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Diablo 4 New Post-Updated 1-100 Alt Speed Leveling Guide: How To Level Up Alt Characters

7/1/2023 10:37:00 AM

Here is our latest Diablo 4 guide on leveling, detailed for 1-100, including all the best methods to level up alt characters in each stages of progression, updated since the latest Blizzard NM Exp buff.


Alt Speed Leveling Guide

For new alts:

  • -Start with skip campaign selected.

  • -Get friend to help or find a speedrun helper to do both W3 & W4 capstone dungeons, W3=cathedral of light, W4=fallen temple.

  • -Then proceed to an exp farming spot, again get a friend to help or find helper runs to level 50, this should take less than 1 hour.

  • -Proceed to count leveling in exp dungeons via reset or join nightmare dungeons farming for Glyphs exp, having a friend to help or helper runs, goal is to get core Glyphs to LvL 15.

  • -In total this would cost 5m-10m gold or take 1-2 hours of our friend’s time.

  • -Remember to start looking for rares after W4 & keep good legendaries, we can also craft from the codex.

  • -Our goal is to be able to farm exp dungeons or nightmare dungeons after level 65+. Using rares we found during leveling or buying key cheap pieces for 1-2m gold on Discord, this way we can then solo/co-op farming for exp via resetting method, or even start to earn gold from selling runs using our alt.


NM Dungeon Leveling Guide

Get lvl 50+ so we can get Glyph exp too, with latest buff nightmare runs gives much better exp! It’s possible to reach lvl 100 in 1-2 days this way!

TOP 8 NM SpeedRun Glyph Tier List:

  • -Dark Ravine

  • -Serpent Lair

  • -Crusader’s Citadel

  • -Aldurwood

  • -Earth Wound

  • -Abandoned Mineworks

  • -Mulwood

  • -Blind Burrow


Conclave + Guulrahn Slums + Kor Dragon Barracks + Feral’s Den + Witchwater, those are for Ultra rare mob family farming, for helm, 1H & 2H swords, for most NM dungeon farming, it’s best to know what we wanted!

  • -Glyph exp= our TOP 8 NM.

  • -1.7m exp per run: character exp + glyph exp = just avoid black asylum, doing full clears=more Diablo 4 gold & more exp. Usually, it’s good to have 2-4 people split clearing, we were doing 2 split clear &2 person leveling at the same time!

  • -Just Exp= looking into our NM reset too. For maps you like or just blind burrows!

  • -Aiming for NM dungeon with mob level that is +3 than our current level for 25% bonus exp boost, best to no have mobs exceed +10 levels, for optimal exp, e.g. level 50, aim for tier 1-7 NM dungeons.

  • -Usually we farm tier 40-50 dungeons to help friends level, clearing T32+ dungeons for chance of 6x ultra rare drops too!


Final Tips

Having a mid game build ready for our alt class, one that is not unique depended & can function with crafted codexes is key. First 1 hour: clear 2 capstone &1 - 50, next 12-20 hours: level up to via resetting dungeons or nightmare runs.

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