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Wotlk Classic Phase 3 Release Date & Preparation: Epic Gems, Raids, Loots, Events & More Items

3/8/2023 11:55:31 AM

Now that we're well into phase 2 of Wrath of the Lich Classic and if you want to take a look forward as to what will be coming up in phase 3, so today we'll be checking out WOTLK Classic phase 3 release date, and what's new what to expect and a few things you may want to consider preparing.


Wotlk Classic Phase 3 Release Date & Preparation - New Raids, Bosses, Rewards,  Events, Dungeons, Epic Gems & Items In Wotlk P3

WotLK Classic is rapidly entering phase 3, which will provide welcome relief from Ulduar's challenges. WotLK Classic is like Classic and TBC Classic before it, divided into phases. With each phase marking a major update to Wrath of the Lich King. We should expect WotLK Classic stages based on the patch history of the game, as well as basic item-level growth. Based on the current trajectory and the original launch timetable, the WoW Classic WotLK phase 3 release date is predicted in mid to late April. In this WOTLK Classic phase 3 guide, you will know the release date, epic gems, bosses, loots, events, dungeons, and items!

Read more: WOTLK Phase 3 DPS Tier List

Wotlk Classic Phase 3 Epic Gems

One of the biggest points which are always mentioned in the following phase of Wrath Classic is the inclusion of epic gems, and there's a bit more to talk about here than you would think. Following is the assuming epic gems do come into the game at the start of phase 3 Classic Wotlk if it works as it did back in the day. But the blue gems would just put on emblem vendors a few weeks ago, kind of out of nowhere, and there are also a ton of ways to get epic gems in Wrath phase 3 update.

1. Cardinal Ruby (Red)

2. King’s Amber (Yellow)

3. Majestic Zircon (Blue)

4. Dreadstone (Purple)

5. Ametrine (Orange)

6. Eye of Zul (Green)


How To Get Epic Items In Phase 3

In a quick throwback to TBC in that version of Wow, epic gems also came out alongside phase 3 but were only obtainable inside Black Temple or Mount Hydra from Mob drops or mining. This meant their supply was really limited and they were super expensive, especially the red gems. In Phase 5 when your server was progressing, the Isle of Quel'Danas daily, eventually a gem vendor opened and you could buy gems for emblems, and their price came down very fast.

- Vendors

Just keep that in mind, because in Wrath you can get epic gems by buying them for 10K honor from vendors in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. You'll be able to farm honor points in advance for this and you could even pick up 5 Commendations of Bravery, and 4500 arena points from the Arena Vendors in Dalaran to bank 10K honor at a time. They do only stack up to 5 though. Also, you can turn in excess Wintergrasp Marks of Honor for Wintergrasp Commendations. These are also account bound. So if you have a few marks across a number of characters not doing anything, you can turn them into this and then trade them all onto one character and buy some gems.


- Emblems

Next, you can get gems through emblems, you'll likely have to downgrade some of your emblems to do this which is available at an NPC in Dalaran Sewer. You'll be able to buy them at your usual faction-specific emblem vendors in Dalaran or in the jewel crafter profession shop. The single-color gems such as red, blue, and so on are 20 each. The multi-color gems are orange, and purple, all of which are 10 each. Even if you have alts that you haven't played much, they might have some emblems lying around that you're not going to use otherwise. Quests even gave emblems in Wrath Classic, so give your alts a check.


- Titanium

The third option is prospecting titanium. This can be done with about 450 dual crafting and had a supposed 4 chances to contain epic gems, amongst other things such as titanium powder. At the launch of Wrath, you could actually prospect titanium until it was hot-fixed out. So there'll be a few of you out there who already have some powder. In WOW WOTLK phase 3, you can turn in 10 powders for a Dalaran Jewelers token repeatedly. You will want some of these tokens if you don't already have a bunch because the new epic gem patterns cost each. A lot of people are sitting on a lot of titanium at the moment, as its value was expected to go up at the start of Wrath phase 3. In fact, it seemed to be like the big flip item for Wrath.


- Transmutation

There's even a fourth way to get epic gems and that's through Transmutation. If you're an Alchemist of 450 skill, you'll be able to pick up a quest in the Alchemy Shop in Dalaran just called Cardinal Ruby. This wants you to do any other 5 epic gem transmutations and then you gain access to transmuting red gems. Epic gem transmutes in Wrath should be a combination of a rare gem and an eternal. These transmute should be on a 20-hour cooldown. Whether you PVP or PVE craft, play the auction house, and everyone gets access to epic gems one way or another again.


Assuming all these various ways are out to get them at the same time, there's no way they are super expensive for very long. It's not like in TBC where they were gate kept by raid content and even in TBC, prices came down after gems got put on a vendor and we have two additional ways to get epic gems on top of that in Wrath. On the other hand, Ulduar has gear that has a ton of gem sockets, and redeeming that the first time around is not going to be cheap. The best thing you can do is buy them through emblems, and sort out a few alts for transmutes. As you can max out your crafting without having to be a level 80. After that, you'll need to port them to Dalaran to get the quest when it's out and gradually sorts out which gems you need over time. Also, don't forget to pick up the transmutation master if you're going to do this, you want to get those procs.


Preparations With Epic Gems

1. If you're very Min Max, it's possible your best profession changes from Jewel crafting to blacksmithing with epic gems. Now being out at 400 blacksmithing, you can add an extra socket to your bracelets and gloves. It goes without saying that, blacksmithing is already expensive to level because it shares materials with engineering, which more or less everyone has in this expansion. This must be a tiny upgrade, even if it applies to your class in spec at all.

2. Now that epic gems are out, you'll be able to craft a Jeeves, this needs 450 engineering, he also serves as a bank for people at maxed engineering. But for everyone else, it's just a reusable repair bar, really. The schematic can be kind of annoying to get, though since it's a random world drop for mechanical units. Just about everything on epic gems.


Wotlk Classic Phase 3 Raids & Bosses

1. Trial of the Crusader

There's going to be the next raid tier in phase 3 Wow WOTLK which people either seem to really tolerate or really not like, Trial of the Crusader. On one hand, it's got no trash to deal with pretty fast. Once you get to terms with the bosses and some of the fights are really fun like twins or a new Barak. On the other hand, it's being in the same room, the whole raid night, and having to deal with the attempt system and faction champions. The attempt system is only used in Trial of the Crusader and Icecrown Citadel on the brand new heroic difficulty. So you start with 50 attempts each week. Every time you wipe, it removes one from the counter. If you hit zero, all remaining bosses despawn for the week.


Trial of the Crusader Loots

There are also extra rewards and achievements tied into this system, such as getting through Trial of the Grand Crusader with no wipes and even with nobody dying, so make those attempts count. Also, at this point, we don't know whether blizzard intends to modify Trial of the Crusader in any way. In Ulduar, the buff is pretty significant, so we're going to be going into Trial with way higher item levels than we should be doing. Even back in 2009, Trial was seen as a much easier source of gear than hard mode Ulduar. So maybe we're just going to be steamrolling.

It's saying that Algalon 25 is still under 2000 progression kills worldwide after many resets of Ulduar, maybe an easier tier to cool down will bring more people back to the game and gear them up for the final challenge in Icecrown Citadel.


2. Koralon the Flame Watch

Not to forget the new boss, a fire giant boss, Koralon the Flame Watcher may be found in the western section of the Vault of Archavon. You can only talk to him if your faction has Wintergrasp under its control. Like Archavon and Emalon, he will vanish from the world 10 minutes before each battle for Wintergrasp begins. If he is in the midst of a fight, he will not despawn.


Koralon the Flame Watch Loots

Koralon the Flame Watch Koralon drops tier 9 Gear and new PVP gear.  It’s very cool and worth doing.


3. Onyxia

Speaking about raiding, there should be one more raid boss making a return and that is the Onyxia’s Lair Raid. So originally this was the 5-year World of Warcraft anniversary event, and it's just a buffed upon with the same mechanics and a similar tweak to the loot table making a return. 


Onyxia Loots

She drops the same item-level gear as Trial of the Crusader normal beard on 10 or 25. It can also drop the Drake when it is modeled after her appearance. That's a 310 sound speed mount too. 

Wotlk Classic Phase 3 Events

Back in the day, this event came out a few months after the major patch and Trial of the Crusader had dropped, so we might get it around the same time. It might be a later in any event. They're going to be able to pull some kind of anniversary-type thing this time around. Seeing as Classic launched in August and WOW originally in November, they said they wanted to last a bit longer but it'll not be that long.


Wotlk Classic Phase 3 Dungeons

We'll also get a new dungeon in Wotlk Classic Phase 3, Trial of the Champion as they're dropping tier 7 raiding gear. We should expect the Titan Rune dungeon format 2 in some way to be extended to Ulduar gear.


Wotlk Classic Phase 3 Items

Crusader Orb

New craftable items will come alongside the raid in Wrath of the Lich King phase 3 and it will be in a similar format to how Ulduar worked with its runed orbs. Instead, they are crusader orbs, very creative expect a small bump in price for various materials that go into these such as titan steel bars, cloth, and so on.

Argent Crusader Dailies & Vendors

For collection enjoyers, you'll be getting a bunch of new content too. The Argent Crusader dailies and vendors will become available. These are the ones in the Argent Pavilion on the western side of the Argent Tournament Grounds. You do need to earn the achievement Exalted Argent Champion of whatever your faction is to buy from the vendor though. This is about a month's worth of dailies and being exalted with all your faction capitals and the Argent Crusade. You can then buy various vanity items, heirlooms, and mounts including a paladin-only charger recolor and a toy that gives you access to one of the vendor bank or mail every four hours.


Silver Covenant & Sun Riva Dailies

These are from NPCs inside your faction tens. They sell a few different items including mounts, a pet, and a tabard at exalted. All these items are bought for champion seals, which will be eventually earned from dailies.


Ruthless Gladiators Set

A new PVP season 7 will be open with the Ruthless Gladiators set and we'll also be getting World of Warcraft's second 40-man Battleground Isle of Conquest. 

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