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Dragonflight 10.0.5 Healer Tier List for M+ | Best Healer Specs for M+ in WoW Dragonflight for Patch 10.0.5

1/28/2023 11:22:11 AM

It's been a month since our last dragonflight healer tier list in m+ and things have definitely changed with some specs losing their spots while others climbing back. We believe it's safe to say that the dragonflight healer meta is pretty much set in stone but with the 10.0.5 changes to resto shaman and resto druid we might see more shake-ups in a month from now. Data from warcraftlogs doesn't always paint the accurate picture so we try to be as objective as possible.

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Healer Tier List for M+ in WoW Dragonflight for Patch 10.0.5

A lot of things have changed especially with 10.0.5 bringing some Buffs and some changes, it definitely had to happen after the buff started, so even though we have some logs with the new Buffs and everything, the meta is still yet to settle in, it might still be a little bit different for our tier list, but we will go into our reasoning and why things are the way they are.

S Tier

Resto Druid

At the end of the day, the playstyle enables you to either go into a cat form or door you cast some sunfires or whatever, it's the number one Healer right now, it's all about the healers that have been logging for the last couple of days, it's very early on and as we mentioned things might change and we definitely can see some even hierarchies being pushed by disciplined mistweaver and for sure, it's a little early to see, it depends on exactly how you're looking at things, because we know that even though we take data from like sub creation and Warcraftlogs and radar and all of that, everybody has a different way of looking at healers and we're trying to look at a more balanced approach and overall Performance Based where we look at people also doing high keys with good groups.

Preservation Evoker

Preservation Evoker who we think had some buff but more into the raid side like some things you use, there's been definitely some improvements although it does have some bugs, so the logs are a little bit weird right now, so preservation has a really well fleshed out, dungeon healing kit preservation is a killer, similarly to Holy pal them where it kind of relies on cooldowns, but the cooldowns are a lot shorter and a lot more numerous, so you basically have something for almost all situations as opposed to Holy Paladin, it does kind of struggle with tank healing or if it's like consistent for a prolonged time like big tyrannical bosses tank keeps getting slapped and slapped and slapped and slapped, that's where preservation kind of suffers, but we suppose with the matter of prop where you're not really taking a lot of damage, that's why you can kind of offset that weakness, but the damage is great, it still has like great mobility, it's still very squishy, it can be really potential.

A Tier

Holy Paladin

Holy Paladin is weird man, because prior to the introduction of the new class, it has been consistently one of the top two or worst scenario three healers in the game, and now it's kind of there but has taken a step down which is really weird, because holy paladin has probably the best healer toolkit in terms of like damage prevention, it's still kind of reliant on its cooldowns and it you still have to be melee to Crusaders striking that to some people that is fun, but it can be punishing in some weeks.

Holy Priest

Holy Priest still has a tons of a ton of buttons, but it's very simple once you get the the grass paper, this is like the go-to Healer if you don't want to like bash your brain too much, it's very reactive, and it performs absolutely decent, you can kind of compare it with Holy Paladin where it's doing like the other stuff, so Holy Paladin, holy priest doesn't have that manage damage reduction but you do have a lot of reaction where it just a fat juicy, it might start to to struggle in hierarchies as well since you just fill HP bars, that's pretty much everything that you do which is nice, it's satisfying that's for sure, but the lack of party assistant kits is kind of shown outside of poor infusion.

Resto Shaman

Restoration Shaman who has received Buffs,  if you look at the logs right now, and see some logs that have been done, but and notice that things are spiking well, obviously, damage is always a contentious part, when it comes to healers, so this is a good opportunity to point out that in terms of clearing the highest Keys possible damage is or much we don't like it a necessary factor of a healer's kit, because it definitely helps killing stuff quicker, since stuff has just way more HP, it contributes to this whole philosophy of M plus where it is like timed content, so you have to do the best you can in a very timely manner, and that being said healers are expected to contribute with damage.

B Tier

Discipline Priest

They got buffed and basically the play style now is much improved, we think on the stream, when you read about the changes, you saw the 100 increase the power of Radiance which that's so visible now in logs, so now, it distributes the tournaments a little bit differently and its overall rotation has been improved where you don't spam like you did in press expansion and after the radiance Buffs, if you look at that or the healing breakdown rather, it's Radiance, it does a lot a lot of healing, we have to make this argument especially in high keys, we're talking about DPS, remember guys discipline please it used to be the DPS healer, you kind of have to do DPS no matter what you do this is like engraved to the systems of discipline, but it's not compared to other healers is not as potent if you would be forced to DPS do, we want distance to have the most money because then everybody would probably just play the discipline.

Mistweaver Monk

Another spec that has received some Buffs in 10.0.5 is the Mistweaver Monk, and we would say that similarly to discipline the rotation and play style has been improved like all across the board, and this is like comparing it to like past expansions and stuff you are now a lot more free to go with either, the fist weaving stuff and all of that being right in their face or just sitting from from afar and doing killing that way, it's fine, they both work, it's not a problem, obviously, there's always going to be a more competitive route to go for,  you might still find yourself in melee, that's so good, so many charges that there are and so many dungeons, that's really good, it's kind of weird, because obviously Windwalker is the best monk spec out there in the game so far, and it kind of brings like the monk things.


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