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TBC Classic Phase 2 Guide - Top 5 Things You Should Do Now In Phase 2

9/30/2021 11:05:12 AM

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic Phase 2 is going to end next month October. What is something you should do in phase 2 TBC? This is a WoW TBC Classic guide, we break down the top 5 things you should do in phase 2. Because it's going to be the best time to do them. At the same time, make sure you have the determination and the dedication to do them.

5 Most Important Things You Should Do In TBC Classic 

No. 1 - Raid surf, shrine caverns, and tempest kee

You should raid surf, shrine caverns, and tempest keep. Because tier five is here, and most people don't really run you know tier 4 very often. Depending on what you're looking for, you might still d gruel's lair if you're trying to get that dragon spine trophy. Since tier 5 is fresh, there's a lot of fun in going through the fights learning how to do it by struggling and failing. 

Depending on some data, this is a pretty hard raid tier, so if you're looking for a more challenging rating experience, SSC and TK are perfect. At the same time, there was some data that shows that only 22 percent of guilds have actually cleared a large. It's a hard fight, many people are attempting it, though not very people are actually accomplishing it. It would be great if you can get in the guild or pug it whatever it takes. 

No. 2 - Get the raven lord mount 

Try to get the raven lord mount now. Maybe you're not an amount person, but this is something you should try to attempt if you got the TBC Classic gold to spare. Because typically a druid's only going to do this for gold. So the way you get the raven lord mount, you got to have a druid who has the epic flight, training, quest, and item to summon him. 

You have to do heroic sethik hall, so you only do this once a day. If you don't do it every day, you're lowering your chances. However, the raven lord mounts it's definitely worth doing. Phase two unlocked it with the new druid epic flight form, if that's something that interests you, hunter them down.


No. 3 - Do your dailies

Do your dailies get the reputation to see if you can get a shattari sky guard nether ray. This is new content in TBC Classic WOW phase two, you can finish this pretty quickly. Furthermore, it doesn't have to take 30 days or 20 days just doing the dailies of the ogre lawn chat tower side guard.  Some people grind it madly in 13 hours. 


No. 4 - Go to the new arena season

The new arena season two just came out in Phase 2 TBC Classic. If you are interested in getting some brand new season two arena gear that's now available for you to start grinding up. You can also try to compete to get a gladiator as you've probably seen a few people who have gotten a gladiator flying around shattrath in their amazing 310 movement speed mount. 

If you are familiar with the epic flying mount which is only 28 movement speed. So 310 move speed takes that beautiful aesthetic of another drake mount armored and pushes it to the max and makes it not only just beautiful but also gives it utility usefulness of moving faster than everyone else. So that's another reason to try to gladiator


No.5 - Brew fest

The thing that you might regret if you don't do it well in TBC phase 2. It's none other than brew fest. The time-sensitive thing you've got is only until October. Brew fest is a great opportunity for you to get a trinket that will be equivalent to the 40 badges of justice trinket which is best in the slot. By the way, it's great for both PVP and PvE. 

It's the best in the slot you can get from the core and dire brew. No prerequisites are necessary just go to LFG, go core, and dyer brew. And there's a chance to get a second health stone in the form of remote control. By the way, there's one trinket for everyone, healer, DPS, tank, or whatever you are.  There are extra bonus rewards that second trinket in the form of remote control, it brings you down to brd, and then you can ghetto hearth super awesome.

The second thing that you could get is a ram mount or a Kodo mount. Depending on what faction you are, it's definitely something to go after. If your alliance getting that Kodo is amazing, if your horde is amazing too, or if you are horde getting that ram would be really cool as well. The reason it's time-sensitive is that it doesn't come back until next year. Brewfest is an annual event so get it while you can. 



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