We go over the Top 5 Meta Crucible Builds and why the meta has slightly shifted. There is no surprise which build is #1. Did the meta shift? Seismic trap and spark have been nerfed enough so players do not want to pick it up again, saboteur rework has nerfed the representation of the Ascendancy as the Trap/Mine Nodes have been gutted.
TOP 5: Tornado Shot
80% Deadeye and 17% Pathfinder (Poison Tornado Shot).
Pathfinder Variant is for Magic Finding.
Received Massive Buffs due to the tree providing +2 Projectiles.
Always grows more popular as league progresses since it is a beloved skill with infinite endgame scaling potential.
Scales with additional arrows, flat Ele/Phys Damage, Crit Chance, and Attack Speed.
Only 20% are doing Phys Conversion w/Hatred as getting a good Phys bow is difficult at league start.
Will it outscale Lightning Arrow for mapping?
Tornado shot is the number fifth build, and tornado shot's kind of a surprising one, you don't really see tornado shot this high up this early on especially at week one, now eighty percent of the players are playing Deadeye, and 17 are actually playing Pathfinder there is a hot tornado shot poison built by snub, it is a magic find build it is not bait like the previous one that people follow back in we don't know which league, but the Pathfinder very is predominantly for magic finding, and this build or tornado shot in general received massive Buffs in terms of when you can actually start the skill, because we gained two projectiles on the tree, now tornado shot is always a skill that grows more and more popular as the league goes on, and we can kind of see this if we go to sanctumly, we go to sync, we're pretty sure tornado shot ended up as one of the most popular skills, but day one or even week one, we will see that tornado shot is nowhere to be found, and it is way down at two percent, but you'll see by the end of The League tornado shot is already one of the most popular skills, so we can see the Resurgence of tornado shot earlier than before, and that's pretty much because of the plus two projectiles on the tree, now this builds scales of additional arrows because it allows you to shotgun easier and your scales with flat alley and Fizz damage so the more damage you have on your bow the bigger of a difference, it's going to be, it'll encrypt multi crit chance and attack speed, now only 20 of people playing tornado shot currently are running the hatred Aura, and this is important, because there's two different ways to play Tornado shot, you can either use a physical bow or an elemental bow, but getting a physical bow is very difficult at League start because it requires a much harder craft than usual, now later on we do think that fizz conversion especially when The Crucible mods allow like a 1 000 physical DPS bow to be made, we do think that tornado shot will actually get more and more popular now the biggest question remains is will it outscale lightning arrow for mapping, now lighting arrow is another bow build that we'll find in top 5 that will mention that has Superior clear, but it doesn't have as good of a single Target.
TOP 4: Toxic Rain
Started off as the most popular league starter due to great guides by Palsteron and Zizaran.
Many people intrigued due to Pathfinder buffs.
Can be played with Ballista Totems or Self Cast Playstyle.
Totem playstyle relies on Wilma’s Requital, scaling both cast and attack speed.
Not the fastest mapping build but requires little gear to get off the ground.
Scales off Gem Levels, Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier, and Clusters.
Next up for number four, we have toxic rain, now toxic rain has been almost like a league starter in the sense that it's always up there, every single time in the past is what do we want to play toxic rain or Essence drain, those are two of the Mainstay builds that have been around forever, this time around I do think that the main reason why it's so high up is because of the great League star guides by Palsteron and zizaran, and Palsteron is more about the ballista totems while zizaran is more about self-casting it, the main reason also is because Pathfinder got pretty substantial Buffs or changes and these reworks, definitely drives people to play the new skill or not new skill but a new way of peeling the skill with the new ascendancy nodes, there are two ways of playing it one is with ballista totems another one is a self-cast play style, and a total playstyle is more popular in soft core trade, but it relies on this item called Wilma's requital, and this thing allows you to scale both your cast speed, and attack speed and make it into what's it called make it into attack speed so if we actually go look right here on toxic Rain, we'll see 60 of people are using this item, and this is a Helm that also gives you ancestral bond an ancestral Bond makes it, so you don't do damage yourself and own your totem'll do damage and we think you get one additional totem, so here it says increases and reductions to cast speed also apply to attack speed, so this is one way of playing it at this point you're fully relying on your totems, and this build can easily do all the Ubers, we think it gets to the dot cap relatively easily, it's not exactly the fastest mapping build as you can see from this footage here, it does require a little bit of a delay in damage because there's a damage over time build, and when you played a total variant, there's a double delay where you have to put down the totems and then your totem has to do the damage and then the damage is dealt over time, so that's why we do think a lot of people swap off toxic rain especially if they want to play a bow build with more instantaneous damage on Deadeye because all they have to do is change the ascendancy, now this build does scale off gem levels, chaos damage over time multiplier, and clusters are one of the best ways of scaling damage and is definitely one of the best ways for especially damage over time builds.
TOP 3: Boneshatter
68% Juggernaut and 31% Slayer.
Only Melee Build in the top 5.
Quintessential league start build as it requires no gear besides a well-rolled 2H axe/mace to finish your atlas.
Gem provides great AoE and base damage/attack speed scaling with Trauma.
Great mapper but bossing is heavily reliant on using Totems.
Scales with 2H weapon damage, precise Technique, and Totem Buff Effect.
One of the tankiest builds in the game.
Boneshatter has been around for a while, but this is the first time we have seen boneshatter really pop up in software trade as such a predominant build at least this popular, this far into the league usually bone shatter is not really that played, and for bone Shadow we have 68 Juggernaut and 31 Slayer, and the biggest difference is that Slayer is more quality of life it feels better to play as bigger strike range as more AOE while Juggernaut is just this tanky unkillable beast, and it is truly extraordinarily hard to kill character now this is the only melee build in the top five, and it does show you that maybe more people are willing to play melee if GGG creates more viable melee skills, the reason why bone shatter is so viable is because it has great AOE scaling build in, and it also has really high base damage, and it has great attack speed scaling with trauma and trauma is how boneshatter functions every time you hit yourself or you hit the target you hit yourself and you gain a trauma stack that Stacks, we think infinitely and gives you more attack speed, so the mechanics of the skill are what makes it so popular, this build is a great mapper however, it is a little bit reliant on using totems for bossing, and it's never really gonna beat out the mapping builds with like range builds like bow builds, however, it is a great League starter because of its gear requirement all you really need to scale is your two-hand weapon damage you grab precise technique, so you need to get some accuracy and then you get the totem buff effect with Penn Opticon, and lastly you can also scale impale, and it is ends up being one of the tankiest builds in the game, especially when you're on on Juggernaut and you can kill all the Uber bosses on it, it'll take a little bit of time per boss, because you can pretty much AFK it the whole time.
TOP 2: Lightning Arrow
77% Deadeye and 14% Raider.
Received a new Vaal Skill in Vaal Lightning Arrow, which is extremely underwhelming.
Vengeant Cascade ended up being the biggest game changer, effectively doubling your clear and single target damage.
46% of players are using Kaom’s Spirit for Rage Generation for Berserk.
Crucible allows for Elemental Bows to reach over 2000eDPS and Phys bows to reach over 1000pDPS.
Build scales off of Flat Elemental Damage, Attack Speed, Crit Chance, Crit Multi.
Single Target is carried by Artillery Ballista Totem.
Lightning Arrow was the most popular skill at the start of the league and has fallen to number two, now 77 percent of players are playing Dead Eye and 14 are Raider, now a lot of people play Raider are following rimrose, we think artillery ballista guide, and then the people who play dead eye is a little bit different playstyle or it's not really a different playstyles, the same thing you still use artillery ballista on both setups, it's just Raider has a much better smoother early game curve of easier access to ailment immunity spell suppression and also phasing, and then Deadeye has a lot of stuff that you can't really get on a tree you can't really get 20 tailwind, and then there's also far shot there's also focal point and then there's also built-in chains so Deadeye does end up being the better late game ascendancy for lightning Arrow, lightning Arrow a lot of people try to pick up because they finally got a ball skill, however, Vol lightning arrow is a piece of trash, it is extremely underwhelming the only real use case for it is when you have really bad gear, and it does carry you a little bit on Boss damage, but in a lot of scenarios, we don't even think it's worth using lightning ball lighting arrow if you have another ball skill as it just steals charges yeah the biggest change with this build is that Vengeant Cascade is completely busted if your skill can take advantage of it, and it effectively doubles your damage on both clear and single Target, Now 46 percent of players are using comb Spears for rage regeneration for berserk, we do think that's one of the bigger texts this time around is people finally figuring out how good a berserk is and how well it feels to play especially on a building that lacks attack speed and relies on a Spam relies on just running around map having a more movement speed multiplier, Crucible allows for absolutely insane bows to be made if you look at mine, it has tons of flat damage increase of effective non-damaging ailments attack speed, increased explicit Elemental damage modifiers and also 16 double damage and this bow is 1400 Elemental DPS, so it really goes to show you there is a ton of power creep, especially for attack based builds in Crucible League, now the single Target is carried by artillery ballista totems you can also use technically ballista total with barrage, there's a lot of different ways, but totems like with so many scales carried a single target for the build, but overall, lightning arrow is a great build from start to finish, and that's why so many people are able to try it out and also take it into the end game.
TOP 1: Righteous Fire
88% Juggernaut and 9% Inquisitor.
Carried off the genius of Pohx’s amazing guide.
Great, simple playstyle for beginners while being extremely tacky.
Takes advantage of Legacy of Fury for great AoE clear and Immortal Flesh or easy life regeneration.
Tankiness can be solved with Saffell’s and Brass Dome.
Scales off Gem Levels (Fire), Fire Damage over time Multiplier, and Clusters.
It's always going to be righteous Fire, every single league is righteous Fire, and it is just what it is right 88 of the people are playing Juggernaut nine percent are Inquisitor, without a doubt that most people are probably playing Juggernaut because pox suggested it, now this build is pretty much carried off the genius of pohx's amazing guide and how well the resource is for beginning players, it's a great simple play style for beginners while being extremely tanky not tacky, we mistyped that it takes advantage of Legacy Fury which is the maven boots and it spreads like the ignite or something for great AOE clear it uses a moral flash early game, for Easy Life regeneration, we think you get around 400 life regeneration which helps you put on righteous Fire really easily, and then the taking this is solved with using sapphos, it gives you Max res, it gives you spell block and then since you're a juggernaut, you already have so much armor, especially if you use brass Dome with that one, note on Juggernaut that doubles your armor, you are an immortal tank to put it simply, now this build scales off of gem levels, especially fire damage over time multiplier and clusters, and this is another dot build, you'll see that the dot builds scale very well with clusters, and what are the best ways to really like see exactly how you can get damage out, and this is not the necessary copy the build is to just go here sort it by DPS, and then look at what the people are doing differently, so you can usually take a little bit of a snapshot, see what each one of these people are doing differently you'll see without that everyone is using a two large cluster and four medium cluster setup except this guy, but number one bill great guide, easy, and tanky play style, and also it can do to Ubers if you invest in enough into it.
Final Tips for Getting More POE Currency
Popularity of League Starters is dicated by content and quality of guides.
This patch ended up being a bow league with 2 of the top 5 builds being a bow build.
Seismic trap, explosive arrow, and spark end up being the biggest losers due to nerfs or similar alternative builds.
Crucible league has been great for retention, putting it on par with sentinel and Sanctum.
Base game is amazing, so players can overlook subpar league mechanic.
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