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Rocket League Flip Reset Tutorial & Training Packs: How To Setup, Reset & Flip?

9/29/2021 8:33:07 AM

Welcome back to our column of the Rocket League mechanic series, in this guide, we are bringing you the long awaited flip reset tutorial.

How To Do Flip Reset Correctly in Rocket League?

Flip Reset is the skill that every new player who's getting into Rocket League wants to learn, so here we are going to attempt to teach you all how to flip reset. If you do read this guide all the way through we are confident you'll at least know how to get started with learning the flip reset.

When it comes to flip resets, especially these are not just the type of mechanic that you can decide you want to learn and get it right away, the truth is flip resets do require a pretty high level of car control. So before you get started trying to flip reset, you have to make sure you have your aerial car control in check, otherwise you're just going to be flopping around in the air and it's going to take a miracle for you to actually get a reset. 

Learn Aerial Car Control Before Trying Flip Resets

So be honest, if that sounds like you and you need to work on your aerial car control, go to check out our guide Rocket League Air Roll Guide, and practice your aerial car control with the some training packs: Lethamere's Rings and Rings 3. Now let's get into the actual mechanic and talk about the flip reset.

Steps To Learn & Perform Flip Reset

We are going to try to break down the flip reset into three major steps:

Step 1. Set Up

Moving on from just training the reset, now we are going to start to actually incorporate the setup.

Setup Training Pack - Wall to Air Dribble (5A65-4073-F310-5495)

For setup, we going to recommend the trainning pack called Wall to Air Dribble which is super simple but does its job well. Now let's talk about tips.

Setup Learning Tips

- With the setup with the flip reset setup, you're going to want to do a lot of the same things that you do in an air dribble setup. So just like with an air dribble when you're making your first touch on the wall, you should be aiming to hit the ball in a line to the opposite top corner. 

- When it comes to when you should jump off the wall, for example to jump almost right after you hit the ball, because this way you'll stay close and you won't have to waste too much catching up to the ball. 

- Now that being said this is kind of where air dribbles and flip resets defer, because with an air dribble, you need to stay super close to the ball, whereas with a flip reset it's not bad to have a little bit of space after you hit it off the wall. Just like with the previous step though this is definitely going to take some time so make sure you get into training and try this out yourself.

- Also when you're doing the setup and transitioning into the reset, we want you to be thinking about the things we mentioned earlier when we are just on Kevpert's Aerial Car Control Pack, because you should be trying to replicate that exact same reset motion here:  think set the ball up, to catch up to it, and then at the last second let go of and pull down on your joystick to slap the ball and get the reset.

Step 2. Reset

This might sound strange but we're actually going to start by training step two - reset first, because the reset part is actually harder than the setup part, so if you can get the reset down you'll be able to learn the entire mechanic much quicker. 

Reset Training Pack - Aerial Car Control (A3E1-92C2-8757-4195)

When it comes to training the reset piece of the flip, we recommend the training pack called Aerial Car Control and the reason is that it sets the ball up for you, so you don't have to worry about tracking the ball and you can focus entirely on controlling your car during the reset. Since we're trying to learn a flip reset here, the goal really isn't to score the ball, it's to focus on getting the reset down.

Reset Learning Tips

- A big piece of this mechanic comes down to trial and error, but the motion we want you to try to emulate when you're going for a flip reset is the sort of slapping motion with your car. Now to break it down a little more technically, what you want to do is you want to be flying at the ball upside down and then right as you're nearing the ball you want to pull down your joystick so that ideally all four wheels of your car slap into the ball and you get a dodge reset.

- By now you can probably start to understand why we were stressing the importance of aerial card control earlier on because if you can't control your car mid-air, it's going to be real tough to actually pull this off. This is definitely going to take time and so when you're practicing this and inevitably making mistakes really try to focus on why exactly you're messing up:  are you only hitting the ball with the top wheels on your car or maybe you're only grazing the ball with your bottom wheels, whatever it is, try to remember the reason the flip reset actually works, you're trying to trick the game into thinking your car just landed so the game gets you a jump which means you have to have some speed so you can actually grab the ball with all four wheels, otherwise you're not going to get a reset. 

- Once you start to get this down try to switch between different shots in the pack and start forcing yourself to try different angles with your shots. Once you can get the reset the majority of the time, then you're ready to move on to the real thing off the wall. 

Step 3. Flip or Dodge at the End

If you've got it all down from here, there's only one step left and that is of course the flip now - this is the part of the mechanic where things really get fun and we encourage you to get creative with how you use your flip. 

Flip Learning Tips

- If you're just getting started with this mechanic, it probably wouldn't hurt to just front flip into the ball right after you get the reset to try to hit it, but as you get more and more comfortable with this process, you can start experimenting with different directional dodges, you can try holding your reset for longer and you can really start to get creative by mixing in other mechanics.

- This step is just as hard as the previous ones and the only way to really understand how your car moves in the air is to move your car in the air, so make sure you get into training practice this stuff out yourself and really start to learn as you train.

Flip resets are such a powerful mechanic and that is because they're so unpredictable. Remember you have all the time in the world once you get that reset, so make sure to hold onto your flip and only use it at the last second to send the ball over the defender. Whatever you end up doing with this mechanic though players, we hope this guide helped you start strong with the fundamentals of the flip reset. If you are looking for building your car in stylish way, we also can help you with cheap Rocket League items and credits

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