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POE 3.22 Currency Farming Guide - Best 6 Ways to Make Currency in Path of Exile Trial of the Ancestors

8/14/2023 4:57:34 PM

The Trial of the Ancestors League is fast approaching! This can be a fresh start for all players and we can expect a reset economy, and a chance to explore new mechanics, items, and builds. One of the most exciting parts of starting a new league is the opportunity to earn a significant amount of currency early on. So many players are now looking for ways to make currency for POE 3.22 start. In today’s article, we are going to go over a few of POE 3.22 currency making strategies 2023 and what you would need to do for them. 

POE 3.22 Currency Farming Guide - Best 6 Ways to Make Currency in Path of Exile Trial of the Ancestors

The start of a new Path of Exile league brings excitement and opportunities for players to progress their characters and accumulate wealth. The Trial of the Ancestors League is no exception, with its unique challenges and mechanics. If you are looking to get rich and buy Mageblood this League, we got you covered! Get straight into this POE 3.22 currency farming guide for starters (thanks to Tripolar Bear for sharing the video) with the 2023 best 6 currency farming tips will improve your currency generation in the first few days after the POE Trial of the Ancestors League launch. 

1. Choose a Strong League Starter Build

The first thing you should do for making currency in POE 3.22 is going to be investing into a good League starter build. You can't really make any currency unless you have a good build. You've got to be able to kill monsters and pick up their loot or you're not going to be able to get any good items. So having a good base build, a build that can do many different strategies and that you have fun playing with is very important. Ideally, your build should be able to clear content quickly, allowing you to progress through content and farm valuable items efficiently. You build should also require minimal investment, and scale well into the end game. Builds that are not heavily reliant on specific unique items are often the best choices for a league start.

Related Read: Top 5 POE Trial of the Ancestors Builds for Beginners 2023

2. Pick Your Farming Strategy

After you have a good build that you've invested into, that you're having fun with, you should also have a plan in place for your Atlas points. So let's say you found a build, you fell in love, you think it's going to be sick, how many buttons you have to press, and you're excited now, think about what you're going to do once you finish the campaign, where are you putting your Atlas points, what is the first thing you're specking into. So you have your plan in place. Prioritizing shaping notes for map progress and specking into Expedition content and stream of Consciousness can be a good strategy for pushing into higher tier maps early on. Once you have the currency, buying polished scarabs and investing in log book farming can also be a good way to expand your farming and make more currency.

3. Reinvest in Your Farm

Now we come to point number 3 and that's going to be investing in the strategy that you like doing. So if you don't mind doing logbooks, if you think it's pretty fun or a chill time, then you can buy as many log books as you can afford. Your build has all the gear that it needs to function and be comfortable and fun. So now the only other thing you should be doing with your currency aside from some minor or very huge upgrades to your build, some real big stuff, the fun ones, you should put all your currency invested into the strategy that you enjoy doing. So that means buying all of the log books you can, all the blighted maps you can. Buying a bunch of remnants of corruption if you're farming like Essence and some compasses, this is going to be the compasses better scarabs, this is going to be putting currency into the map device, you're paying 3C for the extra Essences or you're paying whatever it is for a delirium mirror if you're doing something with that. You're just putting all of your currency into the strategies and you're buying many sets. The goal here is that you can just run stuff all day. 

4. Bulk Buying & Bulk Rolling

The next best method to farm currency in POE 3.22 is purchasing as many supplies as you can until you can just constantly map. So it's the start of the day, you have some divines maybe you sold some items and you are ready to blast. You should be able to in an Ideal World. Once you get farther enough into your build and into the Investments and into making currency, you're going to use all that currency and you're going to buy as many supplies as you can. So that you don't have to sell anything all day and that is why you don't jump straight into logbooks. You start with a stream of Consciousness into scarabs scarabs plus compass into log book farming, something along those lines. Because with scarabs, you can buy a bunch of them, polished exhibition scarabs, 9 chaos, something like that. You can take all of your currency and you can buy a bunch of those scarabs and then you get to buy a bunch of maps and you can roll a bunch of maps all at once. You can roll like 50, 100 maps and you could buy 100 polished scarabs once you start ramping. Now you expend all that, you have a ton of currency and you could buy like 400 or scarabs, run 500 maps. But at that point, you can start investing into higher tier strategies, things like log books or even 80 deli maps. So you start off with a bunch of scarabs because that's all you can afford. You would not go to log books when you can only afford 3, 4 or 5 log books. You're going to run those 5 log books in 25 minutes. Then you have to extract all the currency that you made from those log books, sell it all as fast as you can, so you can buy like 7 log books. It's too much for you to not be farming, you want to just constantly be killing the monsters and getting the loot and you don't want to have to sell all of the whatever random stuff you got, like 5 times during your farming session during the day. You want to be able to just run it all.

5. Bulk Selling All Items on TFT

Number 5 currency strategy for Path of Exile 3.22 Trial of the Ancestors on the list which is a bulk selling all your items on TFT. In the ideal world, you have all of your currency, you spend it all on supplies, you ran all of those maps, you didn't have to stop running maps except for whatever random breaks you want. And then at the end of the day, you get to sell all of your stuff that you farmed, maybe even over the last two days once you start ramping hard enough, you get to bulk sell it all at one time. You're going to sell all of your fossils, all of your scarabs, all the map sets like Guardians, maybe some invitations that you get that are valuable as well. Fragments sets of things, so emblems, you can sell all of your emblems at the end of the day in a sets to extract a little bit more currency out of them on the Forbidden Trove if you're doing stuff like Legion farming. Let's say you get a bunch of stack decks, you sell all your Stacked Deck s at bulk rates all at once, same with contracts, random currencies, you can just do currency trading through the website, that's not something you would actually do through TFT. But you're doing two gen expedition, you get a bunch of scours, you are going to sell all your scours at the end of the day and you're going to just amass a whole crap ton of currency.

Legion gets a bunch of stuff, Expedition gets all the stuff, all this stuff drops many items. And if you were to do only a few sets of those things and to try to bulk sell 30 chaos worth of fossils that you got over a couple log books, that kind of sucks. But at the end of the day, if you've been blasting, you bought a bunch of sets of things and you've just been farming, you're going to have like 3 div and fossils, 5 div in scarabs, 2 div and guardians, maybe 1 div and emblem sets because they're really cheap. So you got a 3 div and Stacked Deck s, you just sell it all at once at the end of the day on TFT, using a handy tool.

6. Get Richer & Invest Your Currency

So you're already making a bunch of currency, how do you take advantage of all the currency that you've been making to make even more? This is going to be stuff like purchasing high value items or div cards early on in the league. So at some point, you will have enough currency where investing more into your strategy, really just means buying extra supplies for tomorrow. 

So these are all tips for farming POE currency 3.22 Trial of the Ancestors! If you think it's too time-consuming for you, we also recommend the easiest and fastest way - buy Path of Exile currency from at the most affordable price.

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