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How To Max Every Reputation In Classic TBC - Classic WoW TBC Burning Crusade Guide

6/30/2021 4:47:26 PM

Reputations are the backbone of the content in Classic TBC, they not only unlock extremely powerful gear, consumables, and enchants but also gatekeeps literal content. Therefore, it’s important to get your reputation fast in Classic WoW TBC Burning Crusade. Today, we are going to see every reputation in Classic TBC and show you the fastest way to max out every reputation, go from neutral to exalted in each one of them.


How To MAX Every Reputation In Classic TBC - Classic WoW TBC Burning Crusade Guide

Now, we go over every reputation added in WOW TBC and teach you the fastest way to reach exalted with each one of them.

1. Honor Hold / Thrallmar  

Before you get any point of reputation get yourself as many Honor Hold Thrallmar Favor as possible from their respective vendors. You can get these by getting marks of Honor Hold or marks of Thrallmar by killing other players near the contested towers. By doing the daily quests that ask you to capture three towers. The way to reach exalted asap with honor hold or Thrallmar is by following two steps: from Neutral to Honored, avoid doing any quests in Hellfire Peninsula. Instead, do the lower level dungeons, those being Hellfire Ramparts and Blood Furnace as those do not give you rap once you're honored. From Honor to Exalted: do all the quests in Hellfire Peninsula. If you haven't done any, you should reach revered and then finish it up to exalted by Farming Shattered Halls normal or heroic or by doing Ramparts or Blood Furnace heroic, Shattered Halls normal being the only instance you can actually farm.


2. Cenarion Expedition

Cinarion Expedition is absolute the fastest way to reach exalted Cinarion Expedition is to buy a ton of Coilflang Armaments and turn them all in at Ysiel Windsinger after you've completed the quest orders from Lady Vashij which is a random drop from mobs inside Steamvault. You'll need 560 Coilfang Armaments to go from neutral to exalted. But if you don't have a ton of Classic TBC gold, the fastest way to reach exalted is to not do any quests in Zangar and farm Slave Pens, Underbog or Steamvault, if you're 70 until honored. From there complete all the quests in Zangar then run Steamvault normal or heroic or Underbug or Slave Pens heroic until exalted.


3. Lower City

If you want to find your way to honored and save a lot of time in the process you can buy 1060 Arakkoa Feathers and turn those 30 at a time to Vakax and Shattrath for 250 reps per turn in. If you don't want to spend a ton of Classic TBC gold, avoid doing quests in Terokkar Forest and farm any of Auchenai Crypts, Sethekk Halls, or Shadow Labyrinth if you're 67+ until honored. From honor to exalted, do all the quests you haven't done in Terrokkar Forest and farms Shadow Labyrinth normal or heroic and Auchenai Crypt / Sethekk Halls heroic until exalted.

4. The Sha’Tar 

If you want to find your way to honored or actually one point away from honored with the Sha’tar and thus get rep super fast. You can turn in reputation tokens to the Aldor or the squires depending on your choice. Those not only give rep with the Aldor and the Scryers but also with the Sha’tar up to 5999 into friendly. If you don't want to spend WOW Classic gold, although you will have to eventually level Aldor or Scryers. But if you don't want to from neutral to exalted, the only way to get rep with this faction is to complete their respective quests which are scarred around the Outland. Grind your way to exalted by doing either Arcatraz, Botanica or Mechanar.


5. Keepers Of Time

keepers of time are quite straightforward. In Caverns of time, pick the first quest from Andormu, then follow the quest chain until you clear both escapes from Durnholde and Black Morass, this should get you too honored by just doing those two dungeons and those quests. the fastest way to exalted is by farming Black Morass, Durnholde also gives similar rapper runs.


6. Aldor / Scryers

Moving on to the other type of useful reputations in outland and starting with the Aldor and Scryers, there's only one real way to level this reputation and that's by turning their respective reputation tokens. It is worth noting that there is one reputation token for each faction that only gives rep up to honored. Those being marks of Kil'jaeden for the Aldor and Firewing Signets for Scryers. Turn those in until honored to save some Classic TBC gold and then turn in the rest up to exalted.


7. The Consortium

To reach exalted as fast as possible with the consortium, there are two things you need to keep in mind: First, avoid doing any consortium quests for now. Those are mostly found around Netherstorm, but there are also a few in Nagrand ground. From neutral to honored, you should farm Mana Tombs, then from honor to exalted, complete all the quests that you haven't done yet. From there you have two options to reach exalted, Obsidian Warbeads in Nagrand or Zaxxis Insignia in Netherstorm. Both give roughly the same reputation and take roughly the same time to grind. You can turn them in 10 at a time for 250 reps per turn-in.


8. Sporeggar

This starts at unfriendly and the way to go from unfriendly to friendly is by turning in Bog Lord Tendrils and Mature Spore Sacs to the east of the spawning glen in Zangarmarch. After reaching friendly which should require 48 Tendrils or 80 Spore Sacs. You unlock the ability to turn in Sanguine Hibiscus which is 250 rep per 5 sanguine hibiscuses. So you'll need 780 sanguine hibiscuses to reach exalted or half of that if you're only interested in revere.


9. Kurenai / Mag’Har

Kurenai and Mag’Har these start at unfriendly. Kurenai is the alliance version and the Mag’har is the horde version. First, you'll need to become friendly to go from unfriendly to neutral with the Mag’har. There is a quest chain that starts at Thrallmar and the first quest on this chain is called the Assassin, follow that until you're neutral. For Kurenai, it's not a chain but just a quest hub you'll need to clear. That's Orebor Harborage in Zangarmarch. There are four quests tied to Karenai you'll need to do there and that should get you to neutral. From neutral to Revered, just do all the quests in either Telaar or Garadaar in Nagrand, there's a bunch, and completing all of them should put you roughly at Revered. From Revered to Exalted, the fastest way is by killing Warmaul ogres in Nagrand. Those not only give rep every time you kill them, but they also drop Obsidian Warbeads which can be turned in for 500 rep per 10 Warbeads, note that those can also be turned into the consortium for rep with the consortium.





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