The highly anticipated 10.1.7 Patch is about to be released in WoW Dragonflight, bringing exciting changes to the game. As the update arrives, it's time to delve into the latest PvP rankings for Solo Shuffle, Arena, and Battlegrounds. In this WoW guide, we will provide you with updated insights and analysis on the upcoming changes, ensuring you stay informed on the evolving landscape of PvP combat.
Dragonflight 10.1.7 PvP DPS & Healer Tier List
Some PvP Changes will roll out in WoW Dragonflight with the 10.1.7 Patch. Vengeance Demon Hunter and Restoration Druid have some major class changes, Embrace of the Dream is now a one-point talent and its healing has been decreased by 20 percent for Restoration Druid, Spellwarden has been redesigned and Bloodforged Armor is a new PvP talent for Death Knight, Forest’s Flow has been removed for Restoration Druid, Mistweaver Monk has some mana improvements, etc. These buffs and nerfs to classes will change the PvP meta in Solo Shuffle, Arena & BGs.
Dragonflight 10.1.5 Solo Shuffle PvP Tier List
Retribution Paladin (S Tier)
Balance Druid (S Tier)
Fury Warrior (S Tier)
Discipline Priest (S Tier)
Arms Warrior (S Tier)
Mistweaver Monk (S Tier)
Havoc Demon Hunter (A Tier)
Destruction Warlock (A Tier)
Restoration Druid (A Tier)
Subtlety Rogue (A Tier)
Shadow Priest (A Tier)
Restoration Shaman (A Tier)
Survival Hunter (B Tier)
Beast Mastery Hunter (B Tier)
Holy Paladin (B Tier)
Enhancement Shaman (B Tier)
Marksmanship Hunter (B Tier)
Windwalker Monk (B Tier)
Holy Priest (B Tier)
Demonology Warlock (B Tier)
Elemental Shaman (B Tier)
Fire Mage (B Tier)
Unholy Death Knight (B Tier)
Preservation Evoker (B Tier)
Frost Mage (B Tier)
Devastation Evoker (B Tier)
Feral Druid (B Tier)
Affliction Warlock (C Tier)
Frost Death Knight (C Tier)
Augmentation Evoker (C Tier)
Outlaw Rogue (C Tier)
Arcane Mage (C Tier)
Dragonflight 10.1.7 Arena PvP Tier List (2v2 & 3v3)
Holy Paladin (S Tier)
Subtlety Rogue (S Tier)
Outlaw Rogue (S Tier)
Holy Priest (B Tier)
Mistweaver Monk (A Tier)
Frost Mage (A Tier)
Fire Mage (A Tier)
Arcane Mage (A Tier)
Destruction Warlock (A Tier)
Demonology Warlock (A Tier)
Augmentation Evoker (A Tier)
Shadow Priest (A Tier)
Balance Druid (A Tier)
Unholy Death Knight (A Tier)
Windwalker Monk (A Tier)
Retribution Paladin (A Tier)
Arms Warrior (A Tier)
Restoration Druid (B Tier)
Restoration Shaman (B Tier)
Affliction Warlock (B Tier)
Elemental Shaman (B Tier)
Beast Mastery Hunter (B Tier)
Marksmanship Hunter (B Tier)
Survival Hunter (B Tier)
Feral Druid (B Tier)
Havoc Demon Hunter (B Tier)
Fury Warrior (B Tier)
Enhancement Shaman (B Tier)
Mistweaver Monk (C Tier)
Discipline Priest (C Tier)
Devastation Evoker (C Tier)
Assassination Rogue (C Tier)
Frost Death Knight (D Tier)
Dragonflight 10.1.7 Battleground PvP Tier List
Subtlety Rogue (S Tier)
Mistweaver Monk (S Tier)
Preservation Evoker (S Tier)
Havoc Demon Hunter (A Tier)
Balance Druid (A Tier)
Assassination Rogue (A Tier)
Vengeance Demon Hunter (A Tier)
Destruction Warlock (A Tier)
Unholy Death Knight (A Tier)
Fire Mage (A Tier)
Demonology Warlock (B Tier)
Arms Warrior (B Tier)
Discipline Priest (B Tier)
Shadow Priest (B Tier)
Blood Death Knight (B Tier)
Feral Druid (B Tier)
Holy Priest (B Tier)
Augmentation Evoker (B Tier)
Restoration Druid (B Tier)
Retribution Paladin (C Tier)
Frost Mage (C Tier)
Enhancement Shaman (C Tier)
Affliction Warlock (C Tier)
Fury Warrior (C Tier)
Elemental Shaman (C Tier)
Guardian Druid (C Tier)
Windwalker Monk (C Tier)
Marksmanship Hunter (C Tier)
Frost Death Knight (D Tier)
Devastation Evoker (D Tier)
Survival Hunter (D Tier)
Restoration Shaman (D Tier)
Arcane Mage (D Tier)
Beast Mastery Hunter (D Tier)
Brewmaster Monk (D Tier)
Holy Paladin (F Tier)
Outlaw Rogue (F Tier)
Protection Paladin (F Tier)
Protection Warrior (F Tier)
The WoW Dragonflight 10.1.7 PvP Tier List is organized according to the recent performance of each profession in PvP content and the PvP changes involved in the latest patch. We believe that the positions of most specs are accurate, but some classes may have some surprising performances, so stay tuned!
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