There are quite a few changes in patch 10.1.5, specifically to ranged classes, quite a few of them even out and they’re a net sort of positive in most instances. But it’s still definitely worthwhile making a tier list. As always, you should choose based on fun if you’re not enjoying the class or spec you are playing. To help you make an informed decision, we present the ranged DPS ranking tier list for Mythic+ for 10.1.5 Dragonflight, we detail changes made to each class in patch 10.1.5.
Read more: WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5 M+ Melee DPS Tier List & Ranking
WoW Dragonflight 10.1.5 M+ Ranged DPS Tier List & Ranking - Best Ranged DPS to Play in Mythic+ Dragonflight
Here’s the ranking of Dragonflight 10.1.5 M+ ranged DPS specs from S to D tier. S Tier is the best of the best specializations, we're seeing it played at the highest level, they have bring so much, whether that's utility, single target damage, AOE, whatever they have on toolkit, they are phenomenal. A is awesome, maybe a little bit weaker, whether that's funnel damage, single target damage, AOE doesn't bring quite the same toolkit as these other specializations, but very good still, seeing it a high level. B is really good overall, just maybe has some more clear weaknesses from these other to you whether that's survivability, single target damage AOE, but still very viable. C is meant needs probably some tuning to bring up these other levels something to change to make them more viable, but you can still play them. D needs a rework, something significant to change, fortunately no specializations are down here. So let's jump right into the Mythic+ ranged DPS ranking 10.1.5 patch!
Shadow Priest - S Tier
They belong in S tier, they are phenomenal, they are the best range DPS in the game. They're completing the highest keys, the highest level. They're doing great single target damage, great AOE, it's awesome, it’s really good in vortex and it’s also incredibly good in brackenhIde. They're probably the tankiest of the range specs , they are very useful to bring a majority of keys, you've got decent survivability, power infusion is still overpowered, they're very op and fun.
Fire Mage - S Tier
Fire is S tier for sure, it's another best ranged DPS to play in M+ Dragonflight 10.1.5. We do not think they're as good as Shadow Priest, Fire is getting flame strike, a baseline for the rework, they've got a new build involved around unleashed inferno instead of sun king's blessing, they got buffs to a lot of abilities, nurse to a couple kindling now causes crit strikes to reduce combustion CD. They are completing the highest keys at the moment right now, they were busted before the rework, they're going to be busted after, they're so freaking good.
Frost Mage - A Tier
Frost Mages struggle to keep up with other ranged DPS classes in Mythic+ Dragonflight due to lower overall damage output. Improved AoE capabilities and more consistent damage would benefit their performance. Frost 100% belongs in A tier, they're just doing phenomenal, they're bringing the same utility, but icy veins is becoming much more valuable.
Arcane Mage - B Tier
Put it in high B tier, they're going to be really good, but we don't think they're going to be as consistent as Fire or Frost overall. The rework add some benefit for Arcane for clear casting for AOEs, causes Arcane explosion to echo for 40% of damage, clear casting is baseline now, Arcane power is removed, there's a few other changes.
Balance Druid - A Tier
Balance Druid is definitely going to be the highest A tier, they're getting some more changes here too with 10.1.5, but they're really good beforehand, they're completing the highest keys. So what they bring in their toolkit which is a lot, they've got Mark of the Wild, you've got good survival viability between bear form swapping, bar skin off feeling, nature's vigil, you have stampeding war, you have AOE silence with solar beam, ursol's vortex for lockdown on mobs typhoon. They're completing some of the highest keys with that toolkit. Really good all around with DPS, they bring good single target and fantastic AOE, they really shine in high and higher content.
Devastation & Augmentation Evoker - A Tier
Devastation is right around the same level as Frost, but they are doing really good, zephyr is amazing, bloodlust is really good, great mobility, rescue AOE stun with deep breath, knock up and knock back. They're crazy, they're working on changing the difference between the targets with more health & low health because of giant killers, so they've reduced it by 20%, but buffed all their other abilities by 6.5 to make up for that, they're still going to be really good. It should be a very solid option, definitely staying in A tier and it plays very well with augmentation which is a big factor this season in Mythic+.
Augmentation is for sure going into A tier, this spec is no doubt going to be insane. It brings a unique playstyle to the game, with a focus on magical augmentation, versatile spellcasting, and resource management. Whether you seek to unleash devastating damage, control the battlefield, or support your team, the Augmentation Evoker offers exciting gameplay possibilities within the game's world.
Destruction Warlock - A Tier
The next 10.1.5 op ranged DPS spec in M+ is Destruction Warlock, put it in A tier. They're doing phenomenal, they're completing the highest keys in the game compared to the other specs, they're super tanky, they're not getting really any changes, but they're performing so well. They're fun to play, very good in AOE and single target.
Demonology Warlock - B Tier
Put Affliction in B tier, it's really good, it's got the same utility, it's really good for single target damage, it has good AOE, it might be good in certain Mythic+ dungeons and certain fights in the raid too. But they're adding new talents, they want there to be more casting shadow ball, they're lowering dreadstalkers performance and buffing a lot of other abilities to compensate for that, it should be great, they're going to be high B tier for sure.
Affliction Warlock - C Tier
They belong in C tier, they're one of the lowest performing DPS specs in the game. You're still bringing the same utility, but if you're bringing a DPS or Warlock, you're bringing Destro for sure or maybe even Demonology. They've got a new talent coming in 10.1.5 that buffs unstable Affliction they're redesigning dread touch to cause targets to take more damage from your dodge which seems really cool.
Beast Mastery Hunter - B Tier
BM Hunters should be in B tier, it's going to be right with Arcane, they bring good group utility, you've got misdirection, freeze trap, bloodlust, binding shots, sentinel, doing pretty good in single target and AOE. they're super squishy especially when you're pushing higher content. But the rotation is easy to pick up and fun to play, it's a solid choice if you're looking to go into the season.
Marksmanship Hunter - C Tier
Marksmanship on the other hand is going to be in low B or high C. It brings the same utility, but it's just not doing as well in single target or a AOE damage even compared to BM Hunter, but there's no way they're performing as well as these other specializations right now.
Elemental Shaman - A Tier
Elemental Shaman is doing so well, they're right around the same level as Frost or Augmentation Evoker around Destruction level. With their ability to deal heavy area damage and bring valuable utility through supportive totems, Elemental Shamans earn their place in the A-Tier. Their strong burst damage potential makes them a reliable choice for most group compositions.
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