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NBA 2K24 Next & Current Gen Best Badge - Top 10 Most Overpowered Badges In 2K24

9/1/2023 11:48:27 AM

NBA 2K has been dropping a lot of news recently about the new builder and the badges that they have added to NBA 2K 24. Today, we’re going to give you a top 10 list of the best new shooting, finishing, playmaking and def/reb badges that 2K has added for NBA 2K24 next and currrent gen and the number one best 2K24 badge is going to surprise you!


NBA 2K24 Next & Current Gen Best Shooting, Finishing, Playmaking & Def/Reb Badges

Each badge has a minimum attribute rating requirement that you need to meet in order to unlock it.  For example, to unlock the Green Machine badge, you need to have a minimum 86 three-point rating. Some badges have a height requirement. For example, to unlock the Chase Down Artist badge, you need to be under 6'10" tall. Once you have met the requirements for a badge, it will be unlocked and you can equip it to your player. Badges can have a significant impact on your player's performance, so it is important to unlock as many badges as possible. Next, we break down the top 10 NBA 2K24 best next gen and current gen badges that are worth getting!


10) Triple Strike


  • Bronze: 57 Ball Handle

  • Silver: 68 Ball Handle

  • Gold: 80 Ball Handle

  • HoF: 90 Ball Handle

  • Min: 5'7"

  • Max: 6'11"

At number 10 best playmaking badge NBA 2K24, we're going to have the Triple Strike. With the Triple Strike, players will excel with triple threat launches and jukes at a higher rate with triple strike. If you remember, they did have a badge called Triple Threat Juke that you could use that was like this badge in NBA 2K22. For some reason in 2K23, we just had no badges that can do what this badge does. This badge is going to be really nice for taller guards and bigs that can actually explode out of the Triple Threat create separation from their opponents without having to use any dribble moves which would be very nice to have.


9) Speed Booster


  • Bronze: 76 Ball Handle

  • Silver: 81 Ball Handle

  • Gold: 92 Ball Handle

  • HoF: 95 Ball Handle

  • Min: 5'7"

  • Max: 6'9"

At number 9, we're going to have the Speed Booster badge. This badge is now Quick First Step in this game. Speed Booster is a perimeter only Quick First Step badge and Speed Booster will allow for quicker launches when coming from a standstill dribble situation. Basically think Quick First Step from any previous version of 2K and that's that is what this badge is. There was no way we weren't going to make a top 10 NBA 2K24 new badges list without adding the new version of Quick First Step.

8) Hook Specialist


  • Bronze: 60 Close Shot and 50 Post Control

  • Silver: 71 Close Shot and 62 Post Control

  • Gold: 93 Close Shot and 74 Post Control

  • HoF: 92 Close Shot and 86 Post Control

At number eight, we have Hook Specialist that is coming back which is one of the best NBA 2K24 finishing badge . No love lost for post play aficionados brought back from the dead. Hook Specialist increases a player's ability to make hook shots out of the post. Just like Triple Strike, Hook Specialist is going to be bringing back a badge that we used to have in previous 2Ks that we did not have in NBA 2K23. In 2K23, the only way you could boost your make percentage when it came to Post Hooks was using the badge Pro Touch. Pro Touch is still going to be in the game so we want to see if they rework the badge to a Pro Touch only works with actual layups and it doesn't work with post hooks anymore or does Pro Touch and Hook Specialists work together to make Post Hooks go in more often. It's going to be the former instead of the latter and the only badge is going to help you make post hooks is going to be Hook Specialist. We're not going to be surprised if this badge is pretty overpowered when the game first comes out. Post hooks are always one of the easiest things to time in the game, they also just get open very easily this badge is very good going into 2K24.


7) Post-Fade Phenom


  • Bronze: 59 Post Control

  • Silver: 67 Post Control

  • Gold: 75 Post Control

  • HoF: 85 Post Control

  • Min Height: 5'7"

  • Max Height: 7'3"

Sticking with our post scores, we also have a new overpowered 2K24 badge Post-Fade Phenom. Similar to Hook Specialist, Post-Fade Phenom will allow a player to make post fades and hop shots out of the post at a higher clip. This badge was in previous 2Ks prior to NBA 2K23 and then they divided post fades and post hop shots between two badges on 2K23. If you wanted to do post fades, you needed midi magician, if you wanted to do post hop shots, you needed space creator. Now they are bringing back the post fading badge which is now called Post-Fade Phenom and now this is the only badge that you need to equip to help you make those post fades and post hop shots. This badge is going to be very very good because they've already said that the mid-range scoring has been buffed, it's going to be easier to hit mid-range fades than it was last year. Pretty much all shots in the mid-range area are actually going to go in at a higher clip this year. On top of that, the new badges that they've added for mid-range scoring are going to be very solid.


6) Blow-By


  • Bronze: 67 Ball Handle

  • Silver: 84 Ball Handle

  • Gold: 92 Ball Handle

  • HoF: 97 Ball Handle

  • Min: 5'7"

  • Max: 6'10"

Blow-By is the badge definitely flew a little bit under the radar when everybody was looking at the Courtside Report. Blow-By is a badge where quicker ball handlers receive boosts and body up interactions with defenders. When Blow-By is equipped, this badge sounds like a reworked version of Clamp Breaker. Blow-By is for players that have really high acceleration and really high speed. This badge is going to help you slide off of defenders almost when you're getting bumped. We could not make a top 10 NBA 2K24 best badges list without having a badge that could potentially be very similar to Clamp Breaker.

5) Spot Finder


  • Bronze: 45 Acceleration

  • Silver: 60 Acceleration

  • Gold: 70 Acceleration

  • HoF: 89 Acceleration

  • Min Height: 5'7"

  • Max Height: 7'3"

Now we are moving on to number 5 new NBA 2K24 best shooting badge and that is going to be Spot Finder. By utilizing the get open mechanic by holding R2 or right trigger tap. Spot Finder allows players to receive a speed boost off the ball to get to an open space with a raised chance of knocking down the shot off the ensuing catch. This badge is going to be really great for your two guards, your pure sharps because this is actually going to allow you to speed boost off ball. The off-ball movement in the past of 2K has all been very clunky, very slow and the animations have all been the exact same. Since they're adding pro play and all these new motion styles off, ball movement is going to look very different than it has in previous years and it's going to be even better once you add this badge called Spot Finder which is actually going to help you speed boost off ball. Don't be surprised if there are a bunch of new stretch bigs and pure sharps next year that are just constantly dexing and moving off the ball using the speed boost mechanic and getting into some wide open catch and shoot shots.


4) Precision Dunker

  • Requirements:
    Bronze: 71 Driving Dunk or 71 Standing Dunk 
    Silver: 83 Driving Dunk  or 81 Standing Dunk 
    Gold: 90 Driving Dunk or 90 Standing Dunk
    HoF: 97 Driving Dunk or 96 Standing Dunk 

Coming in at number four best badge NBA 2K24, we have Precision Dunker. Those who utilize the skill dunk mechanic will receive an improved chance of flushing their dunk attempt with Precision Dunker. Basically what they mean by the skill dunk mechanic is meter dunking, so when you flick up on the right stick, then hold down on the right stick those meter dunks, this badge is now going to help you make those meter dunks at a higher rate. So not only are we also going to have Posterizer and Slithery in the game that's going to help you make these dunk attempts. Now you also have a specific badge that will help you make meter dunk attempts more often. Having this type of badge is going to really make Slasher Specialists really good next year to where if you have like a 95 to 99 driving dunk, you get this Precision Dunker badge on Hall of Fame, you're going to be really making some crazy meter dunks if you do get this badge on Hall of Fame. 


3) Immovable Enforcer


  • Bronze: Strength 71

  • Silver: Strength 82

  • Gold: Strength 90

  • HoF: Strength 95

  • Min: 6'5"

The next NBA 2K24 best denfesive badge that we have at number three is Immovable Enforcer which is a direct counter to Bulldozer. Immovable Enforcer allows defenders to win physical matchups when it comes to body ups and contact layups. These two new badges that they've added between Immovable Enforcer and Bulldozer are going to be some insane badges in NBA 2K24. From everybody that's tested the game early, they've said that you're going to need strength on your builds this year to get these new badges that are very overpowered. That means is to everybody that says you don't need strength in 2K24, you're not going to need strength for this strength for that, you're actually literally going to need strength to unlock specific badges.


2) Bulldozer


  • Bronze: 74

  • Strength Silver: 84 Strength

  • Gold: 92 Strength

  • HoF: 96 Strength

  • Min: 6'5"

At number two best badges for NBA 2K24 next gen and current gen, we're going to talk about Bulldozer badge. Bulldozer is a mix of scoring and a ball-handling badge. Think of this as a bully version 2.0 with the elements of the old Clamp Breaker. Bulldozer improves a player's ability to push through physical body ups and finish with physical. This sounds like is that if you have Bulldozer, you're going to shoulder charge, fly through people be able to dunk at the rim and you're going to be able to clamp break people as well with this new Bulldozer badges. This badge is Bully plus Clamp Breaker put together, which is very a broken badge. If you get Bulldozer on a guard and the person that's guarding you does not have any strength, it's about to get bad.


1) 94 Feet & Fast Feet

At number one spot on the badge list, we have two best NBA 2K24 defensive badges that are actually going to be really exciting. At number one we have both 94 Feet and Fast Feet.


94 Feet


  • Bronze: 76 Perimeter Defense and 87 Stamina

  • Silver: 81 Perimeter Defense and 90 Stamina

  • Gold: 88 Perimeter Defense and 95 Stamina 

  • HoF: 93 Perimeter Defense and 99 Stamina 

  • Max: 6'8"

Players with 94 Feet receive fewer body up stamina hits and improved body up wins when pressing full court. Those do not have the badge will regret pressing full court. So basically they are giving us a badge now that's going to allow you to get better bumps animations when full court pressing. 


Fast Feet


  • 72 Perimeter Defense and 70 Acceleration 

  • 83 Perimeter Defense and 73 Acceleration 

  • 92 Perimeter Defense and 77 Acceleration 

  • 97 Perimeter Defense and 82 Acceleration 

  • Max: 6'9"

Another the number one NBA 2K24 best defensive badge as well is Fast Feet. This is a brand new defensive badge and it wouldn't be a fair game if only offensive players received speed boost. Fast Feet can be looked at as a Quick First Step badge for defenders allowing defensive specialists to stay in front of shifty ball handlers. This is a badge that we have been asking for forever. A badge that allows us to speed boost on defense and actually keep up with these super fast guards. It's always felt like for the past 3 or 4 years that offensive players are always faster the defensive players especially when trying to guard their speed boost, so having a badge like this in the game is going to be insane! Fast Feet is going to be the best badge that they have added in NBA 2K24!

Above are the top 10 best NBA 2K24 badges next gen and current gen. If you tired of grinding for NBA 2K24 MT, can be your first choice!

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