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How to Obtain Zul'Gurub Transmogs & Recipes in Dragonflight 10.0.7 - Unlock Removed Zul'Gurub Transmogs

3/24/2023 2:49:52 PM

In patch 10.0.7, Blizzard is bringing back some removed items from Zul’Gurub including some of the old Transmog rewards, the class sets and the profession recipes from the Zandalar Tribe from Vanilla. So all of this was encrypted on the PTR, but finally with the launch of 10.0.7, we know how it all works. In this guide, we go through everything about the Zul'Gurub and new Transmog appearances, how to obtain Zul'Gurub Transmogs in WoW Dragonflight 10.0.7, and how to make gold with Zul'Gurub Transmog recipes on patch 10.0.7.

Related Read: Fastest & Easiest Dragonflight 10.0.7 Gear Guide

How to Obtain Zul’Gurub Transmogs in WoW Dragonflight 10.0.7?

Here’s how Zul'Gurub works in WoW Dragonflight and how to unlock Zul'Gurub crafting in patch 10.0.7

- The only prerequisite for this is to be a level 70 character. 

- Once you have your level 70 character, head over to Zul'Gurub in Stranglethorn Vale and go inside the instance. What you want to do here is head to the center of the dungeon where the last boss is. 

- Below the pyramid is a room full of ghosts, in this room by the gong there'll be a new item on the floor to pick up, the Shattered Hakkari Bijou, and this is one of two parts that you're going to need. 

- What you need to do after that is kill at least 2 bosses in the dungeon, killing 2 bosses will unlock the last boss. Once you get to the last boss, engage the last boss. 

- Get into the second phase, the Spirit Realm phase, and head back to the exact same position you found the Shattered Hakkari Bijou. In this Spirit Realm, you will find another item which is the Fragmented Hakkari Bijou. You can either kill the boss here or reset it or do whatever you want.

- Combine these two items which will give you a brand new item called Restored Hakkari Bijou. 

- With Restored Hakkari Bijou, this will start a brand new quest, this quest is to find somebody interested in the Hakkari Bijou. What's really cool about this is that Blizzard don't put on the map where you have to go for this, so it is a little bit of a mystery, it's in Dazar'alor. Just go to the Dazar'alor.

- So you go down to the southern area of the Dazar'alor, there are some Zandalar NPCs down there. Speak to the guy down the Rin’wosho the Trader, that'll complete the quest and give you a brand new achievement called Relics of the Fallen Empire. So this is an account wide unlock, you only have to do this on one character and this will unlock the whole system on your account. 

- Once this is all unlocked, you can head back into Zul'Gurub and this is where the farming really begins.

- With that achievement unlocked, bosses in Zul'Gurub will now start dropping items which they didn't before including different color Bijous (Blue, Bronze, Gold, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Silver, Yellow) and ancient patterns which can be used with your classic crafting to craft some of the old transmogs from Zul'Gurub. Also inside the dungeon, all of the troll NPCs, even the villagers and workers and stuff will now be dropping a different Zandalar type coins.

- Once you have allBijous and coins and things like that from all the bosses and NPCs, you can head back to the entrance of Zul'Gurub and you'll notice a brand new NPC will be there and that is Rin’wosho the Trader. He is now offering Zandalar Tribe patterns from the reputation, there's no reputation required anymore, you could just purchase these for different Bijous and Zandalar Bargaining Tokens.

- The way to get Zandalar Bargaining Tokens is to combine the different types of coins. There are 9 different coins and different combinations will unlock a repeatable quest from Rin’wosho and that will give you the Zandalar Bargaining Token. 

On top of the profession recipes, you also have some brand new Zul'Gurub Transmog ensembles for the different classes. 

ZG Profession Recipes


  • Gurubashi Mojo Madness 


  • Gurubashi Carver  

  • Gurubashi Crusher  

  • Gurubashi Grinder  

  • Gurubashi Headplate  

  • Gurubashi Hexxer  

  • Gurubashi Poker  

  • Gurubashi Slicer  

  • Pitchfork of Mojo Madness  

  • Sceptre of Hexing  

  • Venomfang  

  • Venomreaver  

  • Warblades of the Hakkari, 


  • Gurubashi Ceremonial Staff  

  • Gurubashi Hoodoo Stick  

  • Judgment of the Gurubashi  


  • Animist's Footwraps  

  • Animist's Legguards  

  • Cord of Shriveled Heads  

  • Gloves of the Tormentor  

  • Gurubashi's Grasp  

  • Junglefury Gauntlets  

  • Junglefury Leggings  


  • Bloodlord's Embrace  

  • Gurubashi Headdress  

  • Gurubashi Tigerhide Cloak  

  • Ritualistic Legwarmers  

Zul'Gurub Transmog 

  • Blooddrenched Leather  

  • Bloodsoaked Plate 

  • Bloodstained Mail 

  • Bloodtinged Cloth  

  • Cloudburst Regalia 

  • Cyclonic Battlegear 

  • Dust Devil Armor  

  • Firestorm Armor  

  • Zandalar Augur 

  • Zandalar Confessor  

  • Zandalar Demoniac 

  • Zandalar Freethinker 

  • Zandalar Haruspec  

  • Zandalar Illusionist  

  • Zandalar Madcap  

  • Zandalar Predator  

  • Zandalar Vindicator 

The best thing about this is that it is all account wide, all of the Bijous can be traded, all of the coins can be sold on the auction house and traded, you can just get all army to go into the raid and just kill everything you can.

How to Make Gold With Zul’Gurub Transmos in Dragonflight

Level 70 is required to unlock Zul'Gurub, however, once it's unlocked, you can do it on any character, any level. Any character that can solo Zul'Gurub will be able to farm Bijous and coins and all that kind of stuff over there. 

As mentioned, ancient patterns are now dropping from bosses in Zul'Gurub once you have that all unlocked. Now the ancient patterns are mostly just appearances from the old boss drops from the vanilla version of the raid. There are some new appearances though, there is a kind of green version of the hellreaver polearm from ramparts, so there are some new appearances in there as well. But the majority of these are just appearances from the original Zul'Gurub in vanilla and can be sold on the auction house once created. Some of the requirements to create these need things like massive mojo or primal tiger leather, what Blizzard have done is added massive mojo and powerful mojo back into Zul’Gurub, so you can get that while farming. And also primal leather and primal bat leather is can now be skinned from new NPCs inside Zul’Gurub, the ancient bats and ancient tigers and you'll see them sprouted around. So all the materials are still obtainable, and the ancient patterns just have a very low drop chance to drop from bosses or you can purchase them on the auction house. So definitely some gold to be done there.

Bonus Tips

Finishing for Unobtainable Items

Now if you've killed everything in the dungeon, all the bosses, all the NPCs, everything, and you're kind of stuck with what to do, you could do it on and all and trade it all over or you can begin fishing. Basically what you want to do is head to the Gahz'ranka's original spot. Just keep fishing and you'll fish up different coins, you’ll fish up a Gurubashi Cache which will also give you an achievement. And you could also have a chance of fishing up like different Bijous and things like that. So basically fishing is going to be your last option.

Obtaining Ancient Patterns

Once you unlock the secrets of Zul'Gurub in patch 10.0.7, you will be able to collect a new toy, the Brazier of Madness. For this, you just want to head over to the Cache of Madness Boss event. This is a new toy you can use for alchemist to create some of the recipes from the ancient patterns. 

So what you think of these new items coming back Zul'Gurub? What are the raids and items and transmogs would you like to see come back in the future?

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