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Dragonflight Easiest DPS, Healer, Tank Specs (PvE/PvP) | WoW Dragonflight Class Difficulty Tier List

2/6/2023 8:15:52 PM

Check out our WoW Dragonflight Class Difficulty Tier List, to get to know the easiest class (melee & range DPS, Healer, Tank) to play in  Specs from easiest to the hardest. 

WoW Dragonflight Easiest Classes - Ranking DPS, Healer, Tank Class from Easiest to Hardest 

We want to make this WoW Dragonflight Class Difficulty Tier List for new people jumping into the game, so they have a good idea of where to start and what class to pick up to dip their feet into the content, or if you want something more difficult then you know where to start. 

Related Read:

Dragonflight 10.0.7 DPS Tier List (Ranged & Melee DPS Spec Ranking)

Dragonflight 10.0.7 Tier List (Healer, DPS, Tank Ranking for PvE/PvP)

Dragonflight Easiest DPS Classes & Specs To Play

Here we rank all DPS specs from easiest to hardest to play in WoW Dragonflight for both PvE and PvP:

1 - Beast Mastery Hunter (Easiest)

BM is probably still the easiest spec to play in the game, and one of the best specs for new players to play if you want to just learn and can move all casting. The rotation for Beast Mastery Hunters has always been rather straightforward simple and easy, and this is still true in Dragonflight. Additionally, you must move throughout your full rotation. Because other ranged casters must learn when they may stand still and cast, this contributes significantly to the spec's ease. These two elements contribute to the spec's accessibility. In many ways, it is the ideal beginner's specification.

2 - Frost Mage (Easiest)

It's one of the easiest Casters in the game and it's a great specialization for new players not difficult to usually get the rotation down. Frost Mage is the best Mage specs for leveling up and getting gear, it offers lots of mobility and mob management abilities, has some great abilities that help with solo content, and the rotation is decently easy to pick up.

3 - Devastation Evoker (Easiest)

This new spec added in Dragonflight is pretty easy to play, with a ton of mobility you get good utility, your casts aren't super difficult and you don't have a ton of key binds. So it is really easy to pick up and very beginner friendly. Even if you practice rotation for 15 minutes maybe 20 minutes, almost any player even if you're new, will have it down pretty well.

4 - Fury Warrior (Easiest)

With the push of a single button and with a few talent modifications, Fury Warrior can switch between single- and multitarget rotations with ease. The emphasis on time and pace of play rather than memorizing a 16-step opening rotation makes the program perfect for players who want something simple to learn but challenging to master.

5 - Havoc Demon Hunter (Easiest)

Havoc is also one of the easiest classes to play in Dragonflight, BUT they have gotten more difficult just because they have some more as Soul Rend builds into it, so it is a little bit more deliberate when you're trying to spin your Fury. Anyway, it's not hard and they also a ton of ability, it's definitely easier side not very not too difficult to pick up great specialization for beginners getting in the class into the game.

6 - Retribution Paladin (Easiest)

The play style of the melee DPS specialization Retribution is rather simple to learn. The trade-off for Retribution's superior single-target and AoE burst DPS is that it has inferior DPS outside of cooldowns. If you enjoy playing a melee DPS with decent healing choices and aren't concerned about choosing a class that is best for challenging content, you should play a Retribution Paladin. With a "glass cannon" playstyle with tremendous burst damage despite weak defensive qualities, retribution is another well-liked PvP niche.

7 - Destruction Warlock (Easiest)

They are one of the easier casters to play in the game, it is not hard to perform MOA to do well with to get your rotation done. 

8 - Outlaw Rogue (Easy)

With its high M+ performance, distinctive theme, and graphics, Outlaw Rogue has gained popularity over time. When it comes to enhancing your game, Spec is easy to use yet has a ton of complexity.

9 - Frost Death Knight  (Easy)

Frost Death Knights are a melee DPS specialization that has a simple and friendly play style and offers powerful single-target and AoE damage. Frost DK with huge AOE damage and great survivability, is the easiest specialization to level. Its mechanics are simple and don’t take long to learn.

10 - Feral Druid (Easy)

It's an easy spec that we recommend to new players with a ton of Mobility. There is a high skill cap for Pharaoh though to maximize those inside damage Windows, it can be a little bit difficult, and if you're managing your bleeds all the time that's more difficult. But overall we think the specialization as a whole isn't too difficult, so you can play it well without taking too much practice.

11 - Enhancement Shaman (Easy)

Enhancement Shaman is in a similar position, but we think it's easier than Elemental Shaman. You will don't have much effort to do well with this spec, you know you could just import a build and then just practice with a little bit. It's not too hard, tons of enhancement Shaman guides out there too on YouTube to help you out. 

12 - Survival Hunter (Easy)

In a single, simple-to-play build, the survival melee spec offers excellent uncapped AoE and reliable single-target damage. You have a vast toolset at your disposal as a Survival Hunter to traverse the battlefield. You can stay slippery and mobile with the help of skills like Trailblazer, Posthaste, Pathfinding, and Aspect of the Cheetah, which give you enough move speed to reach where you need to go quickly.

13 - Marksmanship Hunter (Easy)

It's still pretty easy and great to pick up new specializations again. It has a lot of move while casting stuff and staying at range, so it's easier for a lot of new players to do Mythic plus and run raids, great for pushing content.

14 - Windwalker Monk (Easy)

Windwalker Monks are a melee DPS specialization that is effective in all circumstances. They offer powerful priority and AoE damage in addition to having fluid and manageable rotations. However, the double resources and abilities with cooldowns can be a bit difficult for new players to manage. 

15 - Demonology Warlock (Easy)

Demonology is a rather straightforward builder/spender class in which you create resources and use them to call forth demons. Every demon is a damage of time effect (DoT), but instead of having an effect on a victim, it has an effect on the ground.

16 - Arms Warrior (Difficult)

The many new skills that Arms Warriors have are quite intriguing to consider using, and the spec has a lot less downtime, which many players would find to be positive. Despite this, it sometimes struggles to understand what to do at any given moment, much of which will be determined by the level of tuning. This variety of possibilities can be a fantastic chance for players who aren't very competitive to experiment with a wide range of different playstyles and rotations, but those who solely care about performance might discover that the rotation or content pieces they're led to is less fulfilling than another.

17 - Elemental Shaman (Difficult)

There are so many things with shama specifically and the builds are fantastic, but there's a super high skill cap for people that are good at Ellie Shaman and people who aren't, there are a lot of things when you're spinning your Maelstrom, and spinning it wisely in a lot of conditions based off of when you can do more damage.

18 - Affliction Warlock (Difficult)

Warlock is an easy class when it comes to survivability, while it is hard when it come to the rotational complexity. Currently, the single-target variant of the spec only needs about 12–14 key binds, but the way that it is played may be difficult for some.  One of the specifications practically comes naturally after you become used to Affliction's playstyle. The specification can be pretty intimidating for those seeking to pick it up for the first time, but with practice, it almost reaches the point where constant DoT refreshing is subconscious.

19 - Balance Druid (Difficult)

It is tier on the sort of difficult side for a lot of players managing their astral power, spinning inside burst windows, spinning it well building, your astral power to do that cast your spells. 

20 - Unholy Death Knight (Difficult)

Unholy is sort of difficult to play as it forces you to follow a lot of mechanics and is very dependent on long CD utilities. However, if you enjoy gathering big mobs of people while also surviving, the BDK will be to your liking.

21 - Assassination Rogue (Difficult)

Don't be deceived by the game's apparent simplicity. Although Assassination's gameplay is quite fluid and does require some forethought for renewing your major bleeds in the form of Garrote and Rupture. Assassination can quickly develop into a very complex and challenging speciality that calls for an understanding of the scenario and your class in order to choose the best tool for the task.

22 - Fire Mage (Hardest)

You execute inside your combust windows, it's one on the more difficult side super high skill cap, you can see a huge difference in just the DPS meters of someone that knows how to play fire Mage and something that doesn't.

23 - Arcane Mage (Hardest)

To execute inside your burst windows really well is is can be difficult, especially for new players, and there's such a high skill cap between good Arcane Mages and Bad Arcane Mages.

24 - Shadow Priest (Hardest)

A more contemporary builder-spender class with a focus on damage-over-time (DoT) effects, the Shadow Priest, has developed. With a lot of managing your dots, we think its complicated rotation is hard to new players to learn, so the spec can be quite daunting for those looking to pick it up for the first time.

25 - Subtlety Rogue (Hardest)

Sub is the hardest specialization to play with super high skill cap, same with these other hardest specs. Especially in casual PvP, Sub is probably the hardest to master and is very reliant on the team play for setup and execution.

Dragonflight Easiest Healer Classes To Play

Here we rank all healing specs from easiest to hardest to play in WoW Dragonflight for both PvE and PvP:

1 - Mistweaver Monk (Easiest)

Mistweaver is a near wholly unique healer, preferring to place itself safely in melee of the boss, using its damaging melee abilities during periods of low or maintenance healing to activate several of its talents for much cheaper mana costs than it would otherwise. Because of how immediate our spells deliver their healing, there is very little actual prep work that we need to do, making Mistweaver very forgiving as players start playing the specialization. There are a few spells to cast consistently, but outside of them, the playstyle of the specialization is very fluid in moment-to-moment gameplay.

2 - Holy Priest (Easiest)

Holy Priest is probably the best for beginners, really straightforward and really fun to play (non-biased answer, definitely not a priest player). There are quite a few things that are changing for Holy priests in Shadowland to Dragonflight and a lot of them are quite positive flash concentration is no longer going to be available. There's going to be a miniature version of that in terms of the light wheel which is a lot more fun and easier to optimize because you can just cast a flash shield and heal when people need some sort of healing. 

2 - Resto shaman (Easy)

Resto shaman is likely one of the harder healing specs because its normal healing spells just won't be enough to heal a group. To meet healing requirements on resto shaman you need to rotate a plethora of CDs and failing to do so leaves you much weaker than other healers. Knowledge burden per dungeon, per pull, and such, is thus higher on resto shaman.

4 - Preservation Evoker (Easy)

Preservation Eorker fits between ranged and melee play style, the fact that it is placed between range dealers and there are going to be melee healers is somewhat appropriate. We think at the end of the day a lot of people are still learning Preservation Eorker and might find it difficult.

5 - Restoration Druid (Hard)

6 - Mistweaver Monk (Hard)

7 - Holy Paladin (Hardest)

Dragonflight Easiest Tank Classes To Play

Here we rank all tank specs from easiest to hardest to play in WoW Dragonflight for both PvE and PvP:

  • 1 - Brewmaster Monk (Easiest)

  • 2 - Blood Death Knight (Easiest)

  • 3 - Vengeance Demon Hunter (Easy)

  • 4 - Guardian Druid (Easy)

  • 5 - Protection Warrior (Hard)

  • 6 - Protection Paladin (Hardest)

Now you have our Dragonflight Easiest Class Tier List for DPS, Tank, Healer, hopefully that will help you pick up the right specs for yourself!

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