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New World Orichalcum Farming Guide - Top 5 Best Orichalcum Farming Routes & Locations

6/1/2022 9:24:26 AM

New World May Arenas update for those of you that weren't aware has added some brand new nodes for both orichalcum and star metal ore as well as reducing the respawn timer to that being the same as the iron ore. They've also reduced the platinum and gold or respawn of the nodes to match the time of the silver. Basically, all in all, if you're farming mining materials or metals, you're going to be in for a very big treat. So what are the new routes and ideas of farming orichalcum in the New World? Today, we bring you some of the best New World orichalcum veins and star metal farming spots, and farming routes in the Arenas Update. 


New World Orichalcum Farming Routes & Locations - Best Orichalcum Farm In New World Arenas Update

New World Arenas update opens up a whole plethora of opportunities for crafting and leveling up your trade skills. Now, let’s check the top 5 best orichalcum spots in New World. Then towards the end of the New World orichalcum farming guide, we are also going to throw in some of the star metal spots and we will obviously explain to you as we're going through which ones connect together as well. Because basically, you're going to need both materials as well as iron as well which you can get in all of these locations.


No. 1 New World Best Orichalcum Farming Locations - Reekwater

Reekwater is plagued with orichalcum. The Settlement for Reekwater is basically up to the right-hand side just to the right of where it says Stronghold Ravine over the top of Rackham's Hollow. If you have got this location unlocked, we're essentially on top of the rocks above that and luckily this is the first area where the orichalcum can spawn. This is a really good New World orichalcum location, it's been recently added to the game, all of these spawn up the top here and there is an abundance of locations for these. This is a really good spot because there are three veins over to the side. On top of the rocks, so your best bet is to go from the Settlement straight up to the top kind of northeast. Up this road and then straight across the rocks. It looks like it's on top of the settlement and there are no rocks here. But obviously, it's covered over the top like most are in this game.


You've got a whole bunch there, you've also then got some star metal up the top of the rock which is a nice little addition to this particular section. Because this is mainly orichalcum, this is three veins of star metal, it can spawn there than where you got the first piece, you've got another three down there and these again you've got one big one, two small ones, so you can get a decent amount. Then if you head literally straight over west and kind of downwards down the hill a little bit, you'll see that there are two there and one down the bottom there where they do spawn.  We are going to show you the rest of the spawns before you grab that up, then you've got a couple of spawns that are on the right, and from this one directly to the right up towards the top of the hill, you can do this little jump up here and as you will see there is one piece right there. 

Another piece to the right of it and then if we go even further down, there is another spot over here where you'll be able to see a couple more pieces so three more spawns right there which can all spawn or an orichalcum. Then you also have another couple of spawns one in the cliff there and these two rounds just here which of course you can climb up this way. This spot links up pretty nicely with heading straight down towards the rock just above the fast travel point. It has got iron, it's got star metal. As a bonus, there is a really nice little bit of orichalcum that you can get in the Ancient zone right down the bottom. This is again on top of the rocks, so don't feel you need to go inside of this area, you just go on the rocks to the edge of it and there are quite a lot of spawns down there. 


No. 2 New World Best Orichalcum Farming Locations - Ebonscale Reach

Ebonscale Reach has huge starmetal and ori haul. Here is Ebonscale Reach specifically at the Pilgrim’s Rest way shrine which is kind of just down from the settlement in the middle of the mountains. This one is a super good New World orichalcum location. Firstly you've got orichalcum just up the top of the hill in front of you near this Serenity Monastery and then across the pathway if you kind of follows the one that goes to the left and follow it down all the way around towards the elite zone area. There is an abundance of star metal. What you're going to want to do is travel all the way around the elite zone all around the bottom edge of it and you're going to find tons of star metal and even more orichalcum than there was before.


To give you guys an idea from the Wayshrine you want to walk kind of forward through past this wooden archway kind of northwest to the pathway and once you get down to the middle section, we're going to turn left onto the path in a moment that is where you will be able to get yourself a lot of the star metal. Run round to the elite zone, so you can get all of the orichalcum in this area. If we just head down, you can start to see some of this popping up and it's going to be all the way along this pathway. Again this is a really good farming route because it has some great loots.


No. 3 Best New World Orichalcum Farming Routes - Great Cleave

On the left output is the Cleave’s Point outpost in Great Cleave and it is the mangled heights run. Now they have additional nodes added to them and they have a faster respawn time so this is a really good location. But what they've also done now is added a ton of star metal spawns around this area too. If we head over to Great Cleave and Cleave’s Point specifically, on the way up to the first bit of the corrupted elite area where there is a ton of star metal. Then we move on to a bit of orichalcum then all the way into the middle, there is a ton of orichalcum. It's a really good little run if you can get a group together. For this, if you go up this north road, there's a lot of star metal. If you go very close to the outpost itself, there is a load here just on the hill which is very easy to get same as this one just into the zone. Also if you follow it down and kind of grab all of this stuff and it's all very close by and very easy to get. This is another really fantastic area with the new orichalcum and star metal roots.


No.4 New World Best Place To Farm Orichalcum - Edensgrove Mountain

We're actually going to be looking at the Blighted Rise location. But for this, you're probably going to want to travel to the Eastburn Outpost. That is because if you do travel to any of the fast travel points you've got quite a distance to run as it's actually up between some mountains. So the easiest way into this is up through the Blighted and then over to the side. Everybody is doing the PVP quest to try and level up their PVP track as one of the fastest ways to do this is by spamming the quests. So there are hundreds of players up in this area, so do be cautious if you are trying to obviously do this PVP flagged. If you do want to get some XP on the way and try and get into some battles, you're certainly going to see that happening. 


Essentially what you're going to want to do is head north and then head east up the top road, not the big road here, just of the top road. We're going to want to get to around this area over here near the Bile Dust and around the Blighted Rise. Once you get to the edge of Edensgrove, on this the bit that sticks up just to the left of the Bile Dust is where you will first need to be to see it, and you kind of come in above where the orichalcum can match these spawns. Jump down, you will be able to see where these spawns should be. Then essentially what you will want to do is just work your way around the mountain, they're kind of all-around this section here if you follow this around the edge of kind of this Bile Dust tree area. Then you'll be able to get quite a decent amount of orichalcum every 10 minutes.


No.5 New World Best Orichalcum Veins Farm - Shattered Mountain

All of the elite zones in this area were already very stacked on orichalcum. Now after the New World Arenas update with additional nodes added and the respawn timers buffed, this is even more. The mines are absolutely stacked beyond the leaf for these, you will need a group to be able to clear this efficiently and be able to grab all of these nodes. But with the respawn time, this is absolutely nuts. However it has been fairly contested all around the town, there's a nice lot of star metal veins that you can get right next to the Mountainhome outpost. Then in the mining section across the center of the section, there are a ton more of these mining things, but there is a lot of kind of corrupted mobs in there, so you will need again a group to be able to clear this effectively. Finally up in merc guard which now we've got more incentive to go to for the Tempest Hearts. This has been buffed hugely with this update, but you will need a group to cover these. This is slightly less good solo but it's fantastic in a group because there's nowhere that has quite so many as the minds in terms of close succession pure or an orichalcum or with the buff respawn time, it is absolutely crazy.


New World Best Starmetal Routs

1. Go down to Cutlass Keys Town, if you had silver and New World gold on as well. What you would do is start up this top pathway and wiggle the mouse here. Loads of silver and gold on this way down. Go into the star metal cave, work your way back up grab the silver and go down. Then you onto iron and you go around the side, all of this iron, all of the star metal and then all of the iron towards the town. It's a nice little loot 15 to 20-minute timer on all of that and you'll be able to just continuously run it around and get a ton of that should you need it. It’s very much less contested after this update as well.


2. The next location is in Mourningdale around the town. Essentially you've got a couple of bits of orichalcum veins around here, so you can still stock up on a little bit of that. Out to the east, out to the west, there is a ton of iron and then there is a ton of star metal respectively. But particularly on the east side, if you go up or down a little bit, you've got a ton more star metal and iron on either side, and even a little bit of orichalcum comes down towards the bottom southeastern point. If you go a little bit to the west-northwest, you've got a bit more star metal there. So doing routs of the town has been a really successful place.


3. Brightwood Town is a fantastic New World starmetal farming location. If you go east from the town, you will see a ton of star metal. There are absolutely loads over the east side of Brightwood, a little bit to the south on this hill which you will know has a lot of wormwood trees down here as well. Then over to the west, you've got a ton of iron and a ton more star metal. If you put the gold and silver in this, there's going to be even more to collect and there is a little bit of orichalcum come just to the north.


New World Orichalcum Tips

Every server after this New World May update will be slightly different, but what you will notice is probably a lot of people trying to sell you orichalcum in the chat. Because the prices have dropped quite dramatically. It was up to like maybe three or four gold per piece which was ridiculous, so don't overpay for this right now. It is worth going out and farming it's very easy to get. If you really don't want to farm or don't have the time, just give it a couple of days, you'll find steals like this popping up all of the time right now. Because people are trying to undercut and sell while they can. So you're going to be able to get your hands on this very nicely. You can make yourself some good money as well. A lot of people are kind of sleeping on the star metal or and if you do have a lot of this, you'll see this is actually selling for averagely more than the orichalcum on most of the EU servers. 


Don't forget about turning it into ingots you will be able to get your hands on some more of the trade skill aptitude caches from the smelting, which is the third tier one, so one two, and three back up to the top is the only way right now that you can get your hands on the smelting gear set which is the best way to increase your chances of getting additional as merging with the daily crafts. So it's a pretty sort after piece and even if you already have these they are selling for quite a lot on every single server.

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