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New World Top 3 Best New Meta PvE/PvP Builds & Weapon Combs (December PTR 1.2 Update)

12/13/2021 2:46:12 PM

In this New World build guide, we will show you the Top 3 best new meta builds for PVP and PVE after the December Update 1.2 Patch in New World, so for each and every single build, we will explain what attributes and perks you want to have, as well as what gems and specific gear you want to use to get out your stats as much damage as possible.

Top 1 New World 1.2 Build - Bow and Rapier Build

This bow and rapier weapon combination right now is super strong and we have seen this build used by the Top 1 highest damage players in Wars and PVP. But of course, you have to consider that: to play this build, it will be a lot harder and take more time to practice aiming especially at moving targets, because it may seem easy to hit a standing target, but in reality, it's actually quite hard. If you are a solo player or group player and you want to do top 1 damage on leaderboards or you just enjoy bose for PVP or PVE, then this is the build for you. But remember to prepare some New World coins for building it strong.

Build Details

Main Weapon: Bow

Secondary Weapon: Rapier


Strength: 5

Dexterity: 400

Intelligence: 5

Focus: 5

Constitution: 50

Skills & Perks

Bow Skills & Perks (Skirmisher & Hunter)

  • Evade Shot -> Passive Skills (Perks): Knee Shot, Dodge and Weave, Evasive Tactics

  • Poison Shot -> Passive Skills (Perks): Infected Arrows, Mark, Archer's Speed

  • Penetrating Shot -> Passive Skills (Perks): Blood Soaked Arrow, Deep Strike, Long Range, Finishing Shot

Rapier Skills & Perks (Blood & Grace)

  • Evade -> Passive Skills (Perks): Breathe In

  • Riposte -> Passive Skills (Perks): Insult To Injury

  • Fleche -> Passive Skills (Perks): Quick Lunge, Backside, Interruption

  • Perks: Fuel, Engarde


Bow & Rapier Weapon: Cut Pristine Opal

Gears: Cut Pristine Onyx

Best Way To Play This Build

Bow Weapon Gameplay Tips

① We have the bow and the q spell aka the poison shot, gives you the ability to shoot an arrow and when it reaches the target, the arrow will explode and create a poison smoke, an enemy standing in that smoke will be taking damage every second. 

② Then the second ability is called the penetrating shot which deals a lot of damage and the arrow itself can go through multiple players which makes the spell very useful in PvE and 50 v50 Wars. 

③ Lastly the third ability is called the evade shot which when using makes your character leap back 5 meters.

Rapier Weapon Gameplay Tips

① Then moving over to the second weapon which is their rapier and the first q spell is called evade which by activating makes you invulnerable for a split second and it can be good in dodging enemy attacks.

② The second ability called the repost is a reflect which means that when you activate and if an enemy hits you, you will reflect the incoming damage from you to him. So if he does an F ability on you instead of you getting hit he will hit himself.

③ Lastly, the fleece ability deals damage and provides a small but nice mobility slash dash spell.

Conclusions for Gameplay

The best way to attack a player is at the start always try to have a distance between you and the enemy, so no matter if you're farming mobs in PVE or doing solo or group PVP, the same principle and rule supply so from distance you want to use the bow. The way we recomment to do it is shoot one normal attack and then shoot the penetrating shot and then use the poison shot, by doing this, we will poison the enemy and make him take damage every second. Then from here, always try to keep on using your dodge rolls and swapping your weapon and this will activate your perks on the bow giving you the ability to get haste and damage increase, so for as long as you can try to keep your distance and use the bow. But when the enemy comes close to you or you to him switch to the rapier and use the repulsed ability, and reflect the next incoming attack, spam the evade ability as its cooldown is very short and it will give you a small cooldown reduction, and then switch to the bow and by using the evade shot and normal attacks you should be able to finish off the enemy.

The biggest main point that we want you to understand is to use the bow for range attacks and for close distance fighting use the rapier, and keep on using normal attacks plus the abilities. Both weapons are very high damage and rapier is made more for spamming left clicks while the bow take more time to practice aiming. Then last thing you need to practice is the dodge rolling and swapping your weapons back and forth. So it's very simple you normally run then dodge once, before the animation ends you need to swap your weapons, so then we shout the animation you can dodge twice and swap your weapons, this will give you more great chance and just general movement speed. This one dodge and swapping from both rapier and then back to ball will give you nice speed s which you can use just normally to run around the map a lot faster or in PVP and PVE, you can create more distance and make yourself a very hard target to catch.

Top 2 New World 1.2 Build - Best Hybrid Healer Slash DPS Build (Void Gauntlet & Life Staff)

This void gauntlet and life staff weapon combination is very good and it is definitely the new meta for healers. If you're looking to try out and play the new void gauntlet and you want to deal damage but at the same time support the rest of your teammates, then this is the best hybrid healer built for you.

Build Details

Main Weapon: Void Gauntlet

Secondary Weapon: Life Staff


Strength: 5

Dexterity: 5

Intelligence: 5

Focus: 300

Constitution: 150

Skills & Perks

Void Gauntlet Skills & Perks (Annihilation & Decay)

  • Perks: Keen Confidence, Refreshing Precision

  • Oblivion - > Perks: Withering Oblivion, Invigorating Oblivion

  • Petrifying Scream -> Perks: Bone-Chilling Voice, Fortifying Echoes

  • Orb of Decay ->Perks: Fervent Thirst, Slowing Orb, Detonating Orb

Life Staff Skills & Perks (Healing & Protector)

  • Peck: Absolved

  • Sacred Ground -> Perks: Holy Ground, Blessed, Desperate Speed, Revitalize, Intensify

  • Perk: Bend Light

  • Beacon -> Perks: Infused Light, Radiance's Blessing

  • Light's Embrace -> Perks: Protector's Strength, Glowing Focus


Void Gauntlet & Life Staff Weapon: Cut Pristine Diamond

Gears: Cut Pristine Moonstone

Best Way To Play This Build

Void Gauntlet Weapon Gameplay Tips

① Use the oblivion to create a circle around you and your teammates inside the circle will get 20 damage increase, but on the other hand your enemy standing in the circle will be taking void damage every second. A really nice thing to do is while standing in a circle do a bunch of medium jumps and because of the perks we have selected v and other allies in the circle, each jump will be getting 15 plus stamina,so this will give us the ability to dodge more enemy attacks and gain more stamina at the same time.

② Then for the second ability petrifying scream, when using will unleash a void scream and this will stagger and root enemies in front of you.

Lastly, we have the third ability called the orb of decay, you can fire this orb which can go through your enemies and each enemy that it hits it will deal decent damage and reduce their damage observation, and then later that orb will come back and heal your nearby teammates and yourself. ③ Lastly, if you hold the right mouse button you can regenerate more mana but in exchange your health will go down, this is for sure the only build that we would recommend to use this mechanic. So if you're standing in your own healing circle and you really need more mana and your mana potions are on cooldown, then hold the left mouse button for a second or two and you should be good to go.

Life Staff Weapon Gameplay

① Your q ability is called the sacred ground which you have to point and select the area you want to place it in, and then cast it for a split second.

② Then the Light's Embrace basically works the same way just for a single target and you can heal yourself by holding the control button and activating the spell

③ Lastly, we have the f ability called the beacon which you can aim and it places a huge circle on the ground, and if you target the player you can attach the spell to him specifically.

Conclusions for Gameplay

So this builds main objective is to heal your nearby teammates but at the same time support them with extra damage increase, so the way you want to use this build is first of all use your life stuff and use all the three healing spells. We recommend to use the beacon and then delight some braceability, and this way your healing is increased. And with the low lights embrace cooldown, you can spam it every 2-3 seconds. On grouped up teammates, use the sacred ground ability and when your teammates as well call out to give them extra damage, then switch to the void gauntlet and use the oblivion spell, then give them extra damage. When your lifestyle abilities are on cooldown, use the petrifying scream first and then the orb of decay, this will root your enemies in front of you and heal myself and nearby teammates.

So in general our suggestion is to use the lifestyle for auto attacking in PVE mobs or enemy players, and to support your teammates or yourself use the healing spells, then switch the void gauntlet for only abilities because the life staff's damage is a lot higher, so when you're done with it switch back to the life staff and that's about it. 

Top 3 New World 1.2 Build - Best Fire Staff & Rapier Build

This fire staff and rapier weapon combination right now is super strong and has very high damage capability, and with the spells we have selected, we make this build work very well in PVE one versus ones and 50 v50 wars. If you're looking for high skill build that requires a bit more practice but is very good then there's the build for you.

Build Details

Main Weapon: Fire Staff

Secondary Weapon: Rapier


Strength: 5

Dexterity: 5

Intelligence: 300

Focus: 5

Constitution: 150

Skills & Perks

Fire Staff Skills & Perks (Fire Mage & Pyromancer)

  • Perks: Fiery Restoration, Clear Mind

  • Fireball

  • Perk: Pyromania

  • Incinerate -> Perks: Infernal Flames, Cauterize Wounds, Flame Out!, Kindle

  • Burn Out -> Perks: All In, Fire's Reach, Watch it Burn

Rapier Skills & Perks (Blood & Grace)

  • Evade -> Perks: Breathe In

  • Riposte -> Perks: Insult To Injury

  • Fleche -> Perks: Quick Lunge, Backside, Interruption

  • Perks: Refreshing Strikes, Engarde


Void Gauntlet & Life Staff Weapon: Cut Pristine  Opal

Gears: Cut Pristine Aquamarine

Best Way To Play This Build

Life Staff Gameplay Tips

① First of all, the Burn Out is a big dash spell which you can use for mobility, or if you hit enemies while dashing they will take extra burn damage.

② Then the r ability is called incinerate and when you use it creates a fiery explosion around you which deals damage inflicts burn effect and causes enemies to get pushed back for 3 meters

③ Lastly, we have the f ability called fireball which is a very powerful damage spell, and as it is an AOE spell, you don't have to hit directly an enemy, you can just aim it at the ground where the target is standing on and it will damage him as well.

Rapier Weapon Gameplay Tips

① The first q spell is called evade which by activating makes you invulnerable for a split second and it can be good in dodging enemy attacks but you have to know how to use it

② We have the second ability called Riposte and it is a reflectction which means that when you activate it, the incoming damage from the enemy to you will come back to him, so if he activates any abilities on you instead of you getting hit he will hit himself.

③ Lastly, we have the Fleche ability which deals damage and provides a small but nice dash spell.

Conclusions for Gameplay

The best way to attack a player is to always try to keep your distance, always from the enemy be at least four to five meters, so what you want to do is from the range use your auto attacks and activate the fireball and keep on using the light dodge rolls for 50 increased damage, and then when the enemy gets close to you dash into him with the burnout ability. Then switch to the rapier, first of all use the repulsed ability and reflect the incoming attack, then when that is done, use your fleece ability and create more distance from him, so while he tries to catch up to you, switch to the fire staff and try to finish him off. Or if that is not enough, go back to the rapier and use the evade and auto attacks and that should do the job. Again like in the first build, you won't use the fire staff or range attacks and then switch to the rapier for close combat.

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