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Diablo 4 S1 Best XP Farm Glitches & Locations - Fastest Ways to Farm Legendary & XP in D4 After Patch 1.1.0

7/20/2023 3:16:38 PM
Tag: Diablo 4

Today we are going to take a look at the Diablo 4 Season 1 best XP and legendary farms after the 1.1 patch!

Season 1 patch 1.1.0 introduced several changes and optimizations to the game, offering players new ways to efficiently farm both legendary items and XP. Glitch Unlimited shares 3 best XP farms for D4 S1 (level 1-75), helping you maximize your farming potential and level up characters fast, as well as unlock powerful abilities. 

What is the Best Class to Choose after Patch 1.1.0 Diablo 4?

Because a lot of things have been nerfed and so what's the best class to choose from just to start off with. We would either choose Druid or any of the classes besides Sorcerer. Now Rogue is experiencing some squishy moments as well, so that's something to think about when it comes down to choosing a specific class in Diablo 4 Season 1.

Diablo 4 S1 Best XP Farm Glitches & Locations - Fastest Ways to Farm Legendary & XP in D4 After Patch 1.1.0

As you progress through Season 1, acquiring legendary items and gaining XP is essential for enhancing your character's capabilities. Here are the best Diablo 4 1.1. XP farming glitches, spots, methods for Season 1 (level 1-75).

1. Best D4 S1 Farm Glitch (Lvl 1-12) - Lost Archives

The first dungeon that we are going to discuss is lost archives. The minimum level for this is anywhere between 1-12 and what's great about this is you can level up straight to 12 and move on towards the next dungeon afterwards. The reason why this dungeon is so great is because of how many enemies are presented within it. It's also close to Kyovashad, so you can instantly go downwards and go straight into this dungeon once you are in Season 1. This is a great dungeon overall to acquire a good amount of XP, so you can reach level 12. 

And while you are exploring each dungeon, you can try to reach up to 100K XP from the group of enemies that are presented. The best part about this is if you do have anything like the potions that boost up some XP, that can help or if you are in a group that's something to think about as well. Mostly, a lot of us are solo players out here and if that is the case, this is going to work out perfect for you. There are a few things to note down here such as World Tier 2 compared to World Tier 3, there's not a huge massive difference, there is extra XP, but you're going to be able to acquire 30K less XP by going down to World Tier 2. If you have complete the dungeon, you have defeated the boss, what you can do is exit out of the dungeon by using your emo wheel or on the map. Then from there, once you're outside, you can then just leave the game in that term of exiting. And then just from there, choose your character and you should see that when you do fully load back in, the dungeon is going to be completely reset, you can rinse and repeat this as much as you like. The best part about this is this is where you're going to be able to level up quite fast, you no longer have to wait anywhere between 1-2 minutes, but it's actually 2 minutes in order for a dungeon to restart especially if you are trying to do this with nightmare dungeon. Specifically, you will need to wait it out, you cannot just leave and join back because you will lose out on that nightmare dungeon.

2. Best D4 S1 Farm Glitch & Spot (Lvl 12-17) - Calibel’s Mine

Moving on towards the second dungeon, this is going to be great for anywhere between level 12 and level 17. We want to locate the point of interest there at the top left, Cerrigar, it's sort of towards the top portion, if you travel from Kyovashad, go towards the North and then you'll want to locate the Marowen, then locate Calibel’s Mine. The reason why we are moving up towards the next dungeon is the other one is going to be way below our level, so we want to move up to something a little bit better, something that's going to give us not only more XP but probably a potential chance at legendaries. There’s the entrance, you could then always go inside instantly, go ahead and confront the large group of enemies. What's great about this dungeon specifically is that there is some great events that can go on, so you can stack up your points that way as well. But if it comes down to these group of enemies, you can stack up some good XP points as well. And once you have cleared out a good portion of the dungeon if not everything that's alive here, you can then head towards the back portion, complete the dungeon and then from there you will be rewarded with some XP items that are dropped as well that you can pick up. And then from there, just exit outside the dungeon and rinse and repeat what we've done previously in order to instantly restart the dungeon.

3. Best D4 S1 XP & Legendary Farm Glitch (Lvl 17-50) - Sarat’s Lair 

Last but not least, we have to talk about Sarat’s Lair which is a great dungeon for either level 17 to up to 50. The best part about this dungeon is that it's very comparable to Blind Burrows. You can gain a bit more XP by 20K to even 30K which can overall help you out in the end. The only negative to this dungeon is that it's not available for nightmares. But once you do reach level 50, you can then move on towards nightmare dungeons because of the extra XP, the legendaries and all that good stuff, they've even added some more stuff towards drop rates. So if you do participate in Nightmare dungeons, there is a higher chance now for legendaries. And there's a crap ton of enemies and this is why this dungeon is by far the best when it comes down to dungeon farming. 

If you have Blind Burrows as a nightmare dungeon, that's going to benefit you way more than just farming Sarat’s Lair by yourself on a normal dungeon, but overall this is great if you're just leveling up from level 17 to 50. So just reach the ending like we've always done and you're going to take out the boss, hopefully a legendary does pop up like so. And then from there, just exit outside the dungeon by assigning this to your emote wheel. Then from there, go straight to the menu, leave the game, join back by clicking start game when you're at the selection screen and then you can go back inside the dungeon and rinse and repeat. The best part about this is that you're going to be able to benefit quite a lot from the XP, you can use Blind Burrows, and this can be found towards the right side from Zarbinzet. Overall, the reason why we choose Sarat’s Lair is because first off it's close by, you can go inside this dungeon at a little level. Second off, there's quite a lot enemies and on top of that, you can acquire more XP than Blind Burrows. 

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