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Madden 24 Season 3 Harvest Preparation Guide - Market Crash & Things to Do Before Harvest Promo Releases

11/8/2023 5:24:51 PM

As the Madden 24 Season 3 Harvest promo approaches, it's important to prepare yourself for the upcoming event. We’ve seem lot of people talking about the Harvest promo in the community. If you are in the MCS or you're playing competitively, you would know that the next MCS event is going to be Harvest, so you are already expecting certain cards. Thanks to GmiasWorld, and today we are going to jump into the release date of Harvest promo, market crash, and how to prepare for Harvest promo Madden NFL 24 Season 3. 

Things to Do to Prepare for Harvest Promo Madden 24 Season 3 

EA has not yet confirmed a release date for the Madden 24 Harvest promo, but it's looking very likely that it'll land on Wednesday, November 14. This guide will provide you with tips on how to navigate the market crash and suggest things to do before the Harvest promo releases. By following these steps, you can maximize your chances of success during the event.

1. Review your team 

So the first thing that you should be doing is decide what your theme teams are, because this is the primary focus and we get a lot of this and it's very often that people don't know that you can have alternate theme teams not just the regular theme team with the 32 teams. So it doesn't have to be a regular NFL team. You could have a campus Heroes, they're probably going to do it for zero chill, maybe not for Harvest, cuz it's like an in the-middle type of promo. Or they can just create whatever they want and give it chemistry and if they give us the speed with it like most fear does, it's worth it to do it. If you feel that staying with a regular theme team makes sense for instance you like your 94 speed Randy Moss that's maxed out, that's fine as well. The problem is you have to get players that are going to help you other than Randy Moss and if your team is not suitable enough or it doesn't work out that way, you're not going to win a lot of games in this matter. It's really a lot of pay for play action. So you want to make sure that those things are actively getting done on a regular basis.

Madden 24 Season 3 harvest preparation guide

Should you sell your team now or until the Harvest promo in MUT 24?

So as far as getting ready for it, step one, review your team. How's your team doing, are they playing well, do they suck like what are we trying to do, are we trying to get rid of dudes. The only issue that we have is the fact that Bruce Smith still plays for us, because they don't have a decent enough core of D linemen. Jared Allen, we play at D tackle, sometimes he plays well, sometimes he doesn't. Pola, we’re starting to get pissed off with him, so we don't know what's going to happen with him, the dude just keeps dropping picks. He's also a free card, so he's probably going to be obsolete very soon with some of the new Harvest players, but he is 6'4. Do it does work out in that regard. Also you got to remember zero chill with the out of position players, it's going to go insane. So that's two months away, but the prices are going to start to get changed up. So don’t sell all of the most favor team right now to prepare for Harvest. We could add some individual players the same way that we add individual John runan, because his numbers are ridiculous and keep the theme team. Because once it makes sense, then you do it. It may not make sense to do it as far as like getting rid of players until zero chill. And even when that happens, we’re going to miss Donald Parham, because he at 91 speed is outrageous. So we don't expect them to give us another Donald Parham for zero chill. So review your team being the first step.

#2. Figure out what is in your binder

After you review your team, you got to figure out what is in your binder, what are you trying to get rid of for your binder. Most of you must have a few cards that you are just sitting on because you are waiting for team diamonds. We've been getting a lot of free packs obviously, those are rookie premieres and after those, we just got a bunch of rap that we got the 88s that we were getting out of the packs that they gave us for most feared with the treats. So we got a ton of things in the binder. We can convert into the new versions of cards, we can use lower level cards to create the cards that you're going to need for Harvest players. So we can then get a ton of currency. So don’t start selling them off especially for the fact that 88s, it gets weird, but EA Sports creates a lot of sets where these cards are going to start to go up in price because you're going to need them for certain things. Random cards that go into a random set are going to need 82s, 83s, 84s, so you don't really want to start selling and going crazy, you want to wait to see what the sets are, you want to see when the team diamonds are going to drop, you want to see all of that stuff in the middle of getting prepared for the Harvest, so don't start going crazy and just selling them. That's not the smart way. When you're starting to deal with these type of things, we would definitely 100% wait it out and you don't see what they're dropping.

#3. Don't open the packs

You should understand that this a lot of you already do this, we started doing this way back when they started to let us store a bunch of packs. Don't open your packs unless it makes sense to open your packs. Even before Harvest, they drop a card that you want. And you want to start opening packs to see if you can pull it. Remember when the new promos drop the one way to see if EA is actually putting cards into the packs is to use the packs that you haven't opened yet. Because as long as you haven't opened it, they're supposed to update it and the system refreshes. So we just hold a lot of them to wait it out. For the Harvest, what are we expecting to do is there any player like Michael Irvin's already there, it has to be Cowboys, maybe we get a Barry Sanders something like that. But it's going to be a few cards that all of us are going to want to dabble with and with this type of preparation, we'll be good with it because if for whatever reason, they give us another based on our team. Selling your team is very stupid, you should wait to see what you want to do before you start selling stuff off. But anyway, if they give us somebody else that's at least 66 maybe even 65, we could work with. The preparation though is not as extensive cuz we don't believe that this is going to be a promo like the way they put the work in for most feared, because it's just something about EA, we don't think they're going to give us a big promo where it's over 50 players and then do another one with over 50 players. But we believe that zero chill is going to break the bank, because that's when they go crazy. But they could surprise us, so the preparation is taking a look at whatever your theme team is. If your theme team is not working for you, we would evaluate it and start getting rid of players based on the way that you play. If you all also a most fear themed team, we don't have to do anything because our squad is literally op up until zero chill, we don't need to do nothing. 

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