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Diablo 4 Season 7 Occult Gem Tier List - Best Occult Gems Ranked In D4 Season 7

12/4/2024 11:21:43 AM

Diablo 4 season 7 just revealed all the brand new gems including the legendary gems. These brand new gems are called Occult Gems. Here's a D4 Season 7 Occult gem tier list, we ranked the best gems based on their potential effectiveness and utility in gameplay. 


Diablo 4 Season 7 Best Occult Gem - D4 Season 7 Occult Gem Ranking

Diablo 4 Season 7 Occult Gems are a new type of powerful socketable item that enhance your character's abilities and defenses. They can be inserted into equipment with Sockets and add 160 armor and 8% resistance to all elements. Each gem comes with a unique Occult Power that can augment your character's abilities. All require level 10 so we’re able to access these really early on. Without further ado, let's dive into D4 Season 7 best Occult gems via our Occult gems ranking! 


D4 Season 7 Occult Gems Ranking

S tier gems are the meta-defining and highly versatile. A Tier gems are strong and synergistic for specific builds. B tier games are situationally useful or build-specific. C tier gems are niche or low impact compared to alternatives. D tier gems are just underwhelming or outclassed.



Killing Wind

  • While you have three or more Eldritch Witch Powers slotted, gain 25% Movement Speed and 15% Critical Strike Chance.

Massive movement speed and critical strike chance boost. Movement speed is essential in action RPGs, and crit synergy is valuable across most builds.



  • While you have three or more Growth % Decay Witch Powers slotted, you generate 30% more Barrier, gain 30% more Fortify and have 30% more Thorns.

Provides significant survivability (Barrier, Fortify) and boosts Thorns builds, which are gaining prominence.


Friend of the Bog

  • While you have three or more Growth & Decay Witch Powers slotted, you gain 10% primary stat, 10% Maximum Life and you are always Unhindered.

Grants unhindered movement, which is critical for survivability and mobility, along with a primary stat and max life bonus.


Dust Stone

  • For each of your Auras and Hexes an enemy is afflicted by, they take 4% increased damage from you.

Scales excellently with builds that utilize multiple Auras and Hexes, providing consistent increased damage output.


Phantom String

  • You deal 40% more Overpower damage to Hexed enemies.

Overpower builds gain a huge boost against Hexed enemies, making it perfect for condition-based damage.


Elder Sigil

  • Your Agility, Corpse, Incarnate, Mastery, Weapon Master, and Wrath Skills deal 25% increased direct damage to Hexed enemies.

Broadly applicable, boosting damage for multiple skill types against Hexed enemies.


Vile Phylactery

  • While you have a Witch Power with the Summon tag slotted, if you would take fatal damage, instead prevent that damage. Then gain a Barrier equal to 100% of your Maximum Life and disable your Witchcraft Powers with the Summon tag for 6 seconds. This can only occur once every 75 seconds.

Provides a "cheat death" mechanic, making it a must-have for Hardcore or risky builds.


Mind Wreath

    • While you have three or more Psyche Witch Powers slotted, your Defensive, Macabre, Trap Skills gain 20% Cooldown Reduction.

Cooldown reduction for defensive and utility skills is highly desirable for many builds, enabling tanky and high-uptime strategies.


Vulture Talon

  • While you have an Aura active, you deal Damage Over Time 35% faster.

Damage over time builds benefit significantly from faster DoT ticks.


Moonlight Ward

  • For each rank in your slotted Unique Witchcraft Power, you gain 3% Damage Reduction and 1% Maximum Resistance to All Elements.

Valuable defensive stats for tanky builds, scaling well with Unique Witchcraft Powers.



Voice of the Stars

  •  While you have an Aura active, your Ultimate Skills gain each Grimoire tag and deal 10% more damage.

Boosts Ultimate skills and adds Grimoire tags, but limited to builds relying heavily on Ultimates.

Raging Enigma

  • Your Unique Witchcraft Powers deal 40% more damage.

Great for builds focusing on Unique Witchcraft Powers, but less versatile than others.


Spiral Coin

  • While you have three or more Psyche Witch Powers slotted, gain 30% Control Duration and 20% Lucky Hit Chance.

Enhances crowd control and lucky hit chance, useful for utility-based builds but niche in overall application.


Hungering Void

  • While you have an Aura active, pull Nearby enemies toward you every 8 seconds.

Pull effect is situationally useful for grouping enemies, but has limited use outside AoE builds.


Pointed Finger

  • Your Summons deal 25% more direct damage to Hexed Elites.

Provides significant damage for summon builds but lacks general applicability.


Wicked Pact

  • Your Non-Unique Eldritch Witch Powers gain 25% Potency.

The potency boost is nice but lacks a direct and impactful benefit.


Heart of Anima

  • Your Non-Unique Psyche Witch Powers gain 25% Potency.

Similar to Wicked Pact, its usefulness is limited to specific Psyche Witch builds.


Toadling's Wish

  • Your Non-Unique Growth & Decay witch Powers gain 25% Potency.

Decent for Growth & Decay-focused builds but overshadowed by stronger options like Cornucopia.


Witching Hour

  • While you have three or more Eldritch Witch Powers slotted, every 5 seconds, the next Core Skill you cast gains the Eldritch tag.

Eldritch tag bonus every 5 seconds is underwhelming for most builds compared to more consistent bonuses.



Phantom String

  • You deal 40% more Overpower damage to Hexed enemies.

Damage boosts against hex enemies are too situational and reliant on a precondition.

How To Craft Occult Gems In Diablo 4 Season 7?

1. Gather Required Materials:

  • Fugitive Heads: These can be obtained during Headhunts.

  • Restless Rot: This material is also acquired through Headhunts.

  • Gem Fragments: Collect these as you progress through the game.

2. Visit Gelena:

Go to the Tree of Whispers in the game. Speak to Gelena, who is the NPC responsible for crafting the gems.

3. Crafting the Gems:

Use the gathered materials (Fugitive Heads, Restless Rot, and Gem Fragments) to craft your Occult Gems. You can also recraft these gems to a higher quality by combining the same materials with the gem you wish to upgrade.

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