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WoW Dragonflight 10.1.7 1-70 Leveling Guide - How To Level Up Your Alt Army in Dragonflight 10.1.7

9/12/2023 4:24:18 PM

With changes to Timewalking, a new holiday event, and brand new endgame XP boosts, leveling in World of Warcraft has never felt this quick! Today you'll learn all you need to know to power-level your characters in patch 10.1.7 & beyond!


1. 60-70 Dreamsurges

To acquire Dreamsurge Coalescence in WoW Dragonflight, engage in Dreamsurge events, and fulfill diverse activities. Dreamsurge Coalescence serves as an in-bag currency connected to the Dreamsurge events occurring in the original zones of the Dragon Isles. With it, you can procure catch-up gear of item level 402, the Duskwing Ohuna mount, toys, and pets. The catch-up gear has the potential to be upgraded to level 424. Here are some activities that reward Dreamsurge Coalescence:

  • -Completing a world quest: 10

  • -Defeating elites: Zero or one

  • -Flying through Dreamsurge motes: One to five

  • -Looting Dreaming Growths: One

  • -Defeating Flame Lieutenants: 25

  • -Defeating Empowered Rares: 25

  • -Closing a solo Waking Dream portal: 25

After collecting a minimum of 100 Dreamsurge Coalescence, seek out Celestine of the Harvest, stationed close to Naralex and Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem within a Dreamsurge-impacted zone. The affected zone alters weekly and is identifiable by a blue and green moon icon. Celestine presents account-bound gear of item level 402, allowing you to conveniently send it to your alternate characters via mail.


2. Timewalking

This was an awesome method from 60 through to 70, but now thanks to a new change, lower levels can do it too that will make your cues lightning fast and will let you blast out levels at obscene speed.

  • Level 1-10

Level 1 to 10 that should either be Exiles reach or just you know play an Alliance.

  • Level 10-30

Then for levels 10 through 30, based on hold-on speedruns, you should make use of a few amazing XP sources, doing each burning Crusade dungeon via chrome time once for the quests is extremely efficient, but the queue times could be an issue if you're a DPS, now once you've done those or if you need to skip them because of the cues, you can go and do cataclysm chrome time and basically enjoy the faster zones in the game, if you're still not level 30, just hop into Warlords of drown or chrome time like do the intro Quest and you should get the rest of the way fairly easy.

  • Level 30-60

Once you're done if it is burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King time walking week, then it's timewalking time, if it's cataclysm or missed time walking week, you'll need to be level 35, 40 for World of Draenor and 45 for Legion time walking, if you want to be as fast as possible you shouldn't really hop on those earlier time walkings that you can do at level 30 ASAP.


If you need more levels, it's Legion time walking you need to get up to level 45, we would highly recommend you actually just stay in Worlords of Draenor, and if you do like Gorgrond and Talador, those zones are again absurdly quick especially when you're lapping up all those bonus objectives as well, so essentially, timewalking as early as you can depending whatever time walking is currently available and if you can't time walk yet, continuing on in the zones of Draenor will absolutely be the fastest way to get to level 60, only having slash played a few hours, timewalking is simple just drop out of chrome time so that the option actually shows up which is a really unintuitive thing, and then just blast out the dungeons, they're not hard they're not a complete Cakewalk so do use stuns and interrupts at least but the scaling's in a pretty good spot, you will blast through them, tanking at level 40 on a monk was utterly but utterly smooth and fast.


3. Turbulent Timeways

This is an event with six consecutive weeks of time walking, each offering you heroic raid gear for your max-level characters, and that will mean loads of max-level characters will be running Timewalking, so your queue times will drop down to nothing, and you'll be able to Nuke out those runs, it's not confirmed exactly when it will be yet, it was just data mined on PTR but the event now does have items and Buffs attached which will actually give you a quest and an XP bonus that extends in duration and stacks up to 30 percent when you run time walking dungeons as well as an award for maxing out the buff for five weeks in a row, it's pretty crazy.


4. Maximise DPS

If you want one maximize your DPS, it's the oldest trick in the book just squeeze all that juice out of your spec, get into the habit of pulling big and popping your cooldowns, this is actually why tanks have been faster levelers at a few different points throughout history, they can basically do humongous range pulls and massive AOE burst, in fact, Harldan's world record was set on a guardian Druid because of moon fire and fresh being a simple easy AOE.


5. Full Zoom

Remember now our rooms got to level 70 those will save you plenty of time as well next maximize your move speed press every go fast button on cooldown, Mount all the time you're traveling even if it's just a little bit, take talents that have got move speed and never stop running, if you're really going for it, you can use items like Gunshoes, Goblin Gliders Kit and the XA-1000 Surface Skimmers to help you save even more time.


6. Optimize Routing

This is an ancient Boomer technique that we had to do back when things were slow, whenever you get quests to grab items or you know do objectives at the same time as having an objective to just get kills the most impactful thing for you to do is to get all of your like grab objectives like you know using items, opening locks, do all of those first get kills along the way, you don't want to be in a situation where you've done all the mob killing you need, but you've still got to go and click at a whole bunch of objectives and pick things up, this does apply as well to setting your Hearthstone to where you think you're going to need to go back to, and just using that to save just a few minutes of travel time here and there because it all adds up, and the real key is doing all of these optimizations damage speed routings.

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