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Cataclysm Classic Melee Tier List - Ranking Best Melee Classes & Specs In Cataclysm

5/1/2024 4:43:06 PM

Which melee class can pump the biggest numbers in Cataclysm Classic? In this Cataclysm melee tier list, we'll go over the best melee DPS classes and compare which performs the best. To be noted, some classes on our Cata melee DPS ranking will be strong at the start and then fall off, while others scale more heavily with gear from later phases.

Cataclysm Classic Best Melee - Cataclysm Melee DPS Tier List & Ranking

Melee DPS, or "damage per second," refers to a role in Cataclysm Classic where players engage in close combat to deal damage to enemies. Melee DPS classes typically rely on physical attacks, weapons, and abilities that require close proximity to their targets. From the stalwart Arms Warrior to the relentless Unholy Death Knight, we'll navigate the shifting landscape of melee combat in Cataclysm, providing insights into each class's viability, playstyle, and contribution to raid success. Without further ado, let's dive into Cataclysm best melee class and spec.

S Tier - Arms Warrior 

The Arms Warrior in previous expansions have been relegated to the role of a PVP spec, but while it's still the go-to PVP spec in Cataclysm. It really comes into its own as a PVE spec as well. Arms Warrior just says no when it comes to boss armor. With a new spell called Colossus Smash, your rotation becomes all about making the most out of the windows where the debuff is active. Properly using Inner Rage, Deadly Calm and stance dancing correctly will set you apart from other Warriors. You have strong cleave with Sweeping Strikes, strong AOE with Bladestorm and Blood and Thunder, as well as the single target speaks for itself. The only problem really with the Arms Warrior is that they don't bring any special buffs outside of the 4% physical damage buff that is also brought by Frost DK and Combat Rogues. All their buffs will realistically be brought by your Blood DK tank and Feral Druid off tank. But in a 10 man scenario without an optimized comp, the Arms Warrior absolutely does bring a lot to the table. But here's the thing, who needs buff when you have damage and that's why they earned their spot in the S tier. However for both tier 11 and 12, they will be more of an A tier pick but really starts to go crazy on the DPS after they get their best in slot weapon in Firelands. Overall, they're the best melee in WoW Cataclysm.

S Tier - Unholy Death Knight

Every single patch, the Unholy Death Knight has been one of the top dogs with the exception of ICC once everyone got full best in slot. While some things about the Unholy Death Knight will change the fact that you will be pumping the meters while leaving the frost brethren in the dust remains the same. Unholy Death Knight comes into its own in Cataclysm when it comes to class fantasy, leaning into the disease and pet management playstyle. The Unholy Death Knight gets Dark Transformation which allows them to transform their pet into a proper aberation after getting 5 charges of shadow infusion which you get by casting death coils. They also get a spender for their Frost and Unholy runes in the form of Festering Strike which extends duration of your dots. Meaning you'll never have to cast icy touch and plague strike unless you have to swap targets while outbreak is on cool down. Unholy Frenzy gets swapped from the blood tree to the unholy tree and instead of giving 20% damage increase, it now gives a 20% haste increase. Most people will opt to cast it on themselves but do keep in mind that it does not sack with heroism. Utilitywise, Unholy does not bring a whole lot to the table. The magic buff increase can be brought by several classes and the anti magical zone is not very useful outside of 10 man scenarios. But frankly, when you pump as hard as the Unholy DK in Cataclysm, you don't need utility which is why they earned their spot in the S tier of Cata Classic melee DPS tier list.

A Tier - Retribution Paladin

All Paladin specs in Cataclysm were reworked and their rotation became centered around the builder spender rotation of holy power instead of the cooldown based rotation of Wrath. If you enjoy the somewhat mindless rotation of Wrath, then Cataclysm Ret may not be for you. In this expansion, it'll be much more about managing up time of your Inquisition buff, building holy power using procs, and aligning your cooldowns during burst windows. The Retribution Paladin gets some wonderful quality of life additions in Cataclysm like Long Arm of the Law, giving you a 45% movement speed increase when you use Judgment at range and will be able to pull their weight in the interrupt department with the addition of Rebuke. The single Target rotation is a lot more dynamic and will require you to make decisions about what to press next based on procs and buff durations. But the multi-target rotatio is clearly missing some oomph. You simply just used your single target rotation as you have no AOE holy power spender. If there's more than one target, you swap to a Seal of Righteousness and if there's more than four targets, you use Divine Storm instead of Crusader Strike. You still only cast Consecration if pretty much every single other rotational spell is on cool down. The Ret Paladin is much more consistent than in Wrath and doesn't need a shadow more equivalent to do competitive damage. Realistically, Ret Paladins will be the class brought for the 3% damage increased raid buff while still providing Blessings of Kings or Might making having one in a 25 man team absolutely essential and a strong competitor for a DPS spot in a 10 man group. This is why the rap Paladin earns her spot in the A tier.

A Tier - Frost Death Knight

Frost Death Knight finds himself in Cataclysm in a very similar situation as they did in Wrath of the Lich King. They'll be very strong with limited gear but fall off. Compared to other classes as we reach full best is slot. While you'll find find nothing new and crazy in the Frost DK toolkit, the way you play will change quite a bit from the Rett version. The coolddown of Howling Blast has been removed and now only cause one Frost Rune. Additionally with the new mastery system increasing frost damage. The way we use Howling Blast also changes significantly. There'll be several playstyles that will be viable, but most likely we will see the master frost spec that will prioritize his mastery in haste while putting heavy emphasis on Howling Blast come out on top. Especially during speedruns where there is a lot of added value on being able to pump higher numbers on trash. Frost Death Knights bring Brittle Bones and Icy Talons to the raid which is not a bad addition. Overall, Frost DK in Cataclysm will be very fun to play and will perform well in the early game. They'll have use cases and can perform extremely well on AOE but their poor scaling and limited utility mean they lose out on a top rank, while still earning a spot in the A tier on Cataclysm Classic melee tier list. 

A Tier - Assassination Rogue

The Assassination Rogue does just that. With an incredibly simple playstyle of using mutilate to build combo points and Envenom to spend them while maintaining Rapture, the Assassination Rogue will pump hard from the get-go. Ultimately, it plays very similarly to how it did in Wrath with the addition of Vendetta and you now have an exq phase where you swap to backstab instead of Mutilate when the target is below 35% HP. 

B Tier - Enhancement Shaman 

The reign of the Enhancement Shaman is no more. The Enhancement Shaman is back to using agility once again. The excel at short term burst and consistent AOE fights with the ability to spread flame shock with Laval Lash. Combine that with the Magma Totem and Fire Nova, you'll be doing big numbers. The problem for the Enhancement Shaman is that's where the pros list kind of end. As a Shaman in this expansion, you'll mostly be relegated to being a utility pick. You have a wide set of buffs that will allow the raid to be more flexible with this composition. With a 5-sec interrupt cool down, you will be the go-to person for the kick rotations. Not to mention that while Mages now can cast Time Warp, you don't want to take away a global from those pumping Fire Mages and Restoration Shaman will not be that widely represented. A good Enhancement Shaman can still do solid damage. With later phases bringing the opportunity for some solid snapshots and gear swapping, they won't merely be buff bots, that's why the earn your spot in the B tier.

B Tier - Combat Rogue

Combat Rogue pretty much plays exactly like it did in Wrath with two major changes. In Cataclysm, you can access to Revealing Strikes which is a combo point generating ability that empowers your next offensive finishing move being Eviscerate or Rapture. You'll still be spamming Sinister Strike but Revealing Strike should be used before you reach 5 combo points if you are offloading your points with a damaging spell. Blade Flurry gets turned to a toggle on and off of ability. Meaning if you choose to, you can have it up at all times. It does come with the trade-off of having 30% less energy regeneration when it's up, the Combat Rogue pump in fights where there's a lot of cleave.

B Tier - Feral Druid 

The Feral Druid in Cataclysm plays very similar to the Wrath of the Lich King version but with a few minor adjustments. It'll be all about managing the uptime of your Rake, Savage Roar and Rip while snapshotting you bleeds with Tiger's Fury. Savage Roar was changed to being a auto attack modifier, thus making it less crucial to have up before you bleed. You'll also have some procs to keep the gameplay somewhat dynamic in the form of stampede allowing you to use ravage without being in stealth. Once the boss gets to 25%, you'll be able to refresh your rip through using ferocious bite which makes your execute phase very strong. The Rip used to go into the execute phase we want to snapshot to the best of our ability in order to keep the same rip up for the remainder of the fight. Utilitywise, you bring Stampeding Roar which is absolutely broken on some fights while still pulling your weight buff wise with 5% crit, 30% bleed damage and some armor. However, as a Feral Druid off tank, you're absolutely an S tier pick. But if you aim to be a pure DPS, then Cataclysm will not be kind to you. Unless you're an off tank, then you're earning yourself a spot in the B tier.

C Tier - Subtlety Rogue

In past expansions, the Sub Rogue has been the go-to PVP spec and Cataclysm doesn't necessarily change that. That being said, they are certainly viable in a PVE setting this time around. It's one of the hardest classes in the game to play. If you don't play the spec optimally, it falls behind the other two significantly. It will arguably be an S tier spec when they get access to Legendary daggers in Dragon Soul. But at that point, progression is already over so it doesn't really matter. They could still see some uses over the Assasination Rogue but will for the most part, not see much play in a competitive environment.

D Tier - Fury Warrior 

Fury Warrior is ultimately a very similar state to previous expansions where it'll be utter garbage towards the beginning of the expansion but scale extremely well with gear. Once we get to Dragon Soul, you should not be surprised if you get out dps on a lot of fights by a Fury Warrior. The mastery system was nerfed and then buffed again during the expansion, Fury Warrior is a slightly stronger pick than it was the first time around. That being said, the reason why you'll probably see no Fury Warriors and why everyone is placing them as a bottom pick for this expansion simply comes down to the alternative being so much better. In the early phases, it won't even be close. Arms Warrior will pull ahead slightly of the Fury Warrior so why would you ever play one? All that combined with having less utility than the Arms Warrior, earns them a spot inthe D tier of the WoW Cataclysm melee tier list.

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