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Endgame Tier 1-3 Progression & Gear Upgrade (Item Level Boost) Guide

2/23/2022 2:58:58 PM

In this LSOT AK post, we want to give you a quick guide on how to go from Tier 1 to Tier 3 and how to boost your item level to 1100+ GS. Maybe you're just working your way through to the end game or get to level 50 in LSOT AK, it's safe to say the game just begins at this point. You are then presented with a whole host of end game content, and it's now your job to go through and explore Tier 1-3 progression and hone your gear, so you can then increase your item level which in turn allows you to then access later higher tiers of contents, this is basically your end game journey. 

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LSOT AK Tier 1 Progression & Gear Upgrade

Once you get to level 50 and you get to Burn Castle, the game basically begins, then you get access to the endgame stuff and initially begin at item level 302. Your goal is to get to item level 600 which will allow you to get to yawn and unlock Tier 2 content which means Tier 2 Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids, Abyssal Dungeons Etc. Plus, Tier 2 is also the next bracket of gear which means more power, and also the gear looks kind of fancy, so from a progression point of view, this is your next goal. Within Tier one, there are a couple of steps:

1. Get A Full Set of Endgame Gear at Level 302

First things first, you will of course need a full set of end game gear which will put you at item level 302. By completing the shoeshine questline at which point you'll be given a full set of gear. Alternatively, you can just as soon as you get to Vern jump in do some Chaos Dungeons and you'll probably get your gear set; you can even buy some pieces of the Auction House. The main thing is you need to start at 302 and have a gear set that can be honed.

2. Complete Rohendel Questline & Get 460 Item Level 

From there, your next goal is to get to 460 item level because that will allow you to continue the story and the campaign and that will send you off to Rohendel which is another region. In doing so, once you complete the Rohendel questline that will then unlock the next block of Tier 1 contents that will be higher item level Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids, Abyssal Dungeons, etc., but again you're still within Tier 1.

3. Do Dailies/Activities & Get 600 Item Level

Once you got to item level 460, your goal is to then continue on your journey continue do your dailies and activities to earn all the upgrade materials you need to, then get to item level 600. Now in order to get to item level 600, all of your gear pieces must be level 15 honed which is as high as you need to go. It does mean once you get there that your success rate on the honing is a little bit rubbish - it's down to around sort of 40, so you will definitely experience some frustrating failures. But in doing so once all pieces are level 15, you'll be item level 600, then can head to yawn and begin the next stage of your journey. 

4. Complete Quests/Dailies & Unlock Tier 2 Gear Set

It is worth noting once you do hit item level 600, you can just go to yawn and continue progress through completing the quests, then do your dailies and organically get a gear set and get gear pieces along the way. Alternatively, as soon as you hit item level 600, you can just go to the Auction House purchase Tier 2 gear because you've now unlocked the ability to wear it. Once you perform gear transfer and take your old Tier 1 gear and put it into your new Tier 2 gear, you will then get a plus one on your new gear, so it makes your old gear doesn't completely go to waste and you're of course then wearing a full set of tier 2 gear be around item level 802. This of course is a nice boost to your item level which just makes you more powerful and easier to run through the yawn quests. It's entirely up to you, you can do it however you please, but that is basically the threshold - until you hit item level 600, you cannot wear the higher tier gear, so just keep that in mind.

How To Collect Upgrade Materials & Boost Item Level in LSOT AK?

Anyway with that being said, now you know your overarching goals how do you gear up. As mentioned you will of course need your base 302 item level end game gear set, and from there you have to go and collect your upgrade materials which is a combination of leap stones, harmony shards, also armor and weapon crystals. These are then taken to the honing NPC for you to upgrade your gear. So in order to obtain these, you will then need to turn your attention to a number of different activities:

1. Do Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids, Abyssal Dungeons - Doing your daily chaos dungeons is of course a great source of these, making sure you do two of these each day.  If you can't log on for a day, don't forget you can still take advantage of rest experience, but chaos dungeons are a great source of these. Additionally, you can harvest the soul at the end and also get some of these materials from guardian raids. Abyssal Dungeons, from the chest you can claim at the end, can also reward you with these. 

2. Do Daily Quests - You should also turn your attention to your daily quests. Looking at the Owner's Tasks, some of them will reward you with certain upgrade materials. It might not be as lucrative as other activities, but it is still worth your time. 

3. Farm Islands - In addition to this, you should definitely turn your attention to the islands. The most useful islands for you to go to are Glacier Isle, Shadow Island, Dreamgull Island, White Wave Island, Starlight Isle, Toto Silver Island, Panda Island, Serenity Isle, and Fantasm Island. There are more islands that will yield Tier 2 materials, but for the purposes of Tier 1, those are the islands you should turn your attention to. Some of them can be completed very quickly, others will take longer but given the sheer amount of upgrade materials you can complete, they are definitely worth your time. If you want to find these islands, you can simply go into your map, open it up whilst you are sailing, type the name of the island in there, then it will then locate it on the map and start blinking. You basically go to any of these islands and you begin the questline, it is typically a purple quest, sometimes there are yellow quests as well. But going to the islands is a fantastic source of materials if you do, all of these will give you so many upgrade materials.

4. Do Activities - Make sure you keep your eyes on the calendar and the timer on the left-hand side of the screen, sometimes activities pop up that can be useful to you. You can jump into some daily or weekly activities like Chaos Gates, Ghost Ships which often will also reward you with upgrade materials. You can always hover over the activity to find out what they will reward you with and, then you can work out if it's worth your time.

5. Do Hardmode Dungeons - Also keep in mind another thing that a lot of people often sleep on are hard mode dungeons. Once you've completed some of the dungeons, if you then go back to Rohendel Adventure and you work through some of the hard mode dungeons, they too can also yield upgrade materials. 

6. Purchase Upgrade Materials - You can also grab some of the upgrade materials from Murray shop in the store, even go to the auction house and purchase some with LSOT AK Gold, admittedly they are quite expensive but if you are in those situations where you just need a few more then sometimes that can push you over.

LSOT AK Tier 2 Progression & Gear Upgrade

With plenty of upgrade materials, you then hone your gear get it level 15 and you are then item level 600, with that being said you are now ready to jump into tier 2. Now you should go about gearing up and upgrading your gear once you hit Tier 2 in LSOT AK and tier 2 starts once you hit 600 item level, now this means you'll have to upgrade all of your armor and your weapon to plus 15 in tier one. 

1. Going To Travel To The Continent

The first thing you're going to do before doing anything else is you're going to travel to the continent of yorn and do the main quest there (the blue quest or the quest commonly known as world quests). You're going to complete that entire quest sign, it'll probably take you a few hours. Once you're done with the entirety of that questline, you can start doing the endgame activities in Tier 2. 

2. Doing Two Tier 2 Chaos Dungeon Runs & Get 800 GS

Now after you've completed the questing and yawn the most important thing to do right after that is go do your two Tier 2 Chaos Dungeon runs. What this is going to allow you to do is get a full set of blue tier 2 gear, the reason this is so important is that just the base blue tier 2 gear is going to be at item level 802, so this is going to be over 200 item level jump. So by doing those two chaos dungeons, you will get a little over 800 item level. Unless you're really unlucky, this will give you a full set of armor a weapon, and all of your accessory pieces. 

3. Transfer Tier 1 Gear To Tier 2 Gear

Since this is essentially going from one expansion to another your tier 1 gear is pretty much useless except for the next thing we're going to go over, so once you have all of your new tier 2 gear from your Chaos Dungeons, you're going to go to the gear honing AI and you're going to use the gear transfer system and you're going to transfer your old tier 1 gear onto your new tier 2 gear, and it's going to give a plus one to all of that which is going to be a little boost, so you don't have to use resources to upgrade all of them to plus one.

Getting all the way through tier 2 and up to tier 3 is seeming like it's going to take a bit longer than getting all the way through tier 1 would, and you do have some additional progression paths like you have gems unlocked to tier 2, you should probably start filling out your build more with more your abilities having runes on them and filling out your recipe books. So there's not a massive rush or anything unless you're someone that had all the information and played on Korean or Russian servers before and even buying of Mary's shop items, you're probably just going to be getting into tier 2 or kind of in the middle of tier 2. So you shouldn't feel like you have a need to rush into tier 2 and then rush through tier 2 at all, you have a ton of other progression stuff that you can be doing that is still going to help the power of your character and be good long-term progression goals.

LSOT AK Tier 3 Progression & Gear Upgrade

We're going to take a very quick look at tier 3 content and what has changed in comparison to tier 2. Obviously, there are new guardians, unas, tasks, abyss dungeons with also new abyss gear and a new chaos dungeon tier as well: 

1. Do Guardians, Chaos Dungeon, Abyss, etc

There are a couple of things that have changed about the chaos dungeon though. First, the chaos dungeon armors cannot be sold anymore when you come to Punica. When you come to tier 3 first and you're doing your two chaos dungeons of the day, if you don't get your full 1302 item set, you will have to wait another day since you can't buy these from the auction house. The infinite chaos dungeon has an almost infinite amount of materials available now and those materials are sellable as well. But keep one thing in mind each time you buy one of those materials one as one specific material, the price of material will increase, so it's essentially impossible to buy all of the materials.

2. Set Up For Basic Tripods

Later on, in tier 3 the chaos dungeon also drops items called tattered items, these can be sold again and are mainly used as a catalyst for the new tripod system on your gear. The first thing you want to do is to set up the settings for those tripods, obviously, you have to look up which ones you actually want and then you click on the settings button here while you're in your skill window. Here you can set up everything you want to see, so for example on Melstrom, you can select orb control and dark order. Once these are selected these will show up highlighted in your inventory, so you don't have to look through every single item when it drops. 

Use the transfer window if you want to replace specific tripods on your gear, this may have a lower chance depending on which one you're replacing, and use the inventory to actually save up existing tripods and apply them again to new gear for example. Another quick note is that only the highest level tripod applies.

3. Run Islands, Collect Gems &  Affinity with Rapport NPCs

Also make sure you're doing anguished IO which has a quest chain, a daily quest, and a daily dungeon that unlocks after that. you get this red island currency which you can exchange right outside of the dungeon, this can be exchanged for various important things like tier 3 gems or materials to upgrade your gear. Speaking of tier 3 gems, these gems actually make the tier 2 gems obsolete, so now you can actually invest some time and money into these gems because these will last for a long time. And also last but not least, we also want to quickly mention the rapport NPCs in Punica, as a lot of them reward you a hefty amount of gold, so if you want some gold increase, the affinity with some of these characters. 

And outside of that, you can still do skill points, you can still do humor coco seats island hearts, giant hearts, there are so many other things that aren't really related to tier 3 content that is more horizontal or as we said give you skill points which is also a power gain in itself.

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