With patch 10.0.5, World of Warcraft Dragonflight players will discover the Trading Post. This gives you access to transmogs, mounts, pets, and cosmetic items every month using Trader's Tender, a new currency created for the occasion. Find all the information on how it works below.
Trading Post is a brand new system coming to the game in patch 10.0.5 of Dragonflight, in this system you can obtain Cosmetics such as mounts, transmogs, and all sorts of items just by simply playing the game and doing various different activities.
The concept is simple to understand: you talk to a merchant (located in Orgrimmar for the Horde and in Stormwind for the Alliance) and he displays the list of items you can buy at the moment. Each month you'll find new items such as transmogs, mounts, and pets, available in exchange for different amounts of a new currency, Trader's Tender. Some are new, some are not.
Trading Post Release Date
The Trading Post arrived with Dragonflight Patch 10.0.5 will be released into the game on February 1st, 2023. Then it will exist in Dragonflight forever to bring you special rewards every month!
Trading Post Locations (NPC)
There are going to be two locations for the Trading Post in-game:
Tawny and Wilder in Stormwind over by The Stockade
Zen'shiri in Orgrimmar by the Valley of Strength
If you've noticed these two locations before this is where the Mysterious Stables were located and have been located for a very long time, so finally these are the reason for these Stables to exist.
New Trading Post Currency - Trader's Tender
If you want to acquire these different items, you will need a special currency. There's a brand new currency involved called the Trader's Tender that can be used to buy items from Trading Post.
The number of last accessible is not infinite, far from it. It will therefore be impossible to buy all the items. On the other hand, if an item appeals to you but you cannot afford it, you can "freeze" it in the Counter interface. This keeps it from expiring to give you time to get enough Trader's Tender to buy it.
How To Get Trader's Tender?
You will automatically receive 500 when you first log in each month by going to the Gathering Cache in your Trading Post.
You will also have the option of obtaining more through the Travel Journal (a new section of the Adventurer's Guide). This one offers you 500 extra Trader's Tenders when completing a series of activities that change every month. Choose which ones you complete, and collect your due from the Gathering Cache. You will also receive an additional reward.
The Traveler's Log
Each completed activity advances a progress bar on the Traveler's Log. You're going to have different mounts and cosmetics and things to get every single month, once you raise this bar to 100% but also along the way you're going to get Travelers Tender, so you're going to get 500 of that in total with 100 at each of the different milestones and that is just per month. So with the cache and the Adventure Guide, you can gain 1 000 Traders Center per month and that's literally your entire month. You could do it on like one or two characters or whatever it's going to be account wide.
Trading Post Items & Rewards
You will find below what the Trading Post offers you for the current month:
Items To Buy With Trader's Tender
Celestial steed: 900 Tender
Firelord's Fury: 750 Tender
Garrlok: 750 Tender
Ensemble: Intrepid Corsair's Garments: 650 Tender
Shattered Void Arrow: 500 Tender
Silver bandolier: 250 Tender
Infiltration bandolier: 250 Tender
Shard of Frozen Secrets: 200 Tender
Azure Skysharp Longbow: 200 Tender
Pink bodice: 100 Tender
Set: Roaming Rose Ornaments: 100 Tender
Squire's Warhammer: 100 Tender
Set: Travel Rose Ornaments: 100 Tender
Fetid Bouquet: 100 Tender
Iridescent War Cloak: 75 Tender
Rewards Unlocked From Traveler's Log
Ash'adar, Harbinger of Dawn
Trading Post Quests - Travel Journal: February Activities
Several objectives are available each month. These offer up to 500 Trader's Tender and an additional reward. This time it's the mount Ash'adar, Herald of the Dawn.
Pet Battles
Win 15 pet battles
Defeat Master Tamers in the Dragon Isles with Draconian-type pets.
Use Ragoutoutou
Dungeons and Raids
Defeat 25 raid bosses.
Complete 10 dungeons
Complete 5 Mythic+ dungeons
Complete 15 Mythic+ dungeons
Kill 10 Dragonflight raid bosses
Love in the Air: Kill Apothecary Hummel
Complete 5 dungeons in an interfaction group
Show Fallen Dragons some /love
Complete the Siege of Dragonsbane Keep
Complete the optional Awakening Shores questlines
Defeat Master Tamers in the Dragon Isles with Draconian-type pets.
Kill 10 Dragonflight raid bosses
Love in the Air: Participate in a Romantic Picnic in the Plains of Ohn'ahra
Love in the Air: Use the hearthstone of Hawkheart in the Dragon Islands
Gain reputation on the Dragon Islands
Participate in group Dragon races.
Complete Great Hunts with the Maruuks
Complete a PvP Expedition on the Dragon Islands
Open a Chest of War Supplies on the Dragon Isles
Fish for items in the Dragon Islands
Complete weekly harvest quests
Defeat special creatures during primalist storms
Defeat a non-instance boss in the Dragon Isles
catch a fish with someone else
Harpoon a Malabar with 5 friends.
Show /love dragon Aspects
Take part in the Roharts tribal feast
Use mutual aid while climbing
Parties and Events
Love in the air: gift a lovely charm bracelet
Love in the Air: Participate in a Romantic Picnic in the Plains of Ohn'ahra
Love in the Air: Kill Apothecary Hummel
Love in the Air: Use the hearthstone of Hawkheart in the Dragon Islands
Love in the Air: Complete Candy Bombardment
Birth of Hippogriffs: Make a newborn perch on you.
Birth of the Hippogriffs: Obtain and Use a Spectral Feather
Darkmoon Faire: Offer a Large Berry Pie
Obtain 7,500 honor points
Win 10 Arena matches
Win 5 Battlegrounds
Complete a PvP Expedition on the Dragon Islands
Open a Chest of War Supplies on the Dragon Isles
Fulfill public crafting orders
Fulfill crafting orders
Fish for items in the Dragon Islands
Complete weekly harvest quests
catch a fish with someone else
Harpoon a Malabar with 5 friends
Complete the optional Awakening Shores questlines
Complete 30 quests
Complete 15 expeditions
Love in the air: gift a lovely charm bracelet
Love in the Air: Complete Candy Bombardment
Complete a PvP Expedition on the Dragon Islands
Use mutual aid while climbing
Love in the Air: Participate in a Romantic Picnic in the Plains of Ohn'ahra
Birth of Hippogriffs: Make a newborn perch on you.
Birth of the Hippogriffs: Obtain and Use a Spectral Feather
Auction 20 items
Hug a dead player
Drink Zentil's Slow Poison
Darkmoon Faire: Offer a Large Berry Pie
Eat a slice of chocolate cake, a slice of delicious cake and a slice of berry pie
Show /love at the counter
Show /love dragon Aspects
Show Fallen Dragons some /love
Resurrect player characters
Depending on the activities, these can cause the progress bar to advance more or less quickly. Blizzard does not intend to limit activities to Dragonflight, but it is obvious that the extension will play an important role when the Comtoir is launched. What sounds interesting is that Blizzard probably feels like it's continuing the adventure beyond Dragonflight. The Trading Post will no doubt be a permanent feature of World of Warcraft and the Travel Journal already includes elements that are not related to the Dragon Islands.
Either way, it's a pretty cool feature. For real collectors, it will probably be a gold mine and some choices will probably be Cornelian, unless you get everything with their alts of course. For others, it will be one more curiosity. For my part, I think I'll stop by at the beginning of the month to see the accessible objects, in case a transmo or a mount catches my eye. And I'm sure we'll find elements of the WoW TCG there.
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