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Diablo Immortal Best Crusader Build - Legendary Gear, Skills, Weapons & More

12/16/2021 3:22:42 PM

In this guide, we're going to be talking about the best Diablo Immortal Crusader build that can wipe out and clear a challenger of the 90. We list the skills, legendary gears, weapons and more that you need for the powerful DI Crusader build. 

Diablo Immortal Best Crusader Build - Skills, Legendary Gears & More

If you want to wipe out a challenger of level 90 with your super op Crusader, you're going to need to make sure that you select the same skills and you're going to need some legendary pieces. Here’s everything you need to know about the best Crusader build in Diablo Immortal. 


There are four skills in a primary attack that hippo is using over here. this build also has six legendary pieces that you're going to need in order to replicate this. Three of the legendary pieces are based around one skill, draw and quarter is one of the skills that's going to require half of the legendaries that you wear because there are some modifications to it to make it super cool. 

1. Draw And Quarter

This is one of the first skills that Crusader is using. It is a 16-second cooldown on that skill, but it lasts for six seconds. He's mounting a horse or running around and he has a primary attack that changes. This primary attack now causes 4k in damage and he has a 65% movement speed increase. So when he pops his attack, his movement speed on the horse goes up by 65% and he has a primary attack that hits about 4000 in damage every time he smashes somebody as he rides the horse. The three legendary pieces are modifiers to this attack.

He has a letter that basically modified this to allow him to trample the enemies as well for like 10000 damage every time he tramples them. It enhances the draw and quarter and now he deals a lot more damage is a chess piece that periodically bombards the enemies with the 2500 damage. So you have 10K extra damage for the trample plus 2300 extra bombardment damage periodically and then he has a shoulder piece that increases the drawing quarter by 30 %. So he gets on the horse, he mounts the horse and he rides it for 30 longer, while he's on the horse he has 65 movement speed, increase and he damages for 4k every time he hits. On top of that he has extra 10k damage and trampling he has sometimes extra 2300 damage in bombardment.

2. Consecration

There's a 15-second cooldown on this one. Basically what happens is you put a circle around you anybody who's in that circle gets damaged for 35k in damage around that circle, but now he has a headpiece that modifies this and allows this consecration to move with him dealing 38000 damage over six seconds. So this consecration circle moves with him and now he deals over six seconds 38000 extra damage on top of the draw and quarter all the damage that he deals with over there. 

3. Falling Sword

This is another skill that he's using a 10-second cooldown. Crusader is able to impale a sword at a location and it damages all the enemies for 10k over 5 seconds in that area, this is a really cool ability, Here's the main hand, a legendary piece that modifies this and also gives them a storm and basically it summons a storm of blades that fly all around them and they damage enemies for 4.3 seconds all around that area.

4. Spinning Shield

The spinning shield has a 12-second cooldown and he holds a shield, literally a spinning shield for 7000 in damage. Now he has an offhand, a legendary weapon that modifies this spinning shield and basically now spirals all around you for 13000 in damage, there's a shield that flies all around him once in a while that's 13k in damage that it deals when it hits somebody. 

Note: His primary attack is the sacred fire which is a good attack because it deals 8000 damage to the target that's right near you and then all around the other targets, basically a single target to for 8k and then 25 to all targets around him as well. 

Legendary Gear And Weapons

- The main handpiece: Tumult is the main handpiece that he uses this main handpiece is the one that changes the falling sword and allows them to summon a storm of blades. 

- The offhand piece: The Pavise of Ten Wings is the one that basically summons some of the shield that spins all around him, but he's got the storm that spins on around him with the main hand weapon, the all of hand weapons has the shield that spins all around him. 

- The shoulder piece: He's got shoulder piece called Sivket’s Advantage. This shoulder piece is the one that increases the duration of his draw and quarter by 35%. 

- The legacy: He's got Cavalier’s Courtware, those are the ones that allow him to trample the enemies when he's using his drawn quarter for a 10000 damage. 

- The headpiece: Many-Eyed Aegies basically takes the consecration and this consecration moves with him for the 38000 in damage for six over six seconds. 

- The chest piece: Besieger provides basically every once in a while, it bombards enemies with 2300 damage, that is the extra periodic damage that happens on his drawing quarter as well, the third legendary that modifies his drawing quarter.

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