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Rocket League Best Settings 2022: Gameplays, Cameras, Controllers, Keybinds & Videos

3/5/2022 4:50:04 PM

Rocket League settings can be pretty confusing and there's honestly a lot to take in because there are just so many different options and different ways to play the game. Therefore it's hard to figure out what to do. Thanks to camera settings data from rlcs pros, YouTubers, and freestylers, we have created the ultimate Rocket League settings guide 2022 that can help players at any rank improve. If you are still using default settings, check out the best Rocket League settings of all time to change your life.

Rocket League Best Settings 2022: Gameplays, Cameras, Controllers, Keybinds & Videos

In Rocket League in 2022, if you keep up with the professionals and employ the optimal camera settings, you'll be able to considerably outperform your opponents. Here are some random settings scattered all around that you want to know about. First of all, in the interface tab, turning up the nameplate scale will increase the name tags of the players in-game. The reason why this is so useful is that you will be able to see other players much easier. In the audio tab, you can check play soundtrack in training and play the soundtrack in-game. If you press play in the main menu you can select which regions you want to play in to get less lag and you can select which areas you like and don't like to get more of the maps you like.


Rocket League Best Gameplay Settings 2022

Gameplay settings don't really change much. There are a few very important tips we can give you about these settings. First, if you find yourself getting super tilted by game chat or you spend more time typing than playing the actual game, turn text chat off to focus on the game better and save your poor blood pressure. Second, if you have a laggy connection or you consistently get ping spikes, try changing your input buffer from default to sts or csts. This does not work for everyone, but it's definitely worth trying out if your connection is bad.


Rocket League Best Camera Settings 2022

Right camera settings can make or break your game. Camera settings are the foundation of your gameplay and it's super important that you get the optimal settings tailored to your play style. Presets can give you your favorite pro settings which are usually very good, but that does not mean these are the best settings for you. The benefit of choosing custom settings is that it allows you to find out which settings will help you play the best, not your favorite pro. 


Camera Shake - Off

Turn your camera shake off immediately, it's a terrible setting. All it does is make your screen shake a lot and make it much harder to focus on the game. Every single pro player has the setting off, so just please uncheck this box.


Fov - Max

Fov determines how much of the field you can see. With that in mind, you want to crank this bad boy up to the max. 69% of pros have it on 110 for a reason. It allows you to get the most vision of the game, giving you quicker reactions and more spatial awareness. You don't want to handicap yourself with a lower fov, because other players will have this setting maxed out and they'll take advantage of your lack of vision on the field. You can try having it at a lower value for preference but it's recommended to keep the setting at 110.


Distance - 260.00 to 280.00

Distance controls how close or far your camera is to your car's distance. Do have your distance set around 260 to 280 for optimal gameplay. Don't have your distance maxed out because it works in Fortnite. You don't want to have to use binoculars just to be able to see your car on the screen. Do tweak your settings according to your preference. It's about 50/50 between 270 and 280 for most pros. Don't lower your distance all the way down, unless you're trying to freestyle.


Height - 90.00 to 110.00

Height controls how high the camera is above your car. The main goal with a successful height setting is to have a clear view of both your car and the field. This setting is pretty self-explanatory and you want to have this between 90 and 110. However, this setting is a little more up to personal preference than fov and distance. So definitely try tweaking it and find out where you're comfortable.


Camera Angel - -3.00 to -5.00

The camera angle changes the angle at which your camera points towards your car. Most players in the Rocket League community tend to agree that an angle of negative 3 to negative 5 is pretty standard for all players. Most pros have this setting around negative 3. Again it's all up to preference.


Stiffness - 0.30 to 0.50

Stiffness is a very overlooked setting, but it's actually super important to make sure that you can follow the game to the best of your ability. Stiffness controls how much your camera moves when your car changes momentum. Having a high stiffness means your camera is essentially stuck to your car. While a low stiffness means your camera is superfluid and all over the place. Now, most pros have this around 0.3 to 0.5, but there's a bunch of variation in stiffness settings. So pretty much any setting would work.


Swivel Speed & Transition Speed - Default

Swivel speed and transition speed control how fast your controlled camera moves around the car. And honestly, you could just leave these settings alone. In Rocket League, you rarely move your camera around until you get into the very high ranks. As there's just not really that much purpose to it. One tip we can give you with this setting though is to try and have it as high as you can possibly handle without losing control.


Rocket League Best Controller Settings 2022

Controller settings are arguably the most important settings in Rocket League. Being able to control your car effectively for your own playstyle can make you a mechanical god. The bonus tip here is to turn off your controller vibration. Let's go over the 4 main controller settings: steering sensitivity, aerial sensitivity, controller dead zone, and dodge dead zone.


Steering Sensitivity - 1.30 to 2.50

Steering sensitivity changes how sensitive your car is to joystick movements. Having a high steering sensitivity means your car will turn extremely quickly and be super responsive to all your movements. Low sensitivity means your car will turn a lot slower and be more controlled. Rocket League is not Fortnite, having a high sensitivity does not actually make you a better player. In most cases it will actually harm you, you want to be able to have the most possible control over your car while still maintaining speed in your adjustments. Most high-level Rocket League players would agree that a sensitivity anywhere between 1.3 to 2.5 would be optimal. But we will note that most pros have a sense under 2.0.


Aerial Sensitivity - 1.75

Aerial sensitivity works the same way as steering sensitivity, except in the air. It is imperative that you have both settings at the same value. This makes it so that you aren't confused by two different sensitivities when going up for an aerial play.


Controller Dead Zone - 0.08

Controller dead zone is similar to steering sensitivity in that it changes how responsive your controller is to inputs. If you have a really high dead zone, you have to jam your joystick super far from the center to register movement. If you have a really low dead zone you will most likely get controller drift. This is when you aren't touching your joystick at all but your car or camera is still turning. For optimal settings, you want to have this as low as possible without seeing the controller drive. For most players, this is around 0.08, but every controller is different. So definitely test different settings.


Dodge Dead Zone - 0.65 to 0.80

If you are consistently backflipping when going up for aerials or you are double jumping too much when trying to flip. It's most likely because your dead zone is too low or too high. The range you should be aiming for with the dodge dead zone is anywhere from 0.65 to 0.8.


Rocket League Best Controller Keybinds 2022

Having the perfect controller keybinds sets you for infinite improvement in your gameplay. You want to have the best settings possible right now, so you don't have to spend hundreds of hours relearning the same mechanics with new controls. Now there are a few general guidelines that all players need to follow in order to get the most possible control from your keybinds.


1.All basic controls must be pressed

First of all, you need to make sure that you can press all basic controls at the same time. This means you need to be able to boost, jump and either power slide, air roll or drive forwards all at the same time. A lot of players can't jump and boost at the same time with default controls since they're so close to each other. Sometimes it's hard to be able to press both. A good solution is to move your boost button to the right bumper or even square x on your controller. This is a much more optimal position for your thumb and it allows you to get much more control over your car.


2.Bind air roll and powerslide together

Another guideline you should follow is to bind regular air roll and powerslide to the same button. This just frees up so much space on your controller and it allows you to have much quicker recoveries. Because you can just hold that one button. For reference, most pros have this button bind to the left bumper.


3.Bind air roll right

Finally, you need to bind a directional air roll. As the game becomes more and more Mechanical, it is essential that you can adapt and improve with each season. Holding yourself back by not finding this button now means you'll be setting yourself up for thousands of hours of relearning and effort. You need to have at least one directional aerial bound and your regular aerial bound. Choosing one over the other means you lose out on so much of the benefits you could be getting by binding both. 

You can recover and adjust extremely accurately with your regular air roll and you can have insane car control with directional air roll. It really does not matter which direction you choose to bind. A good bind for directional air roll would be on one of your bumpers. The best thing you can do is left air roll on the right bumper and regular air roll on the left bumper.



With your keybinds, you want to keep all of your essential controls on different finger inputs. Your jump button should be pressed by one finger, your boost button pressed by another, and your drive button pressed yet again by another finger. This is the most optimal way to play as you get so much more minute control.


Rocket League Best Video Settings 2022

Video settings are the main way you can drastically improve your gameplay capacity. What this means is that having good settings for your specific console and abilities can stop you from tilting so much when your game turns into a slideshow. For video settings, you mainly just want to have weather effects off and transparent goalposts on. The other settings don't really matter. We are going to give you 3 levels of video settings you can use depending on how good your pc is. 


High Range PC’s

You can have every single setting checked and running at the highest possible graphic settings. However, there are a few settings you need to turn off to improve gameplay. First, turn off weather effects, they literally just make your game look worse. You should also turn off motion blur because it makes it harder to see what's actually going on in-game.


Mid Range PC’s

You can have everything except dynamic shadows and transparent goalposts unchecked. Setting your particle detail to performance. This allows you to still have a beautiful-looking game while running without any frame drops.


Low Range PC’s

You want to have every setting unchecked except for transparent goalposts and have all your graphic settings on performance.



The main problem a lot of console players have with their games is input lag. Turning off your vertical sync is the solution to all your problems. Turning off vertical sync almost completely reduces your input lag so that what you do on the controller happens almost instantaneously in-game.



If your TV is a newer model you most likely also have a gaming mode. Turning this on will also reduce your input lag. Playing exactly the same as a pc.

We've reached the end of the best Rocket League settings guide. You now have all the resources you need to have the perfect settings to rank up beyond your wildest dreams. Whenever you need to buy Rocket League Credits, is a reliable shop that sells legit and safe RL Credits with fast delivery!

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