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WoW Midsummer Fire Festival Guide 2023: Locations, Rewards, Achievements & Mount

6/22/2023 11:22:35 AM

On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, the Mid Summer Fire Festival begins on World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lick King and Dragonflight. The WoW Midsummer Fire Festival commemorates the summer solstice. In Western culture, the solstice also symbolizes the start of the summer season. In this Classic WoW Mid Summer Fire Festival guide 2023, we talk about the locations, rewards, achievements, and mount.

Wotlk & Dragonflight Mid Summer Fire Festival 2023: How To Complete All Achievements & Get Mount

It's everyone's first chance to get the Flame Warden and Flame Keeper achievement in WoW Classic. This achievement is required to get the Reins of the Violet Proto Drake which is a very rare 310% move speed mount. One of only a few mounts with this speed and it's also purple. There's only a limited time to take advantage of getting this Mount because the WOW Classic Mid Summer Fire Festival ends on Wednesday, July 5. If you don't get the achievement, you'll have to wait an entire year to get another chance at it. So this is your warning to get this achievement completed and in this WoW Mid Summer Fire Festival update guide, we're going to show you exactly how you can do that.


WoW Mid Summer Fire Festival Locations 2023

The event begins in any of the capital cities, where the major task givers can be found: Festival Loremaster and Master Flame Eater for the Alliance, and Festival Talespinner and Master Fire Eater for the Horde. Midsummer Supplier (Alliance) and Midsummer Merchant (Horde) are likewise found in capital cities.

WoW Mid Summer Fire Festival Achievements 2023

1. The Fire of Azeroth Mid & Desecration of the Hord/Alliance 

We need to complete the Fires of Azeroth and Desecration of the Horde slash Alliance achievements which involve honoring the fires of your faction across Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, and Outland, but also extinguishing the opposite faction fires in those same continents. As we go through the other achievements, keep in mind if there are any fires nearby, you should grab them on your way to the achievement. These fires are located either within the town or just outside of it in some cases like Booty Bay. To honor a fire, all you need to do is talk to the NPC and extinguish the fire. Then click on the fire itself and that will extinguish it.


2. Ice the Frost Lord

To complete this achievement, you and four of your friends will need to delve into the Slave Pens of Zangarmarsh and summon the Frost Lord, Ahune. Like many other holiday events, each player can summon an Ahune. 

-Once each day for a total of 5 chances for loot, once an Ahune is summoned, phase 1 begins. You'll need to watch out for ice spikes that appear on the ground and you're also going to want to be careful. Because the ground is going to be slippery and you can fall and get stunned for a few seconds and finally there will be ads that get summoned some non-elites and some elites you're going to want to take care of. You'll definitely want a tank and a healer for this experience. 

-Now after you defeat all of the ads, phase 2 will begin. You have a limited amount of time to burst the frozen core. So this is a great time to use all of your cooldowns, try to burst this down as fast as you can in order to one phase him. Now if you don't manage to destroy the frozen core within enough time, phase 1 is actually going to start up again. You're going to have the ad spawning and you basically just have to repeat kill all the ads and then you have another chance to finish off the frozen core. Do that successfully and Ahune will be slain. 

Now once a hoon is dead, you'll need to make sure to loot the big chest that just spawned and get these shards of an Ahune. Right-click on those shards and then the quest will begin. Turn that in right behind you and then the achievement is complete.


3. King of the Fire Festival

The next achievement for WOW Mid Summer Fire Festival 2023, which we recommend you go after is the King of the Fire Festival, which requires you to extinguish the fire inside each capital city of your opposing faction. This can be difficult on PVP servers and even PVE servers since it's hard to get to some of these without encountering guards. For Alliance, you'll need to go to Thunder Bluff, Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Silvermoon. For horde, it's Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, and Exodar. Just remember how these cities are connected, so that you don't have too much trouble getting around. For example, Undercity has a translocation device that can teleport you to Silvermoon, Thunder Bluff has that new Zeppelin which takes you to Orgrimmar. The same for Stormwind and Darnassus. There's a new boat and don't forget that the Ironforge tram can get you from Stormwind to Ironforge as well. Remember while you're in these capital cities, go outside of them to the starter zones and extinguish those fires too. It's a lot of traveling to do with this holiday, it's going to be very time-consuming going from town to town. Now each time you extinguish a capital city fire, you'll receive an item that starts a quest. After you get all four quest items, you will be able to turn them all in and a new quest will appear which is simple except in-turning quest rewarding you with actually a really cool-looking helmet. But more importantly, it completes this achievement.


4. Burning Hot Pole Dance

In order to complete this achievement, you'll need to purchase all of the Mid Summer Fire Festival set items. You'll need number one the Mantle of the Fire Festival which costs 100 blossoms, you need the Vestment of Summer which costs 100 blossoms, and the Sandals of Summer which cost 200 blossoms. That means you'll need a total of 400 blossoms in order to purchase the full set. At this point, if you haven't completed the Fires of Azeroth and Desecration of the Horde or Alliance, we would complete that in order to get your 400 blossoms. Now each fire you honor will give you 5 blossoms and each fire you extinguish will give you 10. So in total all of Kalimdor offers around 170 blossoms, the Eastern Kingdom offers around 180 and Outlands offers 105 which totals over the 400 blossoms you need to purchase the full set. Now once you've got that set equipped, go to a poll and get dancing. After 60 seconds, this achievement is complete.


WoW Mid Summer Fire Festival Mount 2023

The final achievement for this WoW Classic Mid Summer, Torch Juggler for this achievement, you'll need 10 torches. Go to a capital city, do the juggling quest which will reward you with 5 torches, then go purchase 5 more torches for 5 blossoms each which is a total cost of 25 blossoms. Then go to Dalaran and set the items as an easy-to-use hotkey. Basically, spam use them where your character is standing, do this over and over until you've caught 40 torches and then this achievement is complete.


Once you complete this final achievement, that's it. You successfully completed the Flame Warden or Flame Keeper achievement and you should check your mail. If you've been following along, this was the last achievement for the Violet Proto Drake, a great reward to celebrate Mid Summer Fire event on WoW Classic.

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