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Season of Discovery Phase 2 Best Runes For Each Spec - SoD Phase 2 Rune Guide

2/2/2024 3:57:33 PM

Blizzard just dropped an absolute bomb of information for WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 2 so get ready for a ton of changes that are going to be coming. We're getting to new equipment slots for the runes, you'll still be able to use your old runes. Read our WoW Sod Phase 2 runes guide, we'll talk about the best runes for each spec!


Season of Discovery Phase 2 Rune Guide - Best Runes for Each Spec in SoD

In WoW Season of Discovery, runes are a core part of the revamped character progression system in this special server season, offering unique abilities and stat boosts to your character. Once you've acquired a rune, you can socket it into specific gear pieces (chest, pants, and gloves) to activate its power. Each rune has unique effects that can enhance your abilities, stats, or playstyle, allowing for a high degree of customization.

SoD Phase 2 Paladin Runes 

Sheath of Light

Sheath of Light will make it so that dealing damage with a melee attack and with your melee weapon will increase your spell power by 30% of your attack power for the next minute. This also makes your critical heals count as hot as well. If you crit heal someone, then you will get 60% of that healing, also done to them over the next 12 seconds. This is awesome, so Paladins can be doing something like melee weaving and healing at the same time. Ret Paladins doing damage and healing or just Holy Paladins doing some damage and increasing their healing. It's going to make the play style of Paladins a lot more fun!

Best spec for this rune

  • Retribution Paladin

  • Holy Paladin


Guarded by the Light

Each time you hit something, then you gain 5% of your mana back every 3 seconds for 15 seconds, but it also makes all of your main healing abilities actually heal for 50% less. So this will give you back mana but you can heal a lot less. This WoW Classic Phase 2 rune is best for Prot Paladin or a Ret Paladin if you're having mana issues. Because this completely solves that as long as you're not a healer.

Best spec for this rune

  • Protection Paladin

  • Retribution Paladin


SoD Phase 2 Hunter Runes

Trap Launcher

We have Hunters who are getting Trap Launcher in Phase 2. Hunters can throw their traps up to 40 yards and now you can also use your traps in combat. Traps in Classic World of Warcraft don't do a ton of damage so we might be getting a little bit of damage buffs to our traps. Explosive trap is a huge amount of your damage in Wrath of the Lich King.


Melee Specialist

We're finally going to be able to go full melee Hunter and this makes it so that raptor strikes cooldown is reduced to 3 seconds. It is no longer on your weapon swing, it is just an instant attack. Bite no longer has a cool down at all and raptor strike has a 30% chance on each attack to not even trigger that cool down. Enjoy, we're going to have fully Melee Hunters!  

Best spec for this rune

  • Melee Hunter


SoD Phase 2 Warrior Runes

Rallying Cry

They're getting a raid CD that can increase the HP of everyone in the raid by 15% for 10 seconds. This is great, in case there are big tank busting mechanics or raid busting mechanics in the new raid in Gnomere which leads to us thinking that there's a lot more we're going to have to deal with.


Blood Surge

Heroic strike, bloodthirst and Whirlwind all have a chance to make your next slam ability an instant cast. Slam is not that great to use, it takes a while to cast it. So this increases your or gives you a proc that'll increase your damage. Hopefully, it won't even reset weapon swing. This is another exciting thing for the Warriors because their damage is going to skyrocket if they're not getting tuned, but the Warriors are looking great!


SoD Phase 2 Rogue Runes

Shuriken Toss

Rogues are finally getting our first real AoE ability in the form of Shuriken Toss. Shuriken Toss will throw your shurikens at up to 4 targets, it will give you a combo point and it will hit them for 25% of your attack power. If you can stack your attack power pretty high, this will actually hit decently hard. Rogues needed some sort of AoE and 4 targets is enough for it to feel viable.


Master of Subtlety

Master of Subtlety makes them more bursty in the beginning of fights or PvP because your attacks made from stealth and for 6 seconds after will have their damage increased by 10%. Having a Rogue open on you is going to have a little bit of a buff on them for the next 6 seconds. Watch out for them in PvP!


SoD Phase 2 Priest Runes

Pain Suppression

If Priest healing wasn't strong enough, they are getting a shield wall for their tanks or themselves or anyone of their friends in PvP with Pain Suppression. If you play any other version of World of Warcraft, you know how strong Pain Suppression is. It will reduce the incoming damage to your target by 40% for 8 seconds, it also has them resist dispel mechanics by 65% which is specific and leading probably towards the raid but will have some implications in PvP.


Mind Spike

Shadow Priests are getting Mind Spike which will hit the target for some damage 108 to 125. But the added effect of this is that it will increase the crit chance of your next mind blast by 30%. This can stack up to 3 times so they could guarantee that they are getting a crit on their next mind blast to go for some huge bursts in certain situations.

Best spec for this rune

  • Shadow Priest

SoD Phase 2 Warlock Runes


Invocation is going to stop you from clipping your spells, so refreshing corruption, immolate, curse of agony, or siphon life. When there are less than 6 seconds left on that dot, then you will do instant damage to the target equal to one period of the spell's periodic damage. So one hit or one tick will be going off instantly if you're refreshing this. This is going to be a DPS gain because, after one, you will refresh it, you will get an instant free tick and you also don't have to worry about clipping your dots.


Dance with the Wicked

Dance with the Wicked is the best SoD Phase 2 rune for tanks as well as PvP god warlocks that are going to be unkillable. But you and your demon pet gain dodge chance equal to your spell crit strike chance each time you deal a crit on the enemy. You also gain back 2% mana, mana was something that Tank Warlocks were struggling with and it's something that's going to be nice to have mitigated. So there's no longer going to be any mana issues as well as you're going to have quite a good amount of dodge chance.

Best spec for this rune

  • Tank Warlock


SoD Phase 2 Mage Runes

Missile Barrage

This is a really fun rune from other versions of the game especially for Arcane Mages where your arcane blast fireball and frost bolt have a chance to give you a proc that basically makes your next arcane missiles amazing. It makes it cost zero mana, your next arcane missiles will be free and they will have half the duration as well as the missiles themselves will go out faster. Therefore, you'll just see a ton of very quick missiles going out for Arcane missiles.

Best spec for this rune

  • Arcane Mage


Chronostatic Preservation

This is a new healing spell that saves the damage you're doing and then unleashes it later. Mages are loving to do that but it's talking about a time when it fuses arcane fire and frost magic to freeze chronomatic energy into a stored state for later use. You can hold this energy for up to 15 seconds before it combusts and expires. When unleashed, it heals the friendly target for 665 to 998, it's 1,000 heal and this could probably be crit which is going to be pretty much a full heal whenever using. This spell is considered arcane fire and frost for interactions with other spells talents and effects.

Best spec for this rune

  • Arcane Mage

  • Fire Mage

  • Frost Mage


SoD Phase 2 Shaman Runes

Maelsrtrom Weapon

Enhancement Shaman with Maelsrtrom weapon is whenever you deal damage with your melee attacks, but every Shaman can use this since it reduces or has a chance to reduce the cast time of your next lightning bolt, chain lightning, lesser healing wave, healing wave, chain heal or lava burst by 20%. This can stack up to 5 times and it will make the next cast of any of those abilities instant. This also will be a huge DPS increase for Enhancement Shaman but you would melee weave or melee attack as any of the other Shaman potentially with this.

Best spec for this rune

  • Enhancement Shaman

  • Restoration Shaman

  • Elemental Shaman


Spirit of the Alpha

Infuses the target with the Spirit of the Alpha, increasing their threat generation by 45% for 30 minutes. This helps out for Shaman that have been using different runes than were originally intended for their actual threat generation. This is nice giving you a 45% increasing the threat generated for 30 minutes.


Two-Handed Mastery

Enhancement Shaman's two handed that want to run around and one-shot people next phase. You're totally winning! Each time you strike an enemy with a two-handed weapon, you gain 30% attack speed with two-handed weapons for 10 seconds, 30% haste statically with a two-handed weapon. This is going to be huge so much fun. 

Best spec for this rune

  • Enhancement Shaman

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