Crafting Omniscience amethyst attribute rings in Path of Exile 3.21 can be a challenging process, as the Omniscience base item is rare and expensive. However, if you just want to craft attribute amethyst rings for your omni build, here are some budget-friendly methods that you can use in 3.21.
POE 3.21 How to Craft Attribute Amethyst Rings for Omni Build - Fastest Ways to Get Attribute Amethyst Rings
We discuss how to craft an Omniscience Amethyst ring with high attributes to sell for a profit or use in your own build.
Get a Fractured Base: We're looking for a fractured amethyst ring with either strength, dex or into tier 2 or higher. Tier 1 fractures are typically very expensive, so tier 2 will be okay. Havoc Grip Amethyst Ring was 1 divine from trade and will work nicely.
Fixing the Basics: Start by scouring the ring back down to Magic, then applying 10 intrinsic catalysts for 20% quality to attributes. Next using Blessed Orb s, max roll the implicit to 23%.
Essence Rolling: Next we can begin rolling with Essences, we're using deafening Essences of spite to force on T1 intelligence. Our goal is to hit all 3 attributes at high tiers. We currently already have dexterity fractured, so that can't be removed. The essence is crafting on tier 1 intelligence, so that's two out of three each time we craft. So we're only looking for a high tier strength role for our suffixes to be complete.
Yolo Annul : We do however have no open prefixes, all 6 slots are full and we need an open prefix to move on. So we have to Yolo Annul and hope we hit a prefix. If you remove the strength or int, you have to go back to essences.
Beastcraft: Next we must craft suffixes cannot be changed, this can either be done at the crafting bench for 2 divines or you can use a wild bristle matron beast for only 1 divine. With suffixes locked, we can move on to the next step.
Veiled Chaos: Next, you want to unveil life as a prefix, with suffixes locked, we can use a veiled Chaos Orb to add a veiled prefix. Then, using the crafting bench at a low tier monocraft. We're going to use this as a block before unveiling. Then unveil with Jun, this step ensures that our ring obtains the desired life roll as a prefix.
Bench Craft: Replace the benchcraft with non-channeling skills have -7 to mana cost. This is an unveiled mod that provides a powerful attribute to the ring. If you don't have this mod unlocked yet, don't worry. You can leave the ring as is or seek to unlock the mod through additional crafting methods.
Price Check: And that's the ring finished, it still has one open prefix if the buyer wants to exalt slam it, but we'll leave it as it is for now. We can do a rough price check, keep in mind the exact values on the attributes do make a big difference. Somewhere between 8 and 10 divines, not bad at all. Our total cost to craft was a little under 4 divines including the base essences and wild bristle matron.
This doesn’t cost much if you get fractured suffix because it's pretty easy to hit double T1 attribute, around 2d and you're good to go.
Tip: If you want a high end 3x attributes, you must get fractued T1 attribute on it and start spamming essence, if you are not starting with fractued T1 attribute, not worth it because you have to use Fundamental + Sanctified which are used for mirror-tier crafting.
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