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How to Swap to Tornado Shot for Path of Exile 3.23 Affliction

12/8/2023 11:37:03 AM
Tag: POE

In today's guide, we're going to show you that swapping to tornado shot is easy, we wanted to just take you through everything that you need to do to swap the tornado shot from lightning arrow.


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TS Helm Enchant

In the 3.23 Affliction expansion, we are getting a free helmet enchant in the form of quality. Quality now causes the skill to Fire +0-1 secondary Projectile, instead of providing 0-20% increased Projectile Damage.


GMP Swap

You want to remove returning projectiles in favor of Greater multiple projectiles because more projectiles equals more damage and on lightning  Arrow you're using returning projectiles but on tornado shot that basically does nothing, what you'll do is you'll remove that in favor of greater multiple projectiles early as you do not have access to many arrows, if you don't have like two arrows on your bow and you're lacking one on your quiver and you don't have a flesh and Flame or whatever you might be Laing a little bit of arrows early so what you want to do is you want to equip GMP and your main links, and although this number might look lower in path of building, it's actually higher in game because you are able to shotgun with your projectiles, so in general that means that more secondary projectiles are going to be hitting a single Target and more secondary projectiles hitting a single Target, equals more damage, so the number that you see in path of building the DPS number you basically multiply that by how many arrows are able to hit, the calculations for that is very complex because there's so many variables as to whether you are able to hit with x amount of projectiles and just keep in mind that like just go by how it feels like in game, but essentially more projectiles equals more damage up to a certain point because Beyond a certain point, you get so many projectiles that you'd rather just have more damage rather just as a rule of thumb more P until you have maybe like 12 p and then be that it starts becoming it starts incurring diminishing returns right, at that point maybe once you have 12 Pro or even beyond that you might consider removing greater multiple projectiles in favor of a damage support instead.



So the Oath of the Maji is excellent because Nature's Concoction is going to give you three charges when you hit an enemy with a weapon that has a tincture applied to it meaning that you are going to be able to sustain dying Sun a lot more the biggest downside of dying sun is that it has like low duration. It consumes a ton of charges when you use it, so essentially what this does is it enables you to have higher uptime on dying Sun, giving you the increased value of that flask, and what that flag does is it gives you two additional projectiles which is crazy for tornado shot so getting off to the Maji with Nature's concoction and putting your dying Sun next to it, it's going to be nice.


Remove All Forms of Pierce in Favour of Chain

You want to make sure that you have removed all forms of Pierce in favor of chain, so on the tree, you'll have three Pierce as if you were playing lightning Arrow, you do not want to have Pierce Pierce is terrible with tornado shot you want a chain, so instead of grabbing the Pierce nodes, you want to grab the chaining range nodes because the chaining range is one of the craziest things that you can get for any chain build essentially, respec to Chain Ascendancy.

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Projectile Speed

Get as much Proj Speed as possible, you need a ton of projectile speed with tornado shop because of the way that it functions, because it has a double dipping mechanic with the Mastery that gives you projectile speed is equals to projectile damage, so basically any projectile speed you get is going to give you bow damage which is great because you get the double dip basically on both your a AOE clear as well as your damage.

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