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Top 5 Madden NFL 21 Passing Tips: How To Do Effective Pass?

1/25/2021 10:49:53 AM

In this Madden NFL 21 passing guide, we are going over five very important tips that you need to know that will take your passing game to a whole unbeatable level in Madden 21.

Passing Tip 1. Pocket Presence and Setting Your Feet

So the first tip we're going to go over is kind of a two for one and that is just best practices for controlling a quarterback the two things you need to focus on for this tip are pocket presence and setting your feet before you throw.

Now pocket presence is something that honestly separates the average players from the very good players. These players can climb the pocket kind of shuffle around by that extra second and a half or a second from the pass rushers, and that is the difference between completing a pass or getting sacked. You never want to be moving backwards into the rushing lanes of these defensive ends, especially the edge rushers which get really good pressure this year. You always want to go climb the pocket and be moving in the opposite direction. It's really not hard to do you just want to get in practice more. Maybe you sit there for an hour and just practice climbing the pocket you always keep your left thumb on the left thumbstick and you just need to slightly inch it forward when you see the pocket form you need to inch it forward. 

Passing Tip 2. Passing Modifiers

The next passing tip is you need to understand the controls in terms of the different types of modifiers you can do to the past mainly highpoint passing and low-point passing because these can be crucial for you in certain situations. So for example, if you're getting faced with a lot of man defense, something that works really well against man defense is you can put the outside player for example Alshon Jeffery here on a curl route, and when he turns around in front of his man, you can throw a low point pass to him. Surely you need to prepare some MUT 21 Coins for getting him from market. Now to do this you need to hold the left trigger or the L2 button down and then also press the icon of the receiver you're throwing to, and you need to hold his icon down as well so that you throw a bullet pass. 

So it's going to look something like this, right when he turns around we throw it low and what we're doing here is we're making sure that the defensive back has no chance at the ball. And usually, you will not drop this type of a pass, you'll pretty much always catch it if you have a good receiver but your worst case scenario is going to be an incomplete pass because we're throwing it low in front of the receiver, there's really no way for the cornerback to make a play on that ball. But a lot of times, people will just throw a regular bullet pass Adam, and those passes while maybe still not getting intercepted a whole lot, they can be intercepted a lot more often. We're actually going against a cover two and the same thing still happens. If we throw a regular bullet pass, there is still a good chance that cornerback has enough time to get in front of the ball and go for an interception because we're throwing it low, it doesn't matter he can try to make a move on the ball but he just can't simply get to it.

In terms of high point passing this is something, you need to take more advantage up in the red zone like inside the 10-yard line, specifically where it's really hard to score. They work best on things like post routes or deep end routes or things of that nature. 

Passing Tip 3. Use Your Checkdowns

The third tip for being a better passer is you need to make sure that you always have a check down the route on every play and you need to not be afraid to take your check down when you need to. Sometimes you only get two or three yards but the thing here is you're always living to see another down and you're always staying ahead of the chains. The best check down route in Madden 21 always will be the drag route, some people think it's Opie or it's cheesy but truthfully it works the way it's supposed to. In at worst case, you're going to pick up about two yards on it but against a lot of defenses that don't play very aggressively underneath, you're going to pick up four or five maybe even more yards. If you see the check down open you shouldn't even be waiting for the deeper route most of the time because especially with the block shed being the way it is this year, you don't need to pass up the easy guaranteed yards, this is easy guaranteed yards here. A lot of inexperienced players do is they will pass it up time and time again because they're waiting on the deep route, and then especially with the block shed and the pass rush being how it is this year, you wait on that deep route and you take sacks or you get hit as you're throwing and you throw that interception. Now it doesn't have to be even a drag route, you can go ahead and hot route him to an in route.

You know sometimes people will run dual drag routes like they'll have to tie it in, and they'll have the slot receiver on a drag and that makes it harder especially for a user defender because now he can't take away both. It's like you're getting five-six yards of play, you're good money and always stay ahead of the chains. That's not to say you shouldn't be looking to hit deep routes especially when your opponents giving it to you, but you need to understand that it's okay to check it down, you need to make sure you have one even sometimes to check down options available on each play. 

You need to take them when they're there when your opponent is giving you a quick easy 5 yards every play, you should be taking that every play because that means you're going to eventually get down the field and score. But if you're trying to hold the ball super long every play, you're going to take a lot more sex and you're going to get stopped a lot more often.

Passing Tip 4. Use Your Blocking Tools

Tip four is how to use your running back and how to use your blocking adjustments to help you buy more time. For example, someone's running this type of a blitz on you right they're running like this nickel blitz off the edge they're getting pressure. There's a lot open on the field because they're bringing six players. But let's just say some people aren't good under pressure, maybe you're going against a player that has a good user defender and he's kind of always jumping on your first read every time, and if you're sending a quick blitz if someone is sitting on your open read. That's all it takes to take a sack in this game as long as he guesses you're going to take a sack so let's say you see this player's coming off the edge. So you need to identify if someone's running a blitz because typically people especially online when they run blitz are. They'll run the same blitz over and over especially if it's working, so you need to identify where it's coming from. We know it's coming from that slot cornerback, so something we can do is we can block our running back and then move him over to that side to help pick him up. So to do this, we bring up the hot routes. Then what we're going to do, if we want to Motion him over we press the circle or B button until we highlight our running back, and then we use the left D-pad to motion him to the left, now we should be able to pick this player up and have a little bit more time to deliver a pass. Another thing you can try doing if someone's beating you specifically this year, for example, if you're going up against like a superstar pass rusher so you're just going up against a stock four-man rush.

Keep in mind if you do slide your line one way and the other team is blitzing off the opposite side, that blitz is going to come in fast so you have to services for that when you slide your line one way or the other, you're going to be weaker on the other side. But if you're just going up against someone that's using that standard format in a certain side of the line is beating you, pull up your slide protection slide your line of that side, and more times or not you will buy a little bit more time in the pocket from that particular pass rusher.

Passing Tip 5. Use Good Route Combos

The last thing we want to go over for tip number five is a couple of basic route combinations that work very well in Madden NFL 21 for beating various defenses. 

The first type of route combo we're going to talk about is a curl flat. For example, we put out Sean Jeffrey on a curl route and Miller on a flat route, you can do this by hot routing. So we have a player going to the flat and one going to the curl, so no matter what defense they throw at us, we should be able to beat this pretty much right. All you need is your sneak to receiving options on each side of the ball. Curl flat is a concept that you want to always have in your back pocket, it can move the ball against pretty much any defense in the game.

The last one we want to show you here is what we call imagine people usually just call this just like a typical like flood concept, but it works very well against its own defense. So what you need to do is to find a play with a corner route where you have three receiving options on one side of the ball. Typically, the gun bunch formation is the best formation for this and what you're going to do is you need to have a streak a flat and a corner out on the same side. You can hot route a streak and a flat route so you just need to find a play that has a corner out.

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