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Best Class for Gold Farming in WOW TBC Classic is Paladins

7/9/2021 2:13:04 PM

Why paladins are good for farming gold in WOW TBC Classic? This is probably going to be the most popular class for gold farming in the burning crusade. Because they are kind of in the mages of classic WOW with the AoE target cap that came in which paladins are kind of immune because this AoE target cap doesn't affect the consecration nor does it affect their auras, basically paladins have a great toolkit for doing massive AoE pulls and have several different gold farming possibilities in the burning crusade some of which mentioned in this guide to give the player an idea of where to farm WOW TBC Classic gold.


Protection paladin in early stage

The new mages of WOW TBC classic now production paladins, once they have enough defensive rating and the blocked value can pull massive amounts of enemies and keep themselves alive, while slowly hacking away at the enemy health within melee attacks consecration and their auras, basically deal damage to enemies attacking you as you get better and battery geared more farms and bigger pools, become available to you as the number of mobs you're able to handle is directly related to how well geared you are,  because you won't be able to choose mob paths as much as a plot paladin as you could as a mage in classic wow, basically you can't do the massive 500 mob pulls and not take any damage. Most likely going to tank and spank the mobs, there will of course maybe be some potential mob pathing abuse, you can use to trick mobs into running back and forth inside your concentration or consecration on the ground, but every 10 seconds you have to jump into the mobs to refresh the consecration anyway. The protection paladins will be pretty popular early in WOW TBC Classic and will probably be extremely popular later in the burning crusade, they will be the new class that will be used in both TBC dungeons and classic dungeons.


Pro detection paladin

A a pretty low barrier to entry farm, will be extremely popular early in WOW TBC Classic  farming, the black Maura's going in here as a pro detection paladin pulling as many beasts as possible, skinning them will be really lucrative these spiders have an incredibly high drop chance of nether web spider silk which is used in multiple tailoring crafts most notably, every single tail reset for the tailoring specialization like the primal moon cloth armor spellfire set and frozen shadowy set all of which are best in slot armor sets and people will definitely overpay for these items in the beginning,  this makes farming that the webspider silk extremely profitable in the early stages of WOW TBC Classic, this farm right here is instanced which means no competition for mobs, which is really valuable early in a new expansion, where every open-world gold farm is crowded by being a protection paladin and grabbing skinning, you can also play your class's strengths which is pulling multiple mobs that's where you can pull both spiders and regular beasts inside the dungeon and skin the skinnable beast for some extra gold, as well seriously don't underestimate how profitable this farm will be early in WOW TBC Classic.


Gold pharmacy paladin

One of the most popular gold pharmacy paladins is farming stratholme or school demands for those dark runes, as they will still be useful in the burning crusade, and because of inflation, they might end up going up in price. If you bring enchanting, you can also disenchant the blues for large brilliant shines while farming the dark rings and large brilliant shines are used in crafting the brilliant wizard oil which is also used by every caster. Except for shadow priests in the burning crusades, they will also be useful. will become popular as protection paladins can also bring some people in the level 45 to 59 range into their strat home and skull a man's run, giving them experience.


Production paladins

There are farming possibilities as a protection paladin. While farming which makes this a really lucrative type of WOW TBC Classic gold farm aside from that dread fang lurkers farming in the terracotta forest can also be done at great efficiency by protection paladins simply because there are so many lurkers available and players can easily pull five or more lure lurkers in one pole and these lurkers can also drop the netherweb spider silk that dreads fine venom sacks which are a reputation item needed for the Aldor and squires reputations. Any skinning gold farm will be good for protection paladins as long as they are able to pull a massive amount of mums in one pool for them,  to skin them all, and sell the leather in many different unique skinning gold farms in WOW TBC Classic.

A protection paladin with for example skinning and enchanting can farm a ton of unique gold farms. one more thing that gives production paladins a somewhat edge, a way to make gold long term in WOW TBC Classic is simply tanking dungeons if you get yourself for example mining and enchanting and reserve any unwanted loot for yourself, to disenchant and also reserve mining veins for yourself, you can make some semi-passive guns. While doing dungeons which can actually turn out to be quite lucrative.

Being a protection paladin and using something like this to make some gold will be very helpful to the community as it makes it much easier to find tanks as well as the fact that paladin will be able to make some gold as well, and protection paladins can tank dungeons really fast once, they're fully geared.


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