The Wizard is an important character in Diablo Immortal and today we take a closer look at Wiz's skills and Spell Synergy, which will help you to complete your tasks in Diablo Immortal.
Best Diablo Immortal Wizard Guide - Skills, Abilities, and Spell Synergy For DI Wiz
Electrocute - Rank 4 (Max)
Magic Missile- Rank 11 (Max)
Rank 4 (Max)
Arc lightning from your fingertips, dealing 837 t1111
damage to the first enemy struck and then leaping to 3 additional enemies for 30% as much damage.
Enhance Electrocute for 12 seconds, allowing movement while attacking and increasing the number of secondary targets.
Rank11 (Max)
Launch a missile of magic energy, dealing 881 to 1233
Enhance Magic Missile with frost for12 seconds, increasing its damage and slowing the movement of affected enemies.
Arcane Wind- Rank 11 (Max)
Black Hole- Rank 2 (Max)
Disintegrate- Rank 4 (Max)
Ice Armor- Rank 1 (Max)
Ice Crystal- Rank 7(Max)
Lightning Nova- Rank 11 (Max)
Meteor- Rank 1 (Max)
Ray of Frost- Rank 10 (Max)
Scorch- Rank12 (Max)
Teleport- Rank7 (Max)
Rank11 (Max)
Cooldown: 9Sec
Unleash a blast of wind in a direction, dealing 1018 damage and knocking away enemies. Charging longer increases range, knock away distance, and damage up to 1292. Deals 50% increased damage to Burning enemies.
Rank 2 (Max)
Cooldown: 20 Sec
Conjure a black hole for 3 seconds at a location, which will pull in all nearby enemies and deal 846 damage over 3 seconds.
Rank 4 (Max)
Cooldown: 0.5 Second
Channel a beam of pure energy in a direction, continually dealing 383 damage to all enemies caught in the beam and causing them to take 2% increased damage for1.5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Using Disintegrate slowly consumes its energy, which recovers while Disintegrate is not in use.
Rank1 (Max)
Cooldown: 20 Sec
Surround yourself in a barrier of ice for 8 seconds that absorbs up to 3688 damage. When the barrier expires, it will shatter for 531 damage to all nearby enemies and inflict 40% Chill for 4 seconds. Activate again to shatter the barrier immediately.
Rank 11 (Max)
Cooldown: 6Sec
Hurl 10 balls of lightning away from you in all directions, dealing 493 damage as they pass outward and again as they return to your new location. Limit 6 hits per target.
Hits 2 and beyond on a target deal only 30% damage.
Rank1 (Max)
Cooldown: 9Sec
Summon an immense meteor that plummets from the sky, dealing 1285 damage and stunning all enemies in the impact area for 3 seconds. The ground it hits is scorched, Burning enemies for 1068 damage over 6 seconds.
Rank 10 (Max)
Cooldown: 0.5 Second
Channel a beam of frost in a direction, continually dealing 327 damage to all enemies caught in the beam and inflicting 12% Chill for1.5 seconds, stacking up to 6 times. Using Ray of Frost slowly consumes its energy, which recovers while Ray of Frost is not in use.
Rank12 (Max)
Cool down:9Sec
Launch a flaming orb that deals 889 damage and knocks away enemies, leaving a Burning trail that deals 768 damage over 6 seconds.
Rank 7 (Max)
Cooldown: 12 Sec
Teleport forward. Maximum3 charges.
Spell Synergy
Overall it's a decent movement speed skill, all the classes in diablo immortal, they're really fun to play and they have their own kind of feel and niche, but wizard really awesome how the spells work together and it adds a new level of complexity, you're kind of not only thinking about the placement of the mobs.
What spells do you use? You're also thinking about what order you use the spells? To get maximum benefit, the final ability is ice crystal conjure, a giant ice crystal for 12 seconds it chills enemies when it expires, it does AOE pretty cool right. It's like a beacon of crowd control, but what you can do is you can bounce the beam off of it, and it targets like a massive AOE to all enemies and it does so with disintegrating as well.
It works with both spells, show you drop ice crystals gonna slow him down anyway, and then your bank shot the beam off, so you can see it has like this super cool interaction, and you can use it with disintegrate. There's a lot of weird synergies you can do with it.
Another combo you can do is use scorch, and then use the arcane wind to turn it into like a firestorm, so remember scorch leaves the fire thing on the battlefield, and then the arcane wind firestorm does bonus damage, because it's kind of blowing the fire on the ground, so you can see you're like wait, there are so many things that they can add with this mechanic, it's really awesome if there are any combos you come up with.
You can group them up with black hole right, and then use meteor to drop now that they're grouped up and you get this a big meteor hit, and they're basically just gonna get destroyed, they're gonna get stunned from the meteor, and then they're just burning away in the fire. So they're stunned burning, and they're taking double damage from everything, it's a pretty cool pretty sick combo.
There are some legendaries who take that spell that you know so much like scorch and completely change it. A legendary that turns scorch into everyone's favorite frozen orb right here is pretty cool, it's a legendary helmet that turns that scorch spell into a completely different spell.
Frozen orb whiz is really awesome for nice AOE, it would be cool if they add a synergy if you use meteor and use an ability like saying frozen orb, and then it would like to scatter all the meteor shards in the AOEs, then you have like the meteor shards shooting out across the screen.
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