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WOW Dragonflight 10.0.7 PvP Tier List - Ranking Best DPS & Healers In Dragonflight 10.0.7

2/17/2023 6:15:47 PM

The people who work for World of Warcraft have been hard at work making changes for Patch 10.0.7. Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 could be released early in the spring of 2023, in March or April at the latest. Are you struggling to find the best classes to main after patch 10.0.7 in Dragonflight? Well, in this WoW Dragonflight PvP tier list 10.0.7, we talk about the best DPS and healers. 


Dragonflight 10.0.7 PVP Tier List & Ranking - Best PVP Classes & Specs To Main In WOW Dragonflight 10.0.7

In this Dragonflight 10.0.7 DPS and healer tier list, we’re not going to rate tanks because we are going to talk about PVP, mainly about Arenas. In RPGs, you don't really have a lot of choices, it is either a Vengeance Demon Hunter or a Guardian Druid. So if you want to main tanks in PvP for RPGs, just be Guardian Druid or Vengeance Demon Hunter.  We don't know the full changes for 10.0. 7, but we will also try to predict the changes that they will come for the next patch or in between. Because there will be sure hotfixes until 10.0.7 which is probably in one month's time. Now, let's check the Dragonflight WOW PVP tier list for 10.0.7.


S Tier

Mistweaver Monk (S Tier)

Mistweaver Monk is going to be S Tier, the best WOW Dragonflight spec to main coming into 10.0.7. They do really want it to be competitive. The cast reform of Mistweaving and the fistweaving side of things of Mistweaver. So you have two clear builds you can play, you're going to kick and punch people to actually heal your allies with blackout kicks and rising sun kicks and whatever you can actually cast like revive or restore. You have a lot of ways to play the game. If you're playing with classes, just stand back and heal. Overall, it’s an op spec and they don’t want to buff it yet so it's very safe to main if you want to main a healer. It’s also very active like a Disc Priest with a fistweaving build, you can really do a lot of damage and you participate in kills also most of the time.

Retribution Paladin (S Tier)

Retribution Paladin is absolutely S Tier to main. They have so many great things going on in the PTR. Everything single change is actually making us super excited to play. They have build variety now and you have actual choices to make on the talent tree.


Discipline Priest (S Tier)

Disc Priest is a spec that is untouched. For now, people are going to be super mad if they get nerfed because it's one of the specs that are actually fun to play. Discipline Priest is S Tier spec to main. They are very fun to play, they do a lot of damage, they do a lot of healing and they have damage reduction. Healers should try to have fist weaving and disc priests, shadow weaving damage, so they can actually have some muscular expression in killing people.

Destruction Warlock (S Tier)

Destruction Warlock is one of the WOW Dragonflight 10.0.7 best spec. You have instant costs doing a lot of damage, you have car seat abilities like incinerate and kills mode doing a lot of energy, and you can do a cheesy build with soul fire again at a longer cost, but do an insane amount of damage between crits. You can crit for 200k which is half of the HP of someone and remember you still have conflag and Shadow Burns to actually finish off targets. You can play multiple builds and not all builds are equal, but you can actually change those builds up. You can play an infernal build, you can play more of a chaos mode build, you can play more of a soul fire build, you can do conflags, you can shuttle burn, and you can go for mobs rebuild or haze build. There are multiple things that are actually very awesome for Destruction Warlock.

A Tier

Balance Druid (A Tier)

Balance Druids are an extremely good spec to main in World of Warcraft Dragonflight 10.0.7. Stellar flare, moon fire, and sun fire were so easy to dispel, not punishing at all. It was not super worthy to go for dot-based gameplay except if you were playing with an Affliction Warlock. Now they will change it, you are actually getting star burst whenever you dispel a stellar flare. This makes them actually super scary because if you're dispelling the wrong thing. If he puts three dots on you and then he roots you. He has the PVP dance to make the roots a bit more resistant to breaking out from damage, it will be super hard to do a dispel without getting created or without giving them free astral. It's a very good spec right now and very underestimated with the amount of CC, damage, cleave, and dots.


Preservation Evoker (A Tier)

Preservation Evoker is an A Tier PvP spec to main because they do want Preservation Evoker to be strong. Preservation Evoker is in between Disc Priest and Resto Druid where they can play aggressively. Although it's not super overwhelming, you do have tools to actually participate with kills. If you're playing versus Fire Druid and you're doing a fire breath in the PVP talent, you're going to dispel everything and that will set back the rest of the Resto Druid hard and you have ways to actually win games by yourself. Preservation Evoker is the best Dragoflight 10.0.7 spec to main when it comes to Evoker.


Beast Mastery Hunter (A Tier)

BM Hunter has to be the WoW Dragonflight best PvP Spec 10.0.7. They are dodging a lot of nerfs and a lot of them don't realize how strong it is. It's not because of the legendary bow it nerfed that and it didn't change anything. It's still the overwhelming strength of the pets and your barbed shot and kills command doing sometimes 100K per kill command. You can play an execute build where your kill command will do more damage whenever they are low HP. Or you can play more consistent damage to a build where you have two kill commands at all times. They are a fantastic spec to play, they are very strong, and they are dodging nerfs but you don't really have a lot of choices for talent builds. So we’re ranking it A tier spec.


Survival Hunter (A Tier)

Survival Hunter also lacks the build diversity that's why it's A Tier on this Dragonflight 10.0.7 PvP ranking. Survival Hunter has the particularity of being a melee ranged-ish character where you can be very melee. Then at one point, you're going to be kiting people, you're going to throw bombs, do mongoose bites from far, and do a lot of damage because of your four sets. It's fun and dynamic, you can jungle people with you with your harpoon, go in trapping people, and stunning people. Although it's not very popular in World of Warcraft, it is a worthy spec to main. 


Frost Mage (A Tier)

Frost Mage is a fantastic spec. They have multiple builds you can do for a glacial spike build, you can straight up go melee range and try to stun them with the AOE stun from a PVP tunnel. Throw ice lenses and with your frozen orb do an insane amount of damage and kill healers just with the one goal that they don't really want to drink it at the first. If they do drink it, you just pull him off the healer afterward and you're good. You can just kill the DPS now. There are ways to play Frost Mages, and because of that, they deserve the A Tier because they have a lot of variety.

Windwalker Monk (A Tier)

Windwalker is on the edge of getting buffs because they do want consistent damage should be very high. They still nerf the burst damage from Windwalker but having a lot of custom damage will make you super lethal at all times. Windwalker Monk is a spec that you can have a lot of fun mastering, but build variety you don't really have that's why it's A Tier. If it had build variety, it might be S Tier. Pretty much have only one playstyle but you can make it work and you can have a lot of fun with it.

Restoration Shaman (A Tier)

Restoration Shaman is A Tier spec to main, healer-wise. You have ways to do damage, you have healing which is instant, but also cast. You have totems that are actually also can heal. They are buffing healing tight to a point where you will have healing tight more often and for better amounts of healing. In general, it is a fantastic pick to play. If they're going to succeed in that, Resto Shaman is going to be an extremely good healer. If the stats are not correct and the healing throughput is bad, it is going to be a D Tier spec.


Arms Warrior (A Tier)

In patch 10.0.7, Arms Warrior is not going to get many changes. That’s why we are putting Arms in the A Tier on this Dragonflight tier list 10.0.7. Arms Warrior is just a spec that is coherent. It has multiple builds variety, that's why it's A Tier instead of B Tier. It has ways to actually deal with all of the classes. They have damage they have a disruption they can be very tanky at times versus specific specs, but they can also be very squishy. Design over Arms Warrior is super good because again every spec spell you're going to press is very meaningful and overpowered, but also improves your strike and does a lot of damage.

B Tier

Frost Death Knight (B Tier)

Frosty DK got a few changes where their talent trees do make a bit more sense and they did give three talents baseline remorseless winter, obliterate like killing machine giving you frost damage instead of physical damage on obliterates and frost side, you have also might of the frozen waste so the two-hander is passive. That is the baseline that gives you more points to spend if you want to play a two-hander or dual build. You still have more points to spend especially if you are a two-hand Frost DK. Frosty DK they are in a spot where they are very close to getting buffs for PVP. Because in PvP, they are not in a great spot. Now the problem with Frosty DK is they are pretty much a stats machine. Once they get buffed, it can be super obnoxious. Frosty DK is a good spec to main coming into patch 10.0.7 because they are in line with Retribution, Enhancement Shaman, and such to get a rework.


Unholy Death Knight (B Tier)

Unholy DKs do get a few talent positions changed. Talents will make more sense and they are on the verge of getting also a rework at 10.0.7. Because they are not happy with the current state of Unholy DK and Frost DK. They get a bug fix for the commander of the dead, so you can actually have a lot of value whenever you're pressing your dark transformation. Overall we’re going to put it also in B Tier which is a good tier. Unholy DK is not the best class to main for now. They were S Tier in the majority of the season and now it got nerfed multiple times.


Havoc Demon Hunter (B Tier)

The talent changes and position changes make Havoc Demon Hunter very hard to get defensive now, at least you will have to give up a few things. In the 10.0.7 patch, it does make you take a different path to get neitherwalk. They will still do that because netherwalk is so much stronger. It becomes vital to actually survive the second goal. Whenever you're surviving the second goal, they are not going to survive the second goal.  Havoc Demon Hunter is a good spec to main as well.


Feral Druid (B Tier)

For now no real changes for Feral Druid. If you want a main throw the root, you are probably maining right now. It's a very specific spec, you don't really have a lot of comps to play in 3v3. In 2v2, you might be very strong but 2v2 is a bit of a dead bracket right now. It's a good spec to main but Balance Druid is a bit better, at least from the perspective of having self therapy being 80 spell protection dot.


Restoration Druid (B Tier)

They changed a few things to make it a bit more aggressive but it did lose a lot of paths to go for passive healing and better healing overall. Restoration Druid got still nerfed on that and they could still get changed. Right now it is a good spec to main because it's still one of the best healers, but they need some kind of push. So you can actually participate with damage and be rewarded with some kills like a Disc Priest could do on some DPS.

Marksmanship Hunter (B Tier)

MM Hunter is a good spec to main because they will get changed. It's very limited, especially on the build side of things, there is easily stopped, you don't have a lot of tools and it's a BM Hunter but riskier. You have the one-shot potential. But once you are in a certain MMR range, they are not going to let you one-shot people. It’s B Tier because they are on the verge of getting a ton of rework.


Arcane Mage (B Tier)

Arcane talents are quite a garbage. To a port where you only have one certain playstyle and your shoehorn into doing one big burst rotation and then maybe look for an execute. It plays like a fire mage really. It's a B Tier spec to main. Although Arcane is very strong, in the perspective of the future, it is most likely going to get nerfed.


Fire Mage (B Tier)

Fire Mage is also B Tier and we don’t think it gets changed. They are on the version of getting again buffs. They are very terrible in PVE so they are still going to be targeted with Buffs in PVE and probably also in PvP. They have certain playstyles where they could just be a machine gun doing your power blast, but you do get countered by a few classes.


Holy Paladin (B Tier)

Holy Paladin is also very interesting to main, we’re going to put it in B Tier. But be on the lookout, they are very close to getting a big rework. The more reworks we have, the better. Because there are a few specs that are not really coherent and they did change a lot in 10.0.5 that actually ruins a bit of spec. But people are finding ways to actually play it and they are actually adapting, so you have ways to have influence in the game.


Shadow Priest (B Tier)

Shadow Priest is still going to be a B Tier spec, it's good to main. But Shadow Priest is S Tier for the majority of the season, they got nerfed a few times. You have ways to actually win games because of CC but that has been something that is age-old, it always has been like this. It is still a very good class to main, we don't think they will get a lot of Buffs and they might eat a nerf or two on the CC.

Outlaw Rogue (B Tier)

We’re going to put Outlaw Rogue in B Tier for this Dragonflight 10.0.7 PVP tier list. Because there is a possibility where they're going to get buffed in PvP at least. In PVE, Outlaw Rogues are doing extremely well.

Subtly Rogue (B Tier)

Subtly Rogue is going to be B Tier as well for the same reason. They are very good in PVE and they might be nerfed again because of PVE. PVP-wise, you have ways to have fun with the Subtly Rogue.


Elemental Shaman (B Tier)

Elemental Shaman is probably going to get destroyed next patch. Because people are complaining way too hard about them. They're either going to give a flat nerf to earth shock or they're going to give a flat nerf to storm keepers or they're going to give a flat nerf to lava burst. Therefore, Elemental Shamans will not be as competitive as before but they have still ways where they can be very disruptive though. They have comes to actually be very disruptive but they will just nerf the fact that it is very strong right now. If they get nerfed, they're not going to get destroyed like an Assassination Rogue. The outcry for Assassination Rogue is way too big. This is probably the safest to main out of all the Shaman specs.

Demonology Warlock (B Tier)

It's a good spec to main because they do buff tyrants. Now they just need to do bug fixes for a tyrant. But if they actually manage to make it smarter, it could be a very interesting spec to play for people that do summons or pets.

C Tier

Devastation Evoker (C Tier)

Devastation Evoker is still a C Tier spec to main. It is strong in its own regards, it still can one shot, it still can do a lot of damage and they have tools that some classes don't. But Devastation Evoker is not really great, even though one-shotting is fun, but you can do that with any other class.

Brewmaster Monk (C Tier)

Brewmaster is the only tank we’re going to put in this WoW Dragonflight 10.0.7 tier list. This is a good spec. In Arenas, you can make it work, but you have to have a specific team in 3v3. It's a tanky Windwalker basically. If you want to have fun, Brewmaster is the tank that is the most likely to have success in Arenas, Solo Shuffle, or 3v3. If you want to play a tank, just play this.


Holy Priest (C Tier)

Holy Priests need a lot of love to actually become better. The transition from Shadowlands to Dragonflight has been one of the worst things for that healer because it did lose the possibility to kill people and do healing with their damage. Holy Priest is not as strong.

Assassination Rogue (C Tier)

Assassination Rogue is most likely going to get destroyed next patch. So the next patch where you will see Assassination Rogues the on the hotfix or a patch note is going to get destroyed. So we’re going to put it in C Tier. It is very strong, again this is not a power level spec, but they're going to get destroyed on the damage proportions or the utility proportions or the debuff proportions with mind-numbing and the four poisons. They will do to destroy the build because it has been a whole season of Assassination Rogue being on top, 10.0.7 will kill Assassination Rogues to have the next meta. If it doesn't get changed, it is the A Tier and S Tier to main.

Affliction Warlock (C Tier)

They have a lot of changes on PTR, but they have to rework it.


Fury Warrior (C Tier)

Fury is going to be a C Tier spec to main. 

D Tier

Enhancement Shaman (D Tier)

Enhancement Shaman is now a D Tier spec to main. It is too annoying to maneuver as a class and on spec that they need to rework it from the ground up. They have to raise everything from Enhancement and just build block per block again to make it sense.

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