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Class Picking Guide For Warth of The Lich King Classic - How To Choose The Best Class For PvE & PvP In WotLK Classic

4/25/2022 3:06:38 PM

If you decide to play on Wrath of the Lich King, but the choice of classes and specs is too overwhelming, then you have come to the right place! We share the easy class picking guide for Wrath of the Lich King Classic WoW, helping you make the right decision to pick the right class for PvE & PvP in WotLK Classic. And we’ll finish with some class quirks and unique selling points. The class picking guide is for everyone whether you’re a complete beginner, new to World of Warcraft in general or just can’t make up your mind and don’t have a preference. 

WotLK Classic Class Picking Guide: How To Pick Your Main Class For PvE & PvP

1. Warlock 

Warlocks call upon dark magic and dark curses to destroy enemies. They are considered a DPS caster class, famous for their debuffs and damage over time effects.

- PvE: Affliction and demonology of the top dog dps specs in a raiding environment. Destro is decent but it is just a worse version of a demonology or affliction warlock, but it does provide the replenishment buff if your raid doesn't already have it from a rep paladin or something like that. Both are great at single target and aoe dps of over demonological wallet definitely is the stronger candidate for aoe dps. They're really slightly behind a mage. Their dps is stronger during the executes phase dramatically, so in longer fights, they will creep up on the logs. But the warlock is a proper pet class now, the play is to always have your pet out. 

- PvP: In PVP, we get the new spell called Demonic Circle Teleport where you place it on the ground if you can teleport back up to that location. Affliction will always go for unstable affliction now, it's very overpowered because it silences the healer when they dispel it. Haunt can now also be used to increase all dot damage on the target. Definitely not as tanky in pvp though because we can't soul link and siphon life all specs across the board apart from the prop red spec will spec deeper into their trees, not really that much hybridization of rafflechicken. An affliction wallet goes very well in the mld comp which is magellan druid, shadowplay which is of the shadow priest healer and shadowcleave which is an holy definite healer. Destruction is also very good in the arena, but it's limited to comps that have a lot of control otherwise the destruction walkers isn't going to be able to get those chaos bolts off. It's going to be hard countered by a melee comp for instance. Demonology is just worse than the other specs, it relies on metamorphosis to do a lot of damage but then without it, it is more of a noodle version of affliction or destruction.

Quirks of the Warlock:

- Summoning

- Teleport

- Healthstones

- Enslave demon

- Aoe Fear

- Inferno, Doomguard

- Shadowfury buffed

- Your own weapon oils with firestone and spellstone

- Soulstone

2. Warrior 

Warriors are close-combat fighters used as a tank or a melee DPS. Their abilities depend on Rage, which recharges when dealing and taking damage.

- PvE: Once we get a good amount of crit and armor penetration, they will start to pump in ulduar and then by icc they are one of the top dps, if not the best possible dps possible when they finally do get shadowmoon. But early on in phase 1, they will excel on those cheeky clay fights. As a tank, you are considered the weakest tank now in this expansion but you can definitely clear over content no problem, it's just that the other tank's got a huge power spike in Wrath of the Lich King. You also don't have to worry about aoe dps pulling aggro for even dungeons anymore, because you just have better aoe abilities and better aoe frets. You can also apply arms if you want you to provide that great blood frenzy buff still which will complement a physical damage heavy settle. 

- PvP: In PVP, the top dog spec is definitely arms, you have that mortal strike which reduces the healing of a target by 50%, fury really is just a arms worry with less pressure and less utility. They get a lot of needed changes jumping into Wrath, first of all, we have much better stance dancing since tactical mastery has been moved to the top of the fury tree rather than a protection tree. You can easily bump over defensive stance for a cheeky spell reflect, even more healing reduction would be unrelenting assault talent if you're overpower the target while they are casting. The next heal is pants, this is also the age of bladestorm, it's great for cleaving the enemy arena team and just destroying people in battlegrounds if they pair well with a very high dps for instance founder cleave.


- Double 2 handed weapons

- Disarm

- Shattering throw

- Shockwave

- Spell reflection

- Charge in combat now

- Intervene

- Ranged pull

- Strong defensive cds

- Aoe slow Vigilance

3. Hunter

This is a top tier dps, hunters rely on Focus to deal ranged weapon damage using bows, guns, and crossbows. They tame beasts that can be used as combat pets to aid them in battle.

- PvE: This time round the top dog specs are survival and marksman. Marksman is similar to a warrior, it needs about armor penetration before it really starts to pump, but you can make survival pump early on in reflecting very easily, you just got a melee weave to put your traps down on the target because what this will do is it will proc that lock and load effect that causes periodic damage of your immolation trap to make your explosive shot trigger absolutely no cooldowns, it's like a free explosive shot and you can do that every 22 seconds. Base mastery becomes really cool and rough, you can you tame things like devil souls, but it's just a leveling spec, the dps just isn't that great because it's one of the cooler specs in the game, but really is just a solo farming or leveling spec now.

- PvP: In PVP, most people are going to play marksman beast mastery works well with beastcleave which is a comp with an enhancement shaman just has less utility than marksman, but it may be good really early on in Wrath when people are low resilience geared because the burst is insane. You can play survival if you want, but it's just a worse version of marksman because it has less bursts and less utility. Getting traps up is really easy now with the ability freezing arrow which would shoot your trap onto a location where you want it, it's when the scatter trap combo comes into play. You can also play through traps at once, you've got disengage which has been buffed, this is when disengage will actually leap you backwards. You've also got masters core which is a four second freedom that the pet actually can cast on your allies so you can cast it. You've got readiness which refreshes all of your hunter cooldowns. You've got chimera shot which can also disarm, peck can intervene and the comps of hunter really goes well with is jungle cleave which is with a feral and a healer. You've also got cupid cleave which is with a hunter and a retribution paladin.


- Fast with aspect of the cheetah

- Can call your stabled pet with a spell

- Silencing shot

4. Paladin 

Paladins are holy knights with a priest’s holiness and a warrior’s strength. The real definition of a hybrid class, they can do a combination of damage, healing, and protection.

- PvE: They scale when they get better gear and they're good on the cliff fights early on. They actually have really good natural cleave because a lot of their single target abilities are also aoe abilities and we just have to change one of their seals for the ability to start cleaving. A really good power spike though is the icecrown citadel two set bonus has a 40 chance to reset the cooldown of divine storm which is one of your hardest hitting abilities. As a tank, you are considered the best tank of the expansion insane survivability, insane aoe threat and damage and. Then you have a defensive cooldown divine protection, you also have a very powerful road cooldown divine protection which used the damage on the entire raid because of aura mastery making the raid immune to silence effects. 

- PvP: When it comes to PVP, retribution is a mid to top tier spec with really good burst damage with lots of support like freedom dispels, two sacrifices now they can also do instant off heels with their art of war procs, you've got blessing protection, their replenishment talent, it helps out the healer, they normally played comps like cupid cleave which is hunter and a disc priest and the rep paladin. Holy paladin is considered as one of the best healers in Wrath of the Lich King mainly because a beacon of light. This is stupidly overpowered in pvp because you're just constantly healing two people at absolutely no extra mana cost. And holy shock crits can now turn into instant flash of lights, you also have really good reduction on spell pushback with your concentration aura which can be increased with aura mastery. You are wearing full plate gear which makes them much more tanky and you've got good cooldowns like divine shield and blessing protection but normally paired in comps like TSG, Thundercleave, LSP.


- Single target taunt now

- Exorcism and holy wrath works on all targets

- Sacred shield

5. Death Knight

Death Knights can raise undead minions and combine martial arts with dark energies. They can be used as tanks or a melee DPS and is potentially the best class in the game.

- PvE: Both Unholy and Frost Death Knights dominate in both early and late game content as they deal the best single-target and AoE damage. These skills don’t rely on gear scale really great with it. This class is also regarded as the best self-healing tank.

- PvP: In PVP, they really are a force to be reckoned with, they've got great burst damage, a great cleave damage, because they can spread over dots like a wall off. We've got amazing peels of chains of ice chain devices extremely overpowered and rough, because it starts off as a 95% movement speed reduction of end light slowly degrades. You've also got death grip, great defensive cooldowns. Ice bound fortitude massive damage reduction death pack just heals you 50% of your health anti-magic shield which totally counters magic damage. We've also got lichborne, the new will of a forsaken willow forsaken actually gets nerfed in Wrath but then like death knights. Frost has homegrown cold which is a great aoe freezing trap, but frost just simply has less utility and less survivability van and hold because unholy it has anti-magic zone, bone shield, desecration. But Gargoyle is also overpowered, it could just solo a player, it does that much damage and it's very hard to avoid that damage. 


- Runeforging

- Water walking

- Faster mount

6. Mage 

The Mage is arguably the strongest ranged dps in Wrath of the Lich King. many speedrunners will stack them.

- PvE: It is recommended to play Arcane until you have good enough gear for Fire. Living Bomb and Missile Barrage procs deal really massive damage and make arcane more interesting.

- PvP: Frost Mage is highly recommended in PvP. Mirror Image has great bursting ability, while Frost Fire applies a slow attack to enemies.


- Portals

- Food & Water

- Invis

- Slowfall

- Spellsteal

7. Shaman

Shamans use spells and totems to heal and buff raid members. They can grant themselves or their allies a powerful elemental buff to strengthen them. They fit the roles of caster, healer, and melee damage dealer.

- PvE: Both elemental and enhancement are both great in PvE, but there's a little bit of a catch to the elemental spec. Other classes get huge power spikes later on in reflection and early shaman it just continuously steadily rise in power whereas all the other classes they get injected with steroids and the elemental shaman just doesn't. But they still provide great buffs both that can also be provided by other and better dps. So elemental shaman much less desirable in Wrath of Lich King, they also get lava burst as well. Enhancement of your hand is a strong pumper from start to finish but be mindful has a fairly high skill ceiling, you do actually have to be good at the game to pump high as an enhancement shaman. Resto shaman finally gets riptide and has the goodies that it all had in TBC, but it's very simply just falls behind the other healers on the meters.

- PvP: In PVP, you can play both enhancement and elemental but elemental definitely is the top dog, many people consider elemental to be the best caster in the arena or best range dps. The Hex abilityis like a polymorph that transforms the enemy into a frog. So Elemental Shaman is the best for PvP.


- Bloodlust in arena

- Cleanse spirit removes curses

- Cleansing totems

- Earthliving weapon

- Ele gets thunderstorm

- Can summon 4 totems at once

8. Rogue

Rogues are a light-armored class that utilizes stealth, poison, and sharp blades to kill enemies without them knowing. The class is only used as a DPS.

- PvE: This is a top tier dps start to finish, you just have to change your spec. So early on assassination is definitely stronger than combat because of combat, it relies on amp penetration and crit. Also very easy to gear up an assassination from Rogue because you can get your best in slot daggers from your auction house for just these crappy blue daggers. When you finally can play combat, you can do really good cleave dps with abilities like Fan of Knives and killing spree, so you're no longer restricted to being able to cleave with your blade furry cooldown. You've also got the new ability tricks of a trade which was added in Wrath which transfers threat and increases damage done by the target by 15% for 6 seconds. It's also important to know that energy now regenerates constantly instead of in ticks your big chunks.

- PvP: Subtlety Rogues are best used in PvP. Shadowdance is a new overpowered ability that allows you to use stealth abilities outside stealth mode.


- Usual rogue perks

- Disarm 

- Feint reduces aoe damage taken


9. Druid

Druids are one of the most versatile hybrid classes in WoW. They have shape-shifting prowess to take different forms and fulfill a specific role in a party.

- PvE: Feral Druids are good as DPS or a mid-tier tank. Balance Druids are mainly used as support DPS, with insane AOE abilities. Restoration Druids have the Revitalize ability, which gives classes Energy, Rage, Mana, or Runic power.

- PvP: Feral Druids are also good in PvP. Predatory Strikes allow your finishing moves to have a 20 percent chance of making your next Nature Spell become an instant cast spell.


- Nature’s grasp 3 charges

- Stealth

- Aquatic form

- Cat sprint

- Finally get a ress

10. Priest

Priests are masters of healing. They are followers of the Holy Light, which also grants them control over the darker powers of the Shadow.

- PvE: Power word shield has been drastically buffed in rough, it's extremely mana efficient with talents like rapture that return 2.5 of your manner, but also a grammar tango resource regeneration like the jewish revitalize. Holy is still good with its cheap aoe healing with circle healing and you get out jail free card with guardian spirit. Shadow is still a mid pack utility and support spec but at least as the expansion goes on they don't get worse and worse to slightly above the tanks on the dps meters. We also get a new aoe ability called mind sear in Warth of Lich King. So they no longer have to spread their dots. They can do mind sear but the issue of mind sear is it won't deal damage to the target that you mind searing so you really need big packs for that ability to pump. 

- PvP: Discipline Priest is also the best choice for PvP.The Divine Hymn ability can heal through pillars, which is great for healing allies without being at risk. Rapture is also a strong PvP ability as it allows you to immediately use Power Word: Shield on an ally.


- Fear Ward

- Hymn of hope mana regen

- Mass dispel

- Power infusion

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