One of the questions that most players ask about was how do you find the boss, the butcher and the Goblin in Diablo IV? Is there anything specific you need to do? Do you have to go to a certain dungeon or anything like that? In this Diablo 4 Butcher and Globlin farming guide, we talk about the locations, rewards, and tips to spawn and beat them.
Diablo 4 Butcher & Goblin Farming Guide: Locations, Drops, Tips To Spawn & Kill Them
In Diablo 4, Butcher and Goblin have a higher chance of drops on legendary loot. Khanduras was attacked twice by the Butcher, a notorious monster. The Butcher, a fat and hideous monster, was a vicious person who took pleasure in the suffering of others. It was also masochistic; the pain it inflicted on itself resulted in injured hands. It constantly sought new sources of uncooked meat. Today, we are showing you the best way to farm Butcher and goblin in Diablo 4!
Diablo 4 Butcher & Goblin Locations
The Goblin and Butcher seem to have a chance of spawning in any dungeon even in the same dungeon at the same time. Butcher seems to be a stalker-type character like in Warframe where if you kill too many bosses, you are hunted down for your crimes. Not sure it has the same logic in Diablo 4 meaning that if you kill too many others he will spawn. But in three out of four cases he spawned when killing elites. Apparently, you are supposed to hear a chain noise when he spawns, and if he manages to kill you a few times, he just respawns which is the same as the stalker in Warframe.
Diablo 4 Butcher’s Drop
Butcher’s Cleaver
Diablo 4 Goblin’s Drop
Barding of Mount Arreat
How To Spawn Butcher & Goblin In Diablo 4
Your best chance to spawn him is to run as many dungeons as possible. Try doing dungeons with the highest density of Elites and the most linear dungeon you can find. You might want to try a dungeon like Forbidden City, he seems to spawn like 1 in 15 runs and the Goblin spawns twice in the same amount of time. Nothing is confirmed though. They both might have the same spawn rate but they both can spawn in the same dungeon. The Goblin can spawn everywhere even on the world map while the Butcher doesn't spawn on the world map. You can reset the dungeon by going to the map and in the right menu, you have the option to reset the dungeon. If you don't see the option you can press the button to see the world map for PC that's the two keys. You can reset even from inside the dungeon and it will teleport you to the entrance.
Diablo 4 Butcher Farming Tips
The difficulty that you choose in this game doesn’t change the odds of the butcher actually showing up in the dungeon that you’re farming. It makes no impact whatsoever, so you could be playing at the highest difficulty in the game or the lowest. He can be a very difficult boss to beat depending on the class that you’ve chosen. It takes a powerful character with high stat armour and weapons to take against The Butcher in Diablo 4. At least in the beta, the Butcher is a level 25 adversary; to defeat him, you'll need to be at your maximum level in Diablo 4.
Even so, The Butcher is a formidable opponent who will put your skills to the test. Remember that The Butcher has sluggish attacks, so you'll need to be nimble to avoid his strikes while doing maximum damage. It may be easier for characters with longer range, like the Sorcerer or Rogue, to defeat The Butcher in Diablo 4, but all classes are more than up to the challenge. Join a multiplayer group if you need more help against The Butcher.
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