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Rocket League Sideswipe Air Roll Tutorial - How To Do Air Roll In RL Sideswipe

1/4/2022 3:57:31 PM

What's the point in air rolling in Rocket League Sideswipe? Sure it looks cool, but does it actually allow you to control the ball better? Or does it make no difference at all? Or do you want to be the guy who does the air roll in the Sideswipe official trailer? In this Rocket League Sideswipe air rolling tutorial, we're about how to air roll, how it affects major aspects of aerials including car control and ball control.

How To Air-Roll - Rocket League Sideswipe Air Roll Guide

The good news is it's super easy to air roll in Rocket League Sideswipe. When you air roll, you use the air roll button, then you hold the left or right on your stick to spin left or right. Or you will use the air roll left or air roll right buttons. In Sideswipe, when you want to air roll, all you need to do is double-tap your left joystick button and you will constantly spin every time your wheels leave the floor. One interesting about this mechanic is even after you land, you will keep spinning next time you jump as well. If you want to stop spinning, all you need to do is lift your finger off the screen, then next time you jump,  you will just do a regular aerial. 

What Does Air Roll Do In Rocket League Sideswipe?

If you want to roll your car from this position to that position, use air roll. Air rolling is more for your own self-esteem than for any practical purpose. Someone claims air rolling during air dribbles gives you lighter touches on the ball in Rocket League? Or when flipping into the ball while air rolling, you get more flip resets than if you flip while not air rolling. Next, we are going to find out what does the air roll in Rocket League Sideswipe.


Light Touches?

When we started playing Sideswipe, most of us honestly just assumed this was the case. It just made total sense that if you air roll while you're air dribbling it just gives you more control. But the truth is, air rolling does not give you lighter touches on the ball.


More Aerial Controls?

It's said that your car's turning speed was slightly reduced when air rolling which led to better ball control during air dribbles. But air rolling does not give you better car control, it doesn't affect it at all.


More Flip Resets?

The two most important things to understand are the distance from the ball when flipping and whether you're facing upside down or right way up when you flip. The only time you can get a flip reset is when the bottom of your car is facing the ball. Then you'll notice that when we started our flip, we were upside down. From that upside-down position, our car flipped backward putting the bottom of the car towards the ball.

Compare that to an air roll flip when facing the right way up, you'll see that the bottom of the car never actually faces the ball throughout the entire flip. Meaning you can't get a flip reset o if the ball's in front of you Compare that to non-air roll flips and the upside-down flips are the same facing the ball right at the start of the flip. Whereas right way up flips do face the ball but it's right at the end of the flip.

The key factor is actually which direction your car is facing when you start your flip. If you're facing the right way up you'll need to flip the distance much further back compare to facing upside down. Air roll flips themselves don't give you more flip resets. Upside down flips do. The main reason is that flipping close to the ball happens way more often in-game than flipping far from the ball. If you just hold air roll and spam jump, you'll probably get a reset.


Faster? Slower? Less ?

Air rolling does not use less and it does not reduce or increase falling speed or speed.

In this guide, we'll teach you all you need to know about air rolls in Rocket League Sideswipe! If you are looking for safe and fast Rocket League Credits and items, welcome to browse our website -!

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