-2-2, fast full-backs are recommended, who quickly run back in an emergency and on the opponent's counterattack and work in defence. Here you should give both full-backs the command "stay behind in attacks" (offensive support) under instructions. For the two sixes, which are directly in front of the defense, you should instruct so that one of them acts offensively and the other more defensively. "Balanced attack" is sufficient for the offensive 6, and "Stay behind in attacks" for the defensive.
The formation is a relatively tight formation and should also be tried by you, it is especially suitable for fast counterattacks. It is very designed for high pressing, which makes them somewhat susceptible to counterattacks. If you are looking for a line-up with suitable tactics that offers a good balance of offense and defense, then you should try the 4321.
Best 4321 Custom Tactics
Defence Style
Width: 50
Depth: 60
Build Up Play: Balanced
Chance Creation: Forward Runs
Width: 50
Players In Box: 6 Bars
Corners: 2 Bar
Free Kicks: 3 Bar
Best 4321 Player Instructions
Striker Instructions
Support Runs: Balanced Width
Attackging Runs: Mixed Attack
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Defensive Support: Basic Defence Support
Forward Instructions
Support Runs: Balanced Width
Attacking Runs: Get In Behind
Interceptions: Normal Inspections
Defensive Support: Come Back On Defence
Central Mid. Instructions 1
Attacking Support: Stay Back While Attacking
Support On Crosses: Balanced Crossing Runs
Interceptions: Normal Inspections
Positioning Freedom: Stick To Position
Defensive Position: Cover Center
Central Mid. Instructions 2
Attacking Support: Balanced Attack
Support On Crosses: Balanced Crossing Runs
Interceptions: Normal Inspections
Positioning Freedom: Stick To Position
Defensive Position: Cover Wing
Full Back Instructions
Attacking Runs: Stay Back While Attacking
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Run Type: Mixed Attack
Defensive Position: Stick To Position
Stay backward attacking for both of your fullbacks, stay back while attacking, cover center for CM who acts like a CDM. We have balance cover wing for one Central midfielder and then balance cover center for the other Central midfielder. Then have a get in behind and come back on defense for one of the center forwards, have come back on defense for the left forward and get in behind for the right forward for the other benter forward. What does this exactly do, defensively you won't be playing with three in the middle, we will be playing with four in the middle and when you're attacking, you're going to be playing the four three to one when you get possession of the ball, but defensively you will be much stronger with these type of instructions.
Among the popular FIFA line-ups, the 4-2-3-1 formation is one of the more defensive variants. Why is immediately apparent: The 1 at the front stands for only one striker. With four defenders and two defensive midfielders, the defensive focus here is clear. So that not all danger is missing up front, three attacking midfielders provide a lot of creative leeway. The strength of the line-up is the balance between good chance creation and defensive stability.
The line-up alone is not enough – you also have to adapt the individual tactics to be successful. We give you a general basis, which you can of course adapt to your own playstyle:
Best 4231 Custom Tactics
Defence Style
Width: 50
Depth: 60
Build Up Play: Balanced
Chance Creation: Forward Runs
Width: 55
Players In Box: 6 Bars
Corners: 2 Bar
Free Kicks: 3 Bar
Best 4231 Player Instructions
Striker Instructions
Support Runs: Balanced Width
Attackging Runs: Mixed Attack
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Defensive Support: Basic Defence Support
Attacking Mid. Instructions
Defensive Support: Come Back On Defence
Support On Crosses: Balanced Crossing Runs
Positioning Freedom: Drift Wide
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Defensive Mid. Instructions
Defensive Behaviour: Balanced Defence
Attacking Support: Balanced Attack
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Defensive Position: Cover Wing
Positioning Freedom: Stick To Position
Full Back Instructions
Attacking Runs: Stay Back While Attacking
Interceptions: Normal Interceptions
Run Type: Mixed Attack
Defensive Position: Stick To Position
Above all, the full-back needs high speed, good passing, and physical value, so set them at Stay behind when attacking. In defensive midfield, you need a defensive CDM, with good defense and passing values, and an offensive CDM, with decent defensive values and good stats in shooting & passing. For the outer CAM, fast wingers with a tempo value of over 90 are recommended. The playmaker is your medium CAM – high speed is good here, but even more important are top values in shooting, passing & dribbling. The striker should have good pace, shot, and dribbling values. If he also has a high physique, then that's all the better.
Hope these recommended custom tactics and player instructions for the Top 5 FIFA 23 formation will help you build up the strongest team, and if you lack in any FIFA 23 coins, check out our offer, you will get cheap FUT 23 coins instantly!
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