Today we have a new builds guide for Diablo 4 for season one on Level 41 Druid, we're clearing out the Capstone for world three, so this is a really fun build, and this is a very durable build, and just to give you a quick skip, we’re able to clear this particular dungeon at level 41 without any death.
Skill Tree
Let's have a look at the skills first.
Level 2: Basic Skill - Storm Strike (1/5).
Level 3: Basic Skill - Enhanced Storm Strike.
Level 4: Basic Skill - Fierce Storm Strike.
Level 5 - 9: Core Skill - Pulverize (5/5).
Level 10: Core Skill - Enhanced Pulverize.
Level 11: Core Skill - Primal Pulverize.
Level 12: Defensive Skill - Earthen Bulwark (1/5).
Level 13: Companion Skill - Poison Creeper (5/5).
Level 14: Companion Skill - Enhanced Poison Creeper.
Level 15: Companion Skill - Ferocious Poison Creeper.
Level 16: Defensive Skill - Enhanced Earthen Bulwark.
Level 17: Heart of the Wild (Rank 1).
Level 18: Basic Skill - Abundance (Rank 1).
Level 19: Basic Skill - Abundance (Rank 2).
Level 20: Basic Skill - Abundance (Rank 3).
Level 21: Wrath Skill - Trample (1/5).
Level 22: Wrath Skill - Enhanced Trample.
Level 23: Wrath Skill - Savage.
Level 24: Wrath Skill - Hurricane (1/5).
Level 25: Wrath Skill - Enhanced Hurricane.
Level 26: Wrath Skill - Natural Hurricane.
Level 27: Core Skill - Wild Impulses (Rank 1).
Level 28: Core Skill - Wild Impulses (Rank 2).
Level 29: Core Skill - Wild Impulses (Rank 3).
Level 30: Defensive Skill - Preserving Earth Bulwark.
Level 31: Clarity (Rank 1).
Level 32: Clarity (Rank 2).
Level 33: Clarity (Rank 3).
Level 34: Wrath Skill - Crushing Earth (1/3).
Level 35: Passive Skill - Ursine Strength (Rank 1).
Level 36: Wrath Skill - Stone Guard (Rank 1).
Level 37: Wrath Skill - Stone Guard (Rank 2).
Level 38: Wrath Skill - Stone Guard (Rank 3).
Level 39: Wrath Skill - Safeguard (Rank 1).
Level 40: Ultimate Skill - Quickshift (Rank 1).
Level 41: Ultimate Skill - Quickshift (Rank 2).
Level 42: Ultimate Skill - Quickshift (Rank 3).
Level 43: Companion Skill - Poison Creeper (Rank 2).
Level 44: Companion Skill - Poison Creeper (Rank 3).
Level 45: Companion Skill - Poison Creeper (Rank 4).
Level 46: Companion Skill - Poison Creeper (Rank 5).
Gear & Aspects
Helm: Aspect of Quicksand
Chest Armor: Skinwalker's Aspect
Gloves: Accwlerating Aspect
Pants: Earthguard Aspect
Boots: Stormshifter's Aspect
Weapon: Rapid Aspect
Amulet: Aspect of the Changeling's Debt
Ring 1: Shockwave Aspect
Ring 2: Aspect of the Ursine Horror
Skill Rotations
Let's briefly talk about the skill rotations over here, so as you fight monsters, the first part of the dungeon was the hardest for us because those single Target Elite monsters actually hit unlock harder, you want to be knocking back monsters with your trample, you want to be stunning amongst this, and then you want to shape the monsters to hit everybody behind the monster, other than that, you just want to keep your rotations, keep yourself healthy, and keep keep your casting, your hurricane before your casting out the shift shifting spells, this allows you to get additional two skill ranks because of this, now for most of the cases, a little lower HP, and we actually used one of the tricks, you can teleport back to town and get a heal for a Top-Up of HP, if you die, you do get all your potions back, so we only went back to town once after that we're you know cruising through the monsters, now the first part for the truth is actually a little more challenging, but as you get to the second part which are half the Replay for you guys, as you go to the second part once we start to fight the boss monsters, they actually much much easier, so with this build you want to be casting poison creepers, and as you cast poison creepers, you have a chance of resetting this spell, so make sure you're aware of this, and make sure you reset the installs to do more damage, now finally coming over to the post there isn't anything too specific for the boss we actually don't take that much damage, we think the closest time, we're down to like no 30 HP was only once, super tanky, and this is actually an unkillable build at the very early stage of the game.
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