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Dragonflight 10.1 M+ Melee Tier List - Best Melee DPS Ranking In Dragonflight Season 2

5/11/2023 10:36:06 AM

After countless hours days even weeks of research, we'll now be doing an extremely serious 1 000% fact-based and probably the best Dragonflight 10.1 M+ melee DPS tier list all around, presenting the best and worst melee in season 2.


WoW Dragonflight Season 2 Best M+ DPS - Dragonflight 10.1 Melee DPS Tier List 

Now, let's dive into our Dragonflight 10.1 melee ranking for season 2. So starting off with the F tier means unplayable, never pick. Moving on to slightly brighter times, we jump all the way up to the B tier which means the melee specs perform well in most content. Then, we will talk about A tier melees for Dragonflight Season 2, they’re super swag and will attract FOTM rerolls. Then finally, we will arrive at the coveted S rank where melee specs have godlike powers, instant rank 1 in all content. 


F Tier

The worst of the worst and this is due to only ever actually being brought because of a minor raid buff and never because of how good they actually are. Performance be damned and this time around it's worse than ever. They actually have to spend one of their hard-earned talent points to do so. Imagine leveling to max level and you have to use it on the raid, we’re of course talking about Enhancement Shamans. Enhancement mains will be forced against their will to spec and to win Fury totem even in a full caster group on the off chance that the Warlock has to melee a mob. They're also expected to use their utility appropriately and often. They're also hard-capped at six targets on AOE which of course means they can't possibly deal any meaningful AOE damage at all. So it's easy to see why we would place these in the F tier on this Dragonflight 10.1 melee tier list.


B Tier

This is a melee spec that brings a ton of utility and control to any group they're inconsistent bursty short cooldown damage and high mobility, extremely fast-paced playstyle, and fun rotation. However, it is extremely punishing if you mess it up and it is easy to do so. Most of their builds also require you to buy two extra MMO mouses and a second keyboard to fit all the key binds whilst growing 8 extra fingers per hand which for some players might be a bit off-putting. They're also very reliant on uptime and being able to always slap something. So having to do mechanics is something that's very punishing for this class specifically, absolutely no other class. All other specs should do mechanics just not this one. We're of course talking about the Enhancement Shaman. A very strong contender in 10.1 if you're looking for something that will be mostly fine in all content.


A Tier

No beyonder we have yet another spec with a very strong toolkit wide array of control tools most of which are highly sought after for Mythic Plus. They can tailor their damage profile or style to almost every type of encounter that need AOE, get some AOE, needs strong two to three targets cleave, go get it. They're extremely versatile, sadly capped AOE at around five to six targets but lose very little when you swap between a single target or six targets. Also, they are a bit squishy to be fair. With the possibility of playing both a one but no brain build as well as a button-bloated big brain build, we are of course talking about Enhancement Shamans. They're very strong much lightning.


S Tier

The only best and brightest of build with god-like powers. Ever dare to tread. Being able to dish out absurd amounts of burst damage consistently that melts most packs within mere seconds, sometimes just by looking at them. They bring buffs and strong raid party-wide cooldowns as well as more utility than you will ever need making them an absolute beast in dungeons. But they're also able to tailor their output and damage profile to almost any situation that might arise. They're even able to bring themselves back from the dead. Because mechanics are optional when you play this as long as it only happens every few minutes. Now these Thunder gods are mostly capped at six targets but don't let that fool you. They have access to more uncapped AOE with stronger single targets than ever before and they have burst damage up for every single pack in a dungeon. While another class might win on that one omega pepega pull, this spec catches up on everything else, non-stop bringing the pain and we’re of course talking about Enhancement Shamans. However, if we want to look beyond s tier, there's really only Warlock. 

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